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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:142 题号:18310625

In July 2017, Hoh Xil became a world heritage (遗产) site and there live more than 70, 000 Tibetanantelopes. Every year, pregnant (怀孕的) Tibetan antelopes migrate (迁徙) to Hoh Xil between the end of May and early June to give birth and leave with their children around August. Zonag Lake at the heart of Hoh Xil is known as the “delivery room” for the species.

About 40 female Tibetan antelopes with three young were spotted crossing the Qinghai-Tibet Railway Saturday. Experts say that in recent years, the number of young Tibetan antelopes among the migrating groups consisted of between a fifth and quarter of the population.

“In the early stage of migration, Tibetan antelopes face a high risk of falling prey to predators (盗猎者) so the number of young Tibetan antelopes is relatively small, and there may even be none,” said Lian Xinming, an associate research fellow at Northwest Institute of Plateau Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

According to research, the number of Tibetan antelopes that migrate back has been rising. A total of 5, 952 Tibetan antelopes were spotted migrating in 2020, and 233 more in 2021. “This year’s migration season is expected to finish in early September. The population is expected to continue to increase,” Lian said.

Tibetan antelopes are mostly found in Tibet autonomous region, Qinghai province, and Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region. The species is under first-class state protection in China.

In the 1980s, the Tibetan antelope population declined sharply from 200, 000 to 20. 000, due to illegal hunting. It has recovered thanks to the country’s efforts to improve its habitat and crack down on poaching (盗猎).

To make sure the species go back to their habitats safe and sound, the reserve’s management bureau has staff monitor their migration. When they come over in large groups, they temporarily close some sections of the road to make way for the animals and prevent them from having interactions with humans.

1. What can we learn from the text?
A.Tibetan antelopes migrate to Hoh Xil to find mates.
B.Baby Tibetan antelopes are born in Zonag Lake.
C.Female Tibetan antelopes made up a fifth of the population.
D.Migrating Tibetan antelopes’ number is 6,185 in 2021.
2. What does Lian Xinming think of the future of Tibetan antelopes?
3. Why are some sections of the roads closed sometimes?
A.To offer delivery place.
B.To catch unlawful predators.
C.To stop poaching Tibetan antelopes.
D.To avoid animals meeting people.
4. What is the best title of the passage?
A.The Habitats of Tibetan Antelopes
B.The Migration of Tibetan Antelopes
C.The Methods to Stop Poaching Tibetan Antelopes
D.The Measures of Protecting Tibetan Antelopes


阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐1】My brother belongs to a strange group known as birders. Together with his three friends who are likewise into the hobby of birding, they march on landfills, and hike through the wooded lands, each of them armed with a pair of binoculars (双筒望远镜), a digital camera, biscuits, and water. One of them carries a telescope which comes in handy in case they want to take a look at a bird up close.

Understandably, their clothing is light; their shoes are designed for comfort, and they never fail to bring with them hats. Moving at a slow pace, they go in search of birds. And, yes, they carry a field guide --- a manual for identifying birds.

It is interesting to note how my brother and his co-birders go through their hobby: first, they look for a bird (either with the naked eyes or with the help of their binoculars); when they find one, they identify it; they then write it down. In case they are unable to determine the bird’s identity, they search for it in the field guide. If the bird is not in the handbook, they take down notes, make a rough drawing representing the chief features of the bird, or even take a picture of it to be used as a future reference.

A device, called the National Geographic’s Handheld Birds Personal Digital Assistant, is available for those who plan to take up birding in North America. This handy device is a digital field guide containing more than one thousand five hundred visual representations of birds. It has a searchable database of over eight hundred North American bird species.

For those seriously considering birding as a hobby but having second thoughts for fear of catching the terrible bird flu, it is important to know that you can take up the hobby and be safe from the fatal disease if you strictly observe the slogan of birders worldwide: just watch, don’t catch.

1. Which of the following is TRUE about birders?
A.Their clothing is light and they never bring hats with them.
B.They carry a telescope to have a close look at the birds.
C.After they find a bird, they usually put it into the cage.
D.They go to search for birds moving at a rapid pace.
2. Why do birders take a field guide?
A.To take down notes.
B.To take pictures of birds.
C.To find the correct route.
D.To refer to information of birds.
3. The device mentioned in Para. 4 can help birders_________.
A.look for birds
B.look at birds closely
C.make a drawing of birds
D.recognize different birds
4. What should birders do if they want to be free from bird flu?
A.Avoid catching birds.
B.Keep away from birds.
C.Give up keeping birds.
D.Wear protective clothing.
2020-11-03更新 | 100次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐2】An intelligent monitoring system is helping bird protectors in Chenhu Lake Wetland of Wuhan, Hubei province, by collecting data and learning more about the birds’ habits.

The wetland covers about 11,600 hectares and is located in the area where the Yangtze River and Han River meet. Up to 86,000 birds of 227 species inhabited the wetland last year, its figures showed.

A limited number of bird-watchers and patrol guards may miss out counting some of the birds but the system can do it more accurately, according to the reserve. In July last year, the monitoring system, the first of its kind in Hubei, was put into trial(试验)operation in the wetland. It has since recorded real-time monitoring data and assisted with patrolling. The system can detect the type of birds arriving or leaving and which areas they prefer to move around, by identifying species through the sounds they make. It also monitors sounds in the wild and compares them with those in the database.

A video system tracks key protection areas all day. Photos of birds taken will be automatically compared with those in the database, with a combination of audio and video information increasing the recognition accuracy. The reserve’s employees have also added tracking functions in the monitoring system by placing satellite trackers on bean geese migrating. Bean geese have been found to fly from Russian areas.

Feng Jiang, an engineer of the Chenhu wetland nature reserve management bureau, said, “The tracking data has a positive effect on the protection of species globally. Since November last year, we have tried to clarify the migration routes of birds. We monitor where they stay and when they return to the reserve. The data tells us where birds come from and pass by, so we can cooperate with international organizations or countries to better protect them.”

The monitoring system also uses digital technology to build a simulation (模拟) model. By simulating the flow of tourists, researchers can decide the maximum number of visitors in Chenhu Lake and prevent people from disturbing the birds. This can help researchers predict as well the possibility and scope (范围) of the environmental impact on the wetland through the growth of plants there and roll out targeted measures.

1. What is a problem with bird-monitoring in the reserve?
A.Vast area.B.Lack of experts.
C.Lack of accuracy.D.Various species.
2. What is the intelligent monitoring system able to do?
A.Monitor the watchers and guards.B.Recognize the species of birds.
C.Place satellite trackers on birds.D.Count all the birds correctly.
3. How does the system work?
A.By comforting the birds.B.By making birds’ sounds.
C.By taking photos of birds.D.By comparing the collected data.
4. What does the system do to help researchers?
A.Provide birds’ food chains.B.Prevent the disturbance of birds.
C.Predict the habits of the visitors.D.Protect the ecosystems in a better way.
2023-02-10更新 | 113次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐3】Scientists are seeking new and creative ways to deal with climate change. As well as reducing our carbon dioxide sent into the air, scientists say we must remove the gas from the air to keep Earths temperature down.

One expert has now suggested pouring carbon dioxide into deep trenches (海沟), forming vast liquid lakes, Steve Goldthorpe, an energy analyst based in New Zealand, says the lakes could forever hold vast quantities of carbon dioxide. This is because once the gas reaches a depth of 3,000 meters it is denser (密度大) than water, meaning it naturally sinks to the seafloor.

“If liquid CO2 were to be placed in such a trench, it would be 7 per cent more dense than seawater and could remain forever as a lake of liquid CO2 on the ocean floor,” Mr Goldthorpe wrote in his paper, “the stored carbon dioxide could become solid over time, which would stop it mixing with ocean currents.”

Previously, experts have suggested burying the extra carbon dioxide deep underground, possibly in abandoned (废弃的) oil and gas fields. While first tests have shown that this method has potential, scientists are still unsure whether people would accept the fix.

Carbon dioxide lakes do form naturally in the cold, high-pressure depths of the ocean, but they are rare.

Researchers have previously given up the idea of ocean CO2 storage because it can make the water more acidic, which may affect ocean ecosystems. Mr Goldthorpe recognizes this in his paper, writing, “Any influence on deep ocean ecosystems would need to be examined.”

1. What is Goldthorpe’s way of fighting climate change?
A.To cut down carbon dioxide sent into air.
B.To make the most of the traditional ways.
C.To pour carbon dioxide deep into the ocean.
D.To dig a large lake for storing carbon dioxide.
2. According to Goldthorpe, CO2 could remain in the trench on condition that ________.
A.the trench has to be deep enough
B.CO2 must first be changed into solid
C.the trench has to be large enough
D.CO2 must first be taken to the seafloor
3. The previous idea of ocean CO2 storage has been given up because ________.
A.natural storing places rarely exist
B.many oil and gas fields will have to be abandoned
C.scientists are unsure whether people would accept the fix
D.there are concerns on possible damage to the ocean ecosystem
4. The last paragraph indicates that Goldthorpe’s attitude towards his project is _________.
2020-02-10更新 | 46次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般