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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:224 题号:18430800

Interactive software that “reads” and analyses footprints left by black rhinos (犀牛) can be used to monitor the movements of the animals in the wild, giving conservationists a new way to keep watch on the endangered species and help keep it safe from poachers (偷猎者), according to a Duke University-led study.

The software, called the Footprint Identification Technique (FIT), uses advanced technology to analyze more than 100 measurements of a rhino's footprint. Because each rhino's footprint is as special as a human fingerprint, the analyzed images can be collected electronically in a global database of previously collected footprint images for matching.

“If you find a match, you can identify the individual animal who left the mark and, by plotting the locations of all the other places where marks have been seen, track its movements without disturbing it or coming into close enough contact with it,” said Zoe Jewell, a professor at Duke University's Nicholas School of the Environment, who co-led the study and is co-creator of FIT.

“It's a cost-effective approach that not only protects the health of the rhino and the human, but also brings a centuries-old tracking skill into the 21st Century,” she said. Jewell and her colleagues are now working with Namibia's Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism to train wildlife conservationists, land managers and local guides how to use FIT.

Namibia is home to an estimated 2,000 black rhinos, or about 90% of the species' total population worldwide. Though legally owned by the government, the animals are distributed geographically on private lands across the country.

The FIT software can also do a survey of footprints throughout the protected area and take measurements from each footprint to estimate the number of rhinos in that area. This can be useful information for calculation resource needs to monitor the animals effectively. This creates an interactive library that anti-poaching patrols(反偷猎巡逻)can use to search for animals at the highest risk, including those whose footprints haven’t been showing up in recent years.

1. What is the purpose of the software?
A.To promote the development of technology.
B.To protect black rhinos from being hunted.
C.To analyze the footprints of illegal poachers.
D.To save endangered species across the world.
2. What’s the advantage of the software?
A.It owns various functions.B.It goes to the market.
C.It is perfectly practical.D.It is more than popular.
3. What does Zoe Jewell say about the approach?
A.It brings the best advantage for the lowest cost.
B.It helps increase the population of black rhinos.
C.It raises people's awareness of the environment.
D.It strengthens the tie between humans and nature.
4. Which of the following best describes the future of rhinos?


阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Once when I was four, Mom attacked a keyhole with a paper towel, wiping a spider out. “Stop!” I shouted, “She’s somebody’s mother!” I believe people shouldn’t harm other living things and that even the tiniest creatures must be honored.

One summer day, Mom and I planted a grapevine (葡萄树) in the yard. By the end of the summer, the longest branches had spread over the wall.

Then one day, as I was watering, the most magical thing happened. A beautiful midnight blue bug landed on my white T-shirt just below the shoulder. “Hello, pretty one,” I whispered. She didn’t move. Beautiful wings spread into a Y shape. She stuck to my shirt, unwilling to fly away. Ever when she left, I was still excited. That evening, I told Mom what had happened. “It was amazing.” Mom said.

One morning, weeks later, I went to feed my turtles. In the purple light of dawn, the grape leaves appeared brown and lacy (网眼状的). Something was wrong with my vine! I ran in to my Mom. We turned to a gardener nearby for help. He called the culprit (罪魁祸首) the Western grape leaf moth, who feeds on the leaves in her caterpillar (毛毛虫) stage. I was shocked. The moth had laid the eggs. Her babies were destroying my vine! Bacillus thuringiersis, a product widely used by grape growers, was recommended for exterminating the moths.

I had intended to use the liquid, until I read the warning instructions. “Mom, we can’t do this. The poor bugs!” She nodded. The next afternoon, I had an idea. I got a jar and cupped it over the moths, cutting off the leaf they lay on. “I know where I’ll take you.” I whispered.

The next morning. I rode a bus to the desert. I placed the jar near some bushes and opened it “Be safe,” I said. It was my wish for them. Back home, the caterpillars continued their work. I cut off the leaves and placed them in bags. They went to the desert as well. Could the desert handle them? I wondered. Was I doing the right thing? Would I have to continue this for the rest of my life? Sure.

1. What can we learn from paragraph 3?
A.The bug was fond of the author.
B.The author was afraid of the bug.
C.The author was friendly to the bug.
D.Mother was concerned about the bug.
2. What does the underlined word “exterminating” in paragraph 4 mean?
3. What can be implied in the last paragraph?
A.The author doubted if he did the right thing.
B.The author would continue to protect creatures.
C.The author was unwilling to set the bugs free.
D.The author would keep cutting leaves for his vine.
4. What’s the theme of the story?
A.Caring for plants needs wisdom.
B.Mother bugs’ love for her babies.
C.Creatures should be treated equally.
D.Relationship between human and nature.
2023-12-13更新 | 71次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】There are well over a hundred firefly species in North America, and the twinkling insects are a special part of many childhood summers.

Research into firefly populations is sill in its early stages, but over the past few years, alarm bell have been ringing about the disappearance of fireflies around the world. A new survey of firefly researchers reveals what are three of the most likely causes, and agriculture is behind at least two of them.

The decline of firefly populations hasn't been finally measured. But the scientists, echoed by anecdotal (轶事的) evidence from those with formerly firefly-studded backyards, have noticed a decline. They mentioned thee major possible reasons for the firefly decline: Habitat destruction, pesticide (杀虫剂) use, and artificial light pollution.

Increasing expansion of agricultural land, especially in places like the Amazon rainforest, is considered the largest stimulus of habitat destruction. Many firefly species live in areas that are being destroyed for purposes of agriculture, especially in tropical (热带的) environments that are completely destroyed for palm oil plantations.

Pesticides, on the other hand, clearly have an agricultural link. Firefly. org notes that no studies have been done specifically to examine the effects of common insecticides on fireflies, but there's evidence that raises concerns. One study indicates that common lawncare insecticides are dangerous to common insects found in lawns, including firefly larvae (幼虫), which do not fly. Another finds that insecticides can be dangerous to some of the invertebrate species, like earthworms, that the firefly larvae eat.

Artificial light pollution is trickier; research indicates that artifial light can mess with the firefly's ability to mate, which they do largely with their blinking lights. It's not clear how much artifial light pollution comes from agriculture, but some studies suggest that farming does create artificial light.

There's lots of work left to be done to figure out exactly what's going on with fireflies. But what does seem clear is that agriculture is at least tied into their decline.

1. What does the underlined word "stimulus" in Paragraph 4 mean?
2. What does Paragraph 5 mainly talk about?
A.The history of Firefly. org.
B.The decline in firefly populations.
C.The effects of common insecticides.
D.The link between pesticides and agriculture.
3. Artificial light is responsible for the decline of fireflies in that ________.
A.it causes harm to fireflies' mating ability
B.it causes the failure of larvae's flying ability
C.it causes fireflies to lose their blinking lights
D.it causes fireflies to be caught by humans easily
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Fireflies are a special part of our childhood summers.
B.The decline of firefly populations concerns the scientists.
C.Agriculture is partly to blame for the fireflies' decline.
D.Effective ways have been taken to prevent the fireflies from declining.
2022-02-23更新 | 57次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】In March 2020, a group of 16 strong elephants became international stars because of their starting long northern journey from Xishuangbanna in Yunnan Province.

The group did not harm any people or animals during their long march, but caused chaos on farms. In December, a baby elephant was born.

The wild group was seen on CCTV walking down the streets of the city at night, and they were also filmed constantly by more than a dozen drones (无人机)—which, the Chinese government said, were helping to minimize damage and keep the animals and people out of danger.

The group had a sudden attack on farms for food and water and even showed up at a care home, where they reached out their trunks into some of the rooms, making one elderly man hide under his bed. Meanwhile, reports said the damage caused to crops totaled more than £700,000.

In April 2021, seventeen animals were originally in the group, but the government said two returned home during the walk.

There were many guesses about the reasons for the migration (迁徙) of the elephants. Some people thought the elephants appeared to be especially attracted to com, fruit and other crops. Others supposed that the elephants’ leader might simply be lost in the rich tropical region, which is home to about 300 other Asian elephants. But, in fact, there was no exact scientific explanation.

In order not to do any harm to the species, farmers and others were told to exercise maximum control when they met with them, while the government had ordered people to stay inside and not use firecrackers or other techniques to frighten them away. Less force was being used to keep them out of the city, like parking cars and some equipment to block roads and using food drops to attract them away.

More than 410 emergency response police, lots of vehicles and 14 drones had been used to monitor the group. Locals were evacuated (疏散); short-time traffic control measures were carried out, and two tons of elephant food was put in place. Finally, this group of migrating elephants returned to their wild living areas safely under the protection of everyone.

1. What can we know about the elephants on the move?
A.They attacked an elderly man.
B.They damaged a care home.
C.One of them gave birth to a baby elephant.
D.They harmed the animals on farms.
2. Which of the following can best describe the reasons for the elephants’ migration?
3. How did the government drive the elephants away?
A.They scared them by techniques.B.They transported them by vehicles.
C.They guided them in a friendly way.D.They made loud noise with firecrackers.
4. What does the last paragraph intend to tell us?
A.The elephants caused a lot of damage.
B.The elephants enjoyed a high level of protection.
C.The government felt powerless to stop the elephants.
D.The government successfully sent the elephants to the zoo.
2023-03-25更新 | 86次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般