组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 哲理感悟
题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.85 引用次数:79 题号:18186365

Food makes us believe that there is something worth fighting for. When we are hungry, food shows us how simple life can be so long as we have something nice to eat.     1    

1. Life is about taking risks. People always like to stick with things they are familiar with—doing the same thing all the time.     2     Step out of your comfort zone(舒适区).

2. Bad things happen so that we learn to appreciate (欣赏) good things.     3     Maybe it is okay to have “bad food” once in a while so that we will learn to appreciate good food. The same goes for life. If it wasn’t for the bad times, you wouldn’t be able to fully appreciate just how wonderful the good times are.

3. It is very important to manage expectations. You went to try a restaurant after reading about it, and it wasn’t as good as it was described. Was the food really bad? Or was the chef having a bad day?     4     Taste is subjective, so you really need to learn how to manage your expectations.

4. If there’s something you’ve always wanted to do, Do IT. There are some restaurants that you’ve always wanted to visit, but put off because you think that they will always be there.     5     But we forget there is only a limited number of tomorrows in this life. If you’ve always wanted to do something, do it now.

A.Don’t be too quick to judge.
B.Make sure you understand the full picture.
C.Food has a lot of things to teach us about life.
D.No, I think opinions on good differ from person to person.
E.Most people are not very adventurous when it comes to food.
F.In life, we wait too much and believe there is always a tomorrow.
G.We sometimes eat in a very bad restaurant that serves bad food.
【知识点】 哲理感悟


阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐1】I was reading a book while my son watched an old comedy show on TV. Suddenly, I heard someone yell: “Go to your happy place!” These words made me put my book down and ponder all the happy places I have had over the years.

When I was a little boy, my happy place was my mom’s lap while we shared a freshly made bowl of popcorn. When I was in primary school, my happy place was a tree in the woods where I could sit and watch the leaves turn golden and red in the fall. When I was a teenager, my happy place was my bedroom where I could lie on my bed and listen for hours to my favorite songs on the radio. As a young man, my happy place was an old rocking chair where I could hold my 18 newborn babies in my arms and gently rock them to sleep.

As I got older, though, I realized that the very best happy place of all was deep down within my own soul. It was there that I realized just how much I was loved. It was there that I saw I could love too. It was there that I learned my happiness was in my own hands and that I could create it, one loving choice at a time.

When you have your own soul as your happy place, then your happy place is wherever you decide to go. When your happy place lives in your heart, then you get to give it to everyone you meet. When your happy place is a very life you live, then you make the world around you a happier place as well. Create your own happy place then. Fill your heart with love. Fill your soul with kindness. Fill your days with joy. Take this glorious gift of life you have been given and live it, one loving choice at a time.

1. What does the underlined word “ponder” in Paragraph 1 mean?
A.Call at.B.Leave for.C.Think about.D.Search for.
2. Which of the following is NOT true about the author’s happy place?
A.It differed as he grew.
B.It was in his own hands.
C.It lay in the depth of his soul.
D.It was shaped by his surroundings.
3. According to the author, what influences one’s happy place most?
4. What is the author’s purpose in writing the passage?
A.To suggest ways to find happy places.
B.To share his own growing experience.
C.To stress the importance of happy places.
D.To illustrate his understanding of happy places.
2022-01-23更新 | 208次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐2】Forgiving doesn’t mean saying the pain doesn’t matter or what the other person said or did was OK. It doesn’t mean forgetting what happened. It means letting go of your need for an apology. It means making peace with past hurt and pain. It means choosing to move on. All of this is easy to say, hard to do. But forgiveness can happen in a series of small steps over time.

Take your feelings seriously. Forgiving doesn’t mean shrugging your shoulders and saying “Oh, well.” Cry, feel sad, throw things hard, or write angry passages in your diary to get rid of some of the stress. Talk with trusted friends or family to ask for advice to help find solutions to your problems. You have the right to feel hurt and angry. But suffering these feelings over time does you great harm.

Make a difference in your life. I’ve seen that many miss the opportunity for getting back a good relationship with someone else because they just wait for the apology that may never come. Others stay stuck in anger long after the other person has stopped to be a part of their lives. Make a decision to make a difference for yourself. That may be forgiving or being the first to reach out to the other so that you can move on with your own life.

Forgive yourself and engage in positive self-talk. Although you may mainly blame the other person, it’s important to forgive yourself with positive self-talk. Feel certain that you can learn from this and move on. Tell yourself that you will survive this pain and that life will get better because you can make a choice to let go.

Try understanding the other. This doesn’t reduce your pain but may make what happened more understandable. Understanding doesn’t forgive hurtful behavior, but understanding can help to get rid of your anger and to forgive.

Realize that forgiveness benefits you most of all. The other person may never know about your forgiveness. But forgiving and letting go can lighten the load on your body and on your spirit.

1. What does forgiving mean according to the text?
A.The pain the other person brought you isn’t very serious.
B.What the other person has said or done doesn’t hurt you.
C.You don’t care and have forgotten what happened to you.
D.You needn’t the other person to say sorry to you any more.
2. What is the attitude of the author to getting angry according to paragraph 2?
3. What should you do if you have a quarrel with your close friend according to paragraph 3?
A.Wait for your friend’s apology.
B.Take the initiative (主动性) to say hello to your friend.
C.Try your best to forget your problem.
D.Have positive self-talk.
4. What does the text mainly talk about?
A.How to forgive other people.
B.Forgiveness is helpful for us all.
C.Understanding can help forgive others.
D.Life gets better if you choose to forgive.
2022-04-21更新 | 139次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐3】This month I finally lived my dream: I visited behind the scenes at Disneyland, “the happiest place on Earth.” Watching thousands of smiling employees rushing, around the park, completely absorbed in their work, I suddenly understood the magic behind the park and why joy had escaped me for so long.

When I was younger, I tried to pursue happiness directly by creating as many happy moments as I could. However, no matter how many happy moments I had, they could not protect me from sadness. The sadness would unexpectedly arise when it shouldn’t when I was with friends or family, when I had achieved success, and when I tried to create art. It was the persistence (持续) of this sadness that finally made me realize the truth: the Happy/Sad model was wrong.

I updated my mental model to the Pleasure/Pain model. I saw that what I had called happiness was simply emotional pleasure, which was anything that confirmed the way I saw myself and the world. As I removed emotionally and physically painful moments from my life, I established a mental image of myself as a “happy person.” However, I was stuck in a one-dimensional emotional world.

Wandering down the 19th street and waving to the 100th friendly costumed character, I finally found the words that completed my third model — Joy/Fear, one that gives real depth to life. Disneyland, with its immersive (沉浸式的) world and perfect performances, goes beyond creating happiness and lessening pain. It is carefully getting rid of fear. It removes the possibility of anything going wrong, of disappointing us. And behind the scenes, Disneyland works tirelessly to ensure that everything always run the way it should.

Life is not Disneyland, however. Try as we might, we can’t control the world around us or completely erase our fearful moments. But we can control how we approach life and how we understand our fears. And in the absence of that fear, joy arises.

1. What gives the author a deep insight into happiness at Disneyland?
A.The beautiful scenes of Disneyland.
B.The relaxing working environment.
C.The smiling and committed staff.
D.The magical life principle.
2. The author was unhappy when younger because he/she __________.
A.had no close friends
B.didn’t get along well with family
C.achieved no success in the art creation
D.misunderstood the true meaning of happiness
3. What does the author think of his/her second mental model?
A.It is entirely subjective.
B.It gives real depth to life.
C.It focuses on temporary joy.
D.It highlights the external state.
4. What message does the author seem to convey in the text?
A.Disneyland is a magical and joyful place.
B.Emotional pleasure is the key to happiness.
C.Fear is inevitable for all of us in the whole life.
D.Approaching life with devotion brings genuine joy.
2024-01-24更新 | 61次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般