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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:30 题号:18559803

Dessi Sieburth’s love of birds started about six years ago. Now,he has his own group called Protecting Our Birds. Recently,Dessi,11 years old,chatted with TFK about his work and goals for the future.

TFK: What is Protecting Our Birds?

DESSI: Birds are citizens of the world,so they need protection. I basically try to do conservation (保护)work to help birds get protected throughout the world. I recently wrote an article about a bird called the bar-tailed godwit(斑尾薄),I interviewed a biologist(生物学家)named Nils Warnock,who had studied the bar tailed godwit. He expressed the concern about the threat that the bar-tailed godwit is facing. I wrote an article about his answers to the questions,which is published on the American Birding Association Website.

TFK: What impelled you to start this project?

DESSI: When I was eight years old,our class had to do a wood-working project,so I chose a bird feeder(喂食盒),I didn’t like birds at the time. I made the feeder,filled it up with seed,put it in my backyard and then the birds started coming. I got really interested in birds as more came. I later got involved in my local Audubon Society,which is an association devoted to preserving natural ecosystems(生态系统).It really got me into birds and I realized bird populations were decreasing,and many are becoming endangered quite rapidly. I wanted to help them,so I started the project.

TFK: What are some future projects you plan to work on?

DESSI: I live in L.A. where there are a lot of parrots. Most of the parrots’ native range is in Mexico,but they’re really declining there because of habitat loss. I want to study the parrots and help them in their native range in Mexico, so they can start increasing again.

TFK: How can people learn more about Protecting Our Birds and the work you’ re doing?

DESSI: I have a website, It’s pretectingourbirds. my-free. website. There people can learn about what I do and how to help birds.

1. What’s Nils Warnock ‘s attitude to the bar tailed godwit?
2. Which of the following can best replace(代替)the underlined word “impelled” in Paragraph 4?
3. When did Dessi start his project “Protecting Our Birds”?
A.After he prepared a feeder for birds.
B.After he interviewed Nils Warnock
C.After he studied parrots in Mexico.·
D.After he joined a local association.
4. What will Dessi probably do next?
A.Write articles about birds in danger.
B.Help parrots losing the natural home.
C.Set up a website to teach how to help birds.
D.Recreate his own conservation organization.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Some 3,000 tern (燕鸥) eggs were given up at a Southern California island after a drone (无人机) dropped and drove off the birds, a newspaper reported in June.

In May, two drones were flown over the Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve in Huntington Beach, California. One of them went down in the wetlands. Fearing an attack from an enemy, several thousand terns gave up their ground-based nests (巢).

Usually during June, the white birds would be watching their eggs. But now, the sand is filled with eggshells.

Melissa Loebl is the manager of the protected area, which is about 160 km north of San Diego, California. Last year, the pandemic (疫情) brought more and more people to outdoor spaces. In 2020, about 100,000 visitors came to the Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve. That is up from about 60,000 in 2019, she told the newspaper.

That has led to an increase in human activities, including flying drones, walking dogs, and riding bicycles. All these activities are not permitted. There has been a great increase in dogs, particularly those permitted to run free. She explained that this is especially bad during the season when the birds lay eggs. “The dogs run after the birds, and the birds give up their eggs,” she said.

Another problem is the development of multimillion-dollar homes near the protected area. The owners feel they should he able to use the land as they like. Officials, however, are taking more action and fining people who break the rules.

The protected area is the largest saltwater wetland between Monterey Bay just south of San Francisco and the Tijuana River Estuary in Mexico. Some 800 kinds of plants and animals live at or travel to Bolsa Chica.

1. Why did the birds give up their eggs?
A.They thought their enemy was coming.
B.Their ground-based homes were unsafe.
C.They had planned to build new nests.
D.They hated the loud noise of the drone.
2. Which of the following might come from the pandemic?
A.People needed more pets.B.People loved nature more.
C.People valued their health more.D.People preferred to stay outdoors.
3. What do we know about the people near the protected area?
A.They try to protect birds.B.They care little about nature.
C.They build houses everywhere.D.They are against the development.
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.Drone Flying Should Be StoppedB.Broken Eggs Need to Be Saved
C.Human Activities Hurt Wildlife GreatlyD.3,000 Eggs Were Left After Drone Feared Birds
2022-02-28更新 | 70次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Every April, I find myself troubled by the same concern—that spring might not occur this year. The landscape looks dull, with hills, sky and forest appearing gray. On May 3, 1 awoke to a green so amazing as to be almost electric, as if spring were simply a matter of pressing a switch. Hills, sky and forest revealed their purples, blues and green.

Then there was the old apple tree. It sits on an undeveloped lot in my neighborhood. It belongs to no one and therefore to everyone. The tree’s dark branches stretch out in unpruned(未经修剪的)abandon.

Until last year, I thought I was the only one aware of this tree. And then one day, in a bit of spring madness, I set out to prune(修剪)a few disorderly branches. No sooner had I arrived under the tree than neighbors opened their windows and stepped onto their porches(门廊).

These were people I barely knew, but it was as if I had come uninvited into their personal gardens. My mobile-home neighbor was the first to speak. “You’re not going to cut it down, are you?” she asked anxiously.

Soon, half the neighborhood joined me under the apple tree. It struck me that I had lived there for five years and only now was learning these people’s names, what they did for a living and how they passed the winter. It was as if the old apple tree was gathering us under its branches for the purpose of both acquaintanceship and shared wonder.

Just the other day, I saw one neighbor at the local store. He remarked how this recent winter had been especially long and complained of not having seen or spoken at length to anyone in our neighborhood. And then, he looked at me and said, “We need to prune that apple tree again.”

1. How did the author feel about the sudden change of the view?
2. Why did the neighbors open their windows and step out?
A.They wondered what might happen to the tree.
B.They felt astonished to notice a stranger.
C.They meant to protect their personal gardens.
D.They intended to greet the author.
3. What can be inferred about the apple tree in the neighborhood?
A.It stayed in a poor shape.B.It was not attended.
C.It connected people.D.It proved to be not attractive.
4. What did the neighbor value most according to the last paragraph?
A.The arrival of spring.B.Entertainment in the long winter.
C.The pruning of the apple tree.D.The neighborhood gathering.
2023-06-21更新 | 60次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】How does an ecosystem work? What makes the population of different species the way they are? Why are there so many flies and so few wolves? To find an answer, scientists have built mathematical models of food webs, noting who eats whom and how much each one eats.

With such models, scientists have found out some key principles operating in food webs. Most food webs, for instance, consist of many weak links rather than a few strong ones. When a predator always eats huge numbers of a single prey, the two species are strongly linked; when a predator lives on various species, they are weakly linked. Food webs may be dominated by many weak links because that arrangement is more stable over the long term. If a predator can eat several species, it can survive the extinction of one of them. And if a predator can move on to another species that is easier to find when a prey species becomes rare, the switch allows the original prey to recover. The weak links may thus keep species from driving one another to extinction.

Mathematical models have also revealed that food webs maybe unstable, where small changes of top predators can lead to big effects throughout entire ecosystems. In the 1960s, scientists proposed that predators at the top of a food web had a surprising amount of control over the size of populations of other species—including species they did not directly attack.

And unplanned human activities have proved the idea of top-down control by top predators to be true. In the ocean, we fished for top predators such as cod on an industrial scale, while on land, we killed off large predators such as wolves. These actions have greatly affected the ecological balance.

Scientists have built an early-warning system based on mathematical models. Ideally, the system would tell us when to breakdown or would even allow us to pull an ecosystem back from the borderline. Prevention is key, scientists say, because once ecosystems pass their tipping point, it is remarkably difficult for them to return.

1. What have scientists discovered with the help of mathematical models of food webs?
A.The living habits of species in food webs.
B.The rules governing food webs of the ecosystems.
C.The approaches to studying the species in the ecosystems.
D.The differences between weak and strong links in food webs.
2. A strong link is found between two species when a predator ________.
A.has a wide fond choiceB.can easily find new prey
C.sticks to one prey speciesD.can quickly move to another place
3. What will happen if the populations of top predators in a food web greatly decline?
A.The prey species they directly attack will die out.
B.The species they indirectly attack will turn into top predators.
C.The living environment of other species will remain unchanged.
D.The populations of other species will experience unexpected changes.
4. What conclusion can be drawn from the examples in Paragraph 4?
A.Uncontrolled human activities greatly upset ecosystems.
B.Rapid economic development threatens animal habitats.
C.Species of commercial value dominate other species.
D.Industrial activities help keep food webs stable.
2021-08-04更新 | 160次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般