组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 哲理感悟
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:60 题号:18143564

Cleaning up the table, I caught sight of small round plastic pieces. I discovered they were the tops or covers of color markers I had kept on the table. The only difference was that someone got those covers and chewed them into shapelessness. On another part of the table, I saw the color markers dried up without covers. I was almost sure I knew who had done it and I could not understand the motivation behind his actions.

As I considered my discovery, my frustration and disappointment gradually went away when I remembered that as a child, I did several weird things that must have bothered my mother. I cut our shoes, I chewed pens and pencils, and I wrote and drew pictures on walls and destroyed many items at home. The mind of a child is curious and explorative, seeking to understand and test the limits of many things. Of course, it can be costly, but what is growing up if no mistakes are made?

We call it paying the school fees of life. If a child plays with a hot iron and it burns them, it is a given that they will not go near the iron again. Sometimes I watch the children in my neighborhood playing dangerous games. Occasionally, I have got myself involved and spoken up, but sometimes I let it pass. Until someone has fallen off their bike, they may not want to be told to stop riding with reckless abandon. Until a child has fallen down, they will not listen when asked to get down from the tree. However, wisdom shows that if the behavior is deadly, you should get involved in time.

Creativity is a valuable quality. And this is why we should encourage children to remain innovative rather than be simple recipients of everything they have known and seen. Allow children to make mistakes, but this must be followed with supervision (监督), monitoring, and correction.

1. What happened to the author’s color markers?
A.They were stolen.
B.They were destroyed.
C.They were thrown away.
D.They were cleaned by mistake.
2. How did the author most probably react when she thought of her childhood?
A.She was disappointed in herself.
B.She got very regretful.
C.She lost her mind.
D.She calmed down.
3. What does the author mainly want to show in Paragraph 3?
A.Mistakes are unavoidable for children.
B.Children can learn from their mistakes.
C.Children often put themselves in danger.
D.Some lessons of life are too painful to bear.
4. What does the passage mainly talk about?
A.Children need to grow up through mistakes.
B.How to help children grow up more quickly.
C.How to deal with children’s mistakes.
D.The significant impact of growing up.
【知识点】 哲理感悟 夹叙夹议


阅读理解-六选四(约290词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Is lying ever morally acceptable?     1     However, there seem to be several instances in which lying seems the most moral choice. Besides, if a broad definition of “lying” is adopted, it seems completely impossible to escape lies.

According to authors such as Kant, a society that accepts lies is a society in which trust is destroyed. And the sense of collectivity is also harmed. However, A less questionable sort of cases in which lying is accepted includes so-called “white lies.” In some circumstances, it seems better to tell a small lie than having someone worrying unnecessarily, or becoming sad.    2     People accept these cases in terms of their results.

Some favourable attitudes toward lying come from the consideration of more dramatic situations. Consider the situation in which someone is angered, out of control, and asks you where she can find a friend of yours so that she can kill that friend. You know where the friend is and lying will help the angry lady calm down. Should you tell the truth? Once you start thinking about it, there are plenty of circumstances where lying seems to be morally excusable.

But who is to say whether the situation is qualified to excuse you from lying? There are plenty of circumstances in which humans seem to convince themselves of being able to be excused from lying. But in the eyes of their peers, they actually are not.     3    

Today, many cases of lying may be seen as the outcome of self-cheating, perhaps a subconscious one. Besides, once we broaden our definition for what a lie may be, we come to see that lies are deeply-seated in our society. Clothing, makeup, plastic surgeries are all topics for discussion.

    4    And people unhesitatingly accept them, or even welcome them.

Therefore, before you criticize lying, think again.

A.Actions of this sort are usually forgiven by most people.
B.White lies for most cases cause unexpected negative results.
C.Many people are just cheating themselves believing their lies are morally acceptable.
D.There’s no denying that lying can be seen as a threat to civil society.
E.Such kind of lying in daily life shows all the people’s ignorance.
F.Actually, plenty of aspects of our culture are ways of “masking” how certain things appear.
2023-05-12更新 | 48次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约460词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】When it comes to the health problem, how can you, the workaholic (工作狂), refocus and get the best out of life? A few suggestions are listed as follows.

SLEEP FOR MORE THAN EIGHT HOURS! Make sure to get at least eight hours of sleep and plenty of rest. Don’t believe that you can always “catch some sleep or rest later.” Your body cannot make up for lost sleep or rest time because it is not physiologically possible.

SET STRICT FAMILY TIME! Resolve(决意) to make Saturdays and Sundays strictly for family time. And stick to this! Mondays until Fridays you make an excuse not to relax and spend time with your family because it’s work time, why not make a similar excuse for Saturdays and Sundays? “I can’t work today because I’m spending time with my family.”

GET SOME FOOD IN! Make sure you get food in your stomach. Workaholics are known to be food-skippers. If you can’t afford to get off your desk or from doing paperwork, have food delivered to you. It’s always a good idea if you have crackers (薄脆饼) on your drawer to ease the hunger pain.

CONFINE WORK! Resolve to confine work in your office. Don’t bring work to your home! Keep those files in your office desk where they belong. Practice working only within your working hours. If you have an eight-to-five working schedule, stick to it.

WORK UP THOSE MUSCLES! Exercise, exercise, exercise! Set aside at least an hour each day or every other day for exercise. Your body needs to be conditioned, and working non-stop isn’t going to give it the proper physical conditioning it needs. Since most workaholics tend to have their behinds stuck on their chairs, it’s even more important that you get some exercise.

MAKE A PLAN! Plan your day. Work on only one or two things at a time. It’s much easier to work on something and finish it first and then move on to the next rather than do a number of things all at the same time and never finish or accomplish anything at the end of the day. Make out a list of priorities (优先权). Write down things that need to be worked on immediately or are urgent, keeping the least ones at the bottom of your list. After you’ve done this, be guided by this list. Turning this activity into a habit will also help you manage your time better, be more organized, and accomplish more.

1. The passage is intended for ________.
A.those who are hardworking
B.those who keep themselves healthy and alive
C.those who consider work the center of their life
D.those who live a busy, successful and happy life
2. According to the passage, which of the following is not mentioned as a practical tip for a   workaholic?
A.Don’t be food-skippers.
B.Don’t have your behinds stuck on your chairs.
C.Make sure of time available for your family.
D.Make up for lost sleep whenever possible.
3. By making a plan, the author means ________.
A.organizing your time and finishing urgent things first
B.finishing a number of things at once
C.working on only one or two things each day
D.accomplishing as much work as possible at any given moment
4. The underlined word “confine” in paragraph 5 possibly means ________.
5. If there were one more tip, it could be ________.
2021-09-04更新 | 27次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】There are two days that set you on your path in life: the day you’re born, and the day you realize why you were born.

Growing up south of Chicago in Harvey, Illinois, most people just had their heads down trying to make it from point A to point B. I was the same way, just going with the flow. I played basketball in high school because I was good at it and because other people thought I should until I discovered my talent.

I give up basketball and started doing speeches. It wasn’t a popular decision but my grandfather told me to do what made me happy. I fell in love with comedy and performing. And when I discovered the passion, I realized why I was born.

I knew I had something to offer —I knew that not only am I powerful, but I can make a difference.

I realized a long time ago that my dream is not to be famous or rich. My talent is to entertain. But it’s more than that. I have the chance to reach people, to brighten days, to bring laughter and positive energy into lives and inspire. And I am grateful forit.

Acting putting myself out there and having doors closed on me time and time again has taught me a lot about myself. I have learned to trust what I have to offer the world over momentary doubt. I’ve learned to put my faith over my feelings. And I've grown a tough skin. More importantly, I have learned there is a long way towards our goals and that when we put our talents and passion to work, we determine our value.

Like a lot of places across the country, there’s poverty, crime, violence and unemployment in Harvey. And growing up there, a lot of people have tragically low expectations for life. But I know that with the right opportunity and with help along the way, everyone can find their passion and go after it. My life is proof.

1. What was the author born to do according to the text?
A.Be a basketball player.B.Act and perform.
C.Make speeches.D.Teach people.
2. What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 5 refer to?
3. What is the author’s purpose of writing this text?
A.To help others find their talents.B.To prove his decision was right.
C.To inspire people to follow their dreams.D.To encourage people to set a goal.
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.Success Lies in Hard Work.B.How to Achieve the Dream Is Important.
C.The Two Important Days in Life.D.The Day I Realized What I Was Born to Do.
2021-07-05更新 | 101次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般