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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:121 题号:18423132

At first glance, it seems that giant pandas (大熊猫) might not be good at hide- and-seek. With their black and white coats,they appear to have a hard time matching their backgrounds and avoiding detection by their enemies. But a new study finds that the unique markings, in fact, provide effective camouflage (伪装) and help them disappear into their surroundings. Scientists have long wondered what function the black-and-white coloring plays.

For their study, researchers analyzed photos of giant pandas in their natural habitats. “We’ve found that the animals are very well camouflaged because they use habitats with dark and lighting conditions, and also snow during some time of the year,” study author Tim Caro of the University of Bristol and the University of California, Davis, tells Treehugger.

They found that the black patches (块) of fur match primarily shade and dark tree trunks. They also match the ground,rocks and leaves. The white fur patches match snow, rocks, and waxy, bright leaves. Sometimes pandas also have patches of pale brown fur and those match rocks, ground and shady background areas.

The researchers also explored a type of environmental camouflage known as disruptive coloration. That’s when highly contrasting patterns or very visible boundaries on an animal break up its body outline. They found that the black and white borders on the panda’s coat make it less noticeable, particularly from farther away.

It might seem a bit confusing because giant pandas are very easy to spot at a zoo, for instance. But the environment and the viewer make a difference.

“We modelled their coloration through enemies’ eyes as well as how humans see them so we are sure of the results.” Caro says.

“It seems that giant pandas appear easily noticeable to us because of short viewing distances and unnatural backgrounds, when we see them, either in photographs or at the zoo,it is almost always from close up, and often against a backdrop that doesn’t reflect their natural habitats,” says author Nick Scott-Samuel of the University of Bristol. “From a more realistic enemy’s view, the giant panda is actually rather well camouflaged.”

1. What is the general first impression of giant pandas?
A.They like staying away from humans.
B.They are really good at hide-and-seek.
C.They match the backgrounds very well.
D.They can be easily detected by enemies
2. What does the underlined word “They” in paragraph 3 refer to?
A.Tree trunks.B.Pale brown pandas.
C.Black fur patches.D.Shady background areas
3. What can we learn about giant pandas from Nick Scott-Samuel’s words?
A.They are less noticeable in natural environments.
B.They can be easily noticed even from farther away.
C.They often disappear into backgrounds in a zoo.
D.They can not camouflage from an enemy’s view.
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Giant Pandas Hide Themselves From Tourists
B.Giant Pandas Are Actually Good at Camouflaging
C.The Black-and-white Coloring Proves Appealing
D.You Are More Likely to Spot Giant Pandas in Nature
【知识点】 动物 科普知识 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】More than half of the birds in Washington are at risk of extinction because of climate change. That's according to a new national report from the Audubon Society, which gives detailed analysis of climate effects on about 600 species of North American birds.

It's based on more than 140 million observations of birds across the US, Mexico and Canada. Audubon scientists looked at the likely effects of sea-level rise, urbanization, drought, extreme spring heat, increased fires, heavy rain and other factors.

But it doesn't just spell out a doomsday scenario (世界末日).Instead, it offers a range of effects and warming, depending on how much carbon humans add to the atmosphere.

"It is truly an existential threat (威胁), not only to birds but to people,” said Doug Santoni, board chair of Audubon Washington, who looked into the report as soon as it came out.

Santoni says he was struck to see the vulnerability (脆弱)of a common “ backyard bird" , the dark-eyed junco. It's one that many first-time birders become familiar with as they learn how to identify species based on their markings and other traits. Currently in Washington, you can count on juncos to show up at your feeder, year round. Extreme spring heat, increased fires and heavy rain are the kinds of changes that will force birds like these north, or kill them off if they fail to adapt.

Trina Bayard, director of bird conservation at Audubon’s Washington chapter, says, "It's certainly a very serious warning report," but adds that there’s still hope. “If we can stabilize current temperatures and decrease our emissions (排放), we can really reduce the effects to these birds …that's very motivating. ”

1. What can we know about the new report?
A.It analyses the species of birds in detail.
B.It's issued by watching 600 bird species.
C.It shows the end of North American birds.
D.It reports the threat some birds are facing.
2. What may Santoni probably agree with?
A.Climate change is a threat only to birds.
B.It's too late to take action to save the birds.
C.The current situation of the birds is worrying.
D.It's common that birds are affected by climate change.
3. Which of the following can help these birds according to Trina?
A.Lowering present temperatures.
B.Reducing our daily emissions.
C.Making them adapt to climate change.
D.Encouraging people to protect them.
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.Climate change threatens many Washington bird species.
B.A new report about 600 species of North American birds.
C.Different attitudes towards the situation of bird species.
D.Climate change makes different kinds of species at risk.
2020-07-22更新 | 484次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】If you’ve ever seen elephant seals (象海豹) lying on a beach, you might think that they’re always. sleeping. But in fact, they spend about seven months of the year in the ocean. So how do they sleep while they’re in the ocean?

Even though elephant seals are large animals, they have to be careful in the ocean. Near the surface, some dangerous animals like sharks might attack(攻击)them. So elephant seals spend most of their time diving (下潜) deep underwater, looking for food.

To find out how they sleep in the deep, a scientist named Jessica Kendall-Bar created a special cap. She and her team put the caps on thirteen female young elephant seals. The caps recorded the elephant seals brain activities. They also collected information on the elephant seals’ heart rates (心率), how their bodies were moving, and how deep they were.

The scientists learned that elephant seals sometimes sleep for a short time while they are diving. They only sleep for about 10 minutes at a time. As they begin to sleep, the elephant seals can control their bodies. But when they are deeply asleep, they simply begin to fall, spinning (快速旋转) in a circle “like a falling leaf”. The elephant seals wake up in time to go up for more air. In shallower (较浅的) areas, the elephant seals sometimes wake upon the seafloor.

Using the information they collected from the cap-wearing elephant seals, the scientists created a computer program to study older records of elephant seal trips. The scientists found that elephant seals only sleep for about two hours a day when they’re in the ocean. That means that the rest on land is very important for them. Back on land, they sleep for about 10. 8 hours a day.

The scientists hope that their work will help to protect the places where elephant seals sleep when. they’re on land.

1. The writer starts the passage by ______.
A.asking a questionB.giving an exampleC.comparing two places
2. What does Paragraph 2 mainly tell us?
A.How elephant seals sleep in the ocean.
B.Why elephant seals dive deep underwater.
C.How elephant seals dive deep underwater.
3. The special caps are used to ______.
A.help the elephant seals to dive more deeply
B.keep the elephant seals away from being attacked by sharks
C.collect the information about the elephant seals when they are in the ocean
4. The rest on land is very important for elephant seals because ______.
A.they can get more air on land
B.they only sleep for about ten minutes every day
C.they only sleep for about two hours a day when they’re in the ocean
2024-06-04更新 | 20次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约440词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】There are as many different types of sleeper as there are animal varieties on the planet. There are dozers, dreamers, nappers and hardcore dead-to-the-worlders.


Dolphins face a bit of a problem as they spend their whole lives in the water, but as mammals they need to breathe oxygen to survive. How do they juggle this when unconscious? Dolphins shut down half of their brain, which rests, while the other half is alert and looking out for any potential dangers. As they do this, the dolphin will lie on the surface of the water in a behaviour known as “logging”.


Elephants tend to nod off for a few minutes at a time throughout the day. Elephants only manage about two hours of sleep per day, and that’s not even a concentrated block of shuteye. They tend to nod off for a few minutes at a time throughout the day. Possibly because of this, most of their sleeping is done standing up, with just the occasional recumbent sleep.


Of course spiders have to be awkward. Even though animals sleep in a vast array of different ways, all of them, even bacteria, follow a 24 hour cycle, known as a circadian rhythm that is dictated by the rotation of the Earth. But scientists have discovered that certain types of orb-weaving spiders simply don’t bother with this. Their body clocks follow a 17, 18 or 19 hour cycle. Scientists aren’t exactly sure how the spider can even exist with this completely different body clock.


One problem with trying to work out a creature’s sleeping habits is the difficulty of identifying what is actual sleep. It’s easier to study captive animals, but they can behave in a completely different manner to their cousins in the wild. Koalas studied in zoos were thought to sleep for up to 22 hours a day, but a more detailed study, looking at animals in the wild too, revealed that they in fact sleep for around 14 hours a day plus a healthy amount of resting on top of that. Their diet of eucalyptus leaves takes a lot of time and energy to digest.


Frogs are incredible. They have managed to master practically every environment on the planet, no matter how hot or how cold. They not only use hibernation in winter as a sleep strategy, they also engage in something called estivation, where they reach a dormant state during the summer months to avoid overly hot or dry conditions. Despite all this knowledge, scientists aren’t sure exactly how frogs sleep during the months when they are active.

1. Which animal sleeps the longest hours a day according to the passage?
A.The dolphin.B.The koala.C.The spider.D.The elephant.
2. What is still confusing to scientists?
A.How they can identify what is actual sleep.
B.How dolphins breathe oxygen when sleeping.
C.How spiders can survive a different body clock.
D.How frogs sleep when they are not hibernating or estivating.
3. What is the passage mainly about?
A.Why animals sleep differently.B.What animals do while sleeping.
C.The extraordinary ways that animals sleep.D.The mystery about different types of sleeper.
2021-06-05更新 | 360次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般