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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:364 题号:18304365

Our guided tours here at Shakespeare’s Globe are an experience 400 years in the making.

Heaven to hell tour

Our unique heaven to hell tour experience offers Globe members the opportunity to discover the backstage world of Shakespeare’s Globe.

Join us in the heavenly attic (阁楼) towering above the theater before going down into the depths of “hell” underneath the stage to discover the secrets behind how our productions are staged. You’ll have the opportunity to visit our backstage stores and see props and costumes from the famous Globe productions before experiencing the thrill our actors feel when they step out onto the stage.

Twilight walking tour

Be transported back to a time of late-night cakes and ales (麦芽酒), midnight revels (狂欢) and demons, and the “Kingdom of Night” on our Twilight walking tour around the Bankside area and beyond.

Imagine city life without streetlights and visit the locations of Shakespeare’s own night-time adventures across the River Thames on the Northbank, including the original site of his candlelit Blackfriars playhouse.

Festive family tour

Celebrate the holiday season on a festive family tour of the magical Globe Theatre. Hear how Christmas was observed in Shakespeare’s time and the folk traditions that people practiced to welcome in winter.

This family-friendly guided tour will fascinate and warm even in the coldest of weather. But do still wrap up well- don’t forget our playhouse is outdoor!

Globe Theatre guided tour

Our world-famous Globe Theatre is a faithful reconstruction of the open-air playhouse in which Shakespeare worked, and for which he wrote many of his most famous plays!

Our expert guide-storytellers will provide your group with a fascinating tour of the Globe Theatre auditorium (礼堂), colorful stories of the 1599 Globe Theatre, the reconstruction process in the 1990s.

Our guides will also bring the theater to life, exploring how the theater works today as an imaginative and experimental space for performance.

1. Which is an ideal tour for people who are fond of backstage stories of Shakespeare’s Globe?
A.Heaven to hell tour.B.Twilight walking tour.
C.Festive family tour.D.Globe Theatre guided tour.
2. Where does the twilight walking tour take place?
A.On the River Thames.
B.Around Bankside area and beyond.
C.In Shakespeare hotel.
D.At Shakespeare’s Globe.
3. What can people do if they take part in the festive family tour?
A.Go for a walk along the river.
B.Watch some plays on Christmas.
C.Explore how the theater works during the Christmas season.
D.Learn something about Christmas in Shakespeare’s time.
4. What is special about the Globe Theatre guided tour?
A.It shows what inspired Shakespeare to write his plays.
B.It is only available to Globe members.
C.Visitors can enjoy imaginative performance.
D.Visitors can hear the stories of the 1599 theatre.
5. What is not mentioned in the passage?
A.Today’s Globe Theatre is a reconstructed work of the open-air playhouse.
B.The experience will also bring the theater to life.
C.You’ll have the opportunity to visit our stage stores and see our customers.
D.The experience will help us hear how Christmas was observed in Shakespeare’s time.
2023·天津河东·一模 查看更多[3]


阅读理解-阅读表达(约390词) | 适中 (0.65)

You are watching your favorite TV show when a commercial break starts. First you see an ad for candy. Then there is one for fast food. Your stomach growls. Suddenly, all you can think about is how much you need a snack.

If that sounds familiar, you are not alone. Researchers from McMaster University in Canada studied the effects of junk food ad. The researchers examined the effects of advertising junk food on more than 6000 kids through TV commercials and other types of media. They found that kids made unhealthy food and drink choices as quickly as 30 minutes after seeing the ads.

Food and drink ads are everywhere from TV to the Internet. Companies want to make sure you know about their products. They spend nearly 1. 8 billion a year on food ads aimed at kids according to a report.

The Nielsen Company tracked the number of food ads that kids saw in 2015. It found that kids watched nearly 12 food ads on TV each day. Most of these ads weren’t for healthy foods. In fact, on average. kids saw only one ad per week for fruits and vegetables. Instead, most of the ads were for fast food, candy and sugary drinks.

Jennifer Harris, a professor at the University of Connecticut, says this is a big part of the problem. “Unhealthy foods are not things we should be encouraging kids to cat more often”. Harris says. “But unfortunately those are the products being advertised to them the most”.

Health experts say it’s OK to treat yourself to a cookie once in a while. But what can you do to keep from having an unhealthy snack every time you see an ad for junk food? Harris says it’s important to learn to spot the techniques companies use in their ads, tell their kids what is going on and help kids think about whether these products are good for them.

1. What did researchers from MaMaster University find?
2. What conclusion can you draw from the findings of Nielsen Company?
3. Please decide which part is false in the following statement, then underline it and explain why.
To avoid negative impacts of advertisements for unhealthy food, parents should keep their kids from watching these kinds of advertisements.
4. Please briefly describe what you can do to reduce the negative impact of advertising on your life. (In about 40 words)
2024-04-18更新 | 33次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Many summer camps have had to cancel their programming due to COVID-19. So we have found a great selection of virtual summer camps for your children.

Happy Camper Live

Ages: 5~ 18

Cost: $499 a month .

What is special about Happy Camper Live is that there are hundreds of camp adventures and experiences to choose from to offer your children unique camp experience. Children can make fun with a world-class athlete, play volleyball with a national high school champion and learn a new art, craft or musical instrument.

Smart Robots Virtual Camp

Ages: 7 ~11

Cost: $179 for two weeks

Campers will receive a smart coding robot of choice and learning materials and apps to get them started in this camp. This camp is made as much of a social experience as possible. At the end of camp, each child will be certificated as a “junior coder”,have made penfriends for life and have new skills and knowledge to bring into their classrooms in the fall.

Written Out Loud

Ages: 8~17

Cost: $250 per week

The storytelling school Written Out Loud has transformed its program to a virtual storytelling workshop. Founded in 2018 by a Hollywood film-maker, Witten Out Loud offers classes for children aged 8 to 17 that combine a range of disciplines such as creative writing, film-making and even improving comedy.

Got Game Summer Academy

Ages: 4~12

Cost: $195 for two weeks

With a focus on reading, writing and math, Got Game will help your children stay academically on track while still having fun in an energized virtual learning environment. Children will receive personalized attention from teachers while also participating in games that center around communication on group projects and building individual skills.

1. What’s special about Happy Camper Live?
A.It offers a large number of different activities.
B.It’s the most expensive of the four camps.
C.It focuses on improving musical skills.
D.It was founded by a world-class athlete.
2. Where can campers make penfriends with others?
A.In Written Out Loud.B.In Happy Camper Live.
C.In Smart Robots Virtual Camp.D.In Got Game Summer Academy.
3. What do Written Out Loud and Got Game Summer Academy have in common?
A.They enable children to learn while playing games.
B.They improve children’ s writing skills.
C.They teach children how to make films.
D.They are suitable for children above 12.
2022-09-11更新 | 191次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约460词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】If you’re planning a visit to Universal Studios Japan, you’re in for a treat! To help you make the most of your time in the park, we’ve compiled a list of 5 USJ tips to ensure a memorable and enjoyable experience.

1. Buy your tickets in advance and arrive an hour early

The big thing you should know to start if visiting Universal Studios Japan anytime soon is that the park has been quietly opening around an hour before the published time. Since this early opening is unadvertised and unpublished, it could stop happening at any time.

2. Download the USJ app

If you want to check ride wait times, show schedules, the park map, and more, download the USJ app. With the app on your phone, you can time when to go on certain rides and know about current ride closures. Additionally, if you are lucky, you might also be able to receive digital timed- entry passes for free!

3. Purchase Universal Express Passes

A game-changing USJ tip is purchasing Universal Express Passes, so you can save time on queuing for rides and different attractions. This is especially useful for popular areas, like the Wizarding World of Harry Potter and Super Nintendo World, as they have limited capacity.

4. Take advantage of the Single Rider lines

A USJ tip: Take the Single Rider lines! These tend to be shorter than regular lines as single riders are used to fill up each rollercoaster train. If you’re travelling alone or simply don’t mind riding with strangers, line up here, and get to your ride faster!

5. Visit during weekdays or off-peak seasons

If you find Express Passes too costly or want to avoid large crowds and long wait times, visit on weekdays or off-peak seasons! Another insider USJ tip is to visit on Wednesdays and Thursdays. The weekend will naturally have more people visiting, but what others don’t know is that local school trips are scheduled on Mondays and Tuesdays!

Universal Studios Japan Ticket Prices 2023

Ticket TypeAdult (12+)Child (Ages 4—11)Senior (65+)
1-Day Studio Pass¥8,900 (weekdays)
Twilight Pass (After 3 PM)¥5,900(weekdays)
1.5-Day Studio Pass¥13,400¥8,600N/A
1. Which of the following statements is Not True about the USJ app?
A.You can check the waiting time for the popular rides.
B.You can find a park map on the app.
C.You can check the show schedules on the app.
D.You can always receive digital timed-entry passes for free.
2. If you want to save time on queueing, you can ______.
① arrive an hour early before the official opening time on weekdays
② use the USJ app to book a ride whenever you want
③ purchase Universal Express Passes for the popular areas
④ take the Single Rider lines with your friends
3. Hiroshi, a university student aged 18, is planning a trip to USJ the next Saturday morning with his sister, a middle school student aged 12, and meet up with his parents who are only interested in the night parade after 5 pm. According to the latest ticket prices, how much will it cost at least?
2023-07-03更新 | 119次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般