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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:195 题号:18607624

From Dec 7 to 19, delegates from around the world met at the 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (also known as COP15), in Montreal, Canada. After two weeks of intense debate at COP15, delegates agreed on Dec 19 to adopt a landmark plan to halt and reverse biodiversity loss by 2030. “Finally, we reached our destiny. We adopted the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework,” Huang Runqiu, COP15 president and China’s minister of ecology and environment, announced on Dec 19.

The new framework is a commitment by 196 parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity to conserve at least 30 percent of the Earth’s land and ocean area by the next decade. It also will increase the expected annual financial assistance from developed countries through 2030 to help developing nations with biodiversity protection.

The aim of COP15 is to ensure biodiversity loss is changed by 2030, and that humans are able to live in harmony with nature by 2050.To realize these objectives can be very challenging. At COP10 in Nagoya, Japan in 2010, the parties agreed on the 20 Aichi Biodiversity Targets (爱知生物多样性目标). But, as of now, none of the 20 objectives has been fully realized.

It is important to turn consensus into effective actions. Yet, as recent talks have shown, an aspect of effective international action on stopping climate change is the cooperation of developed countries. Developed countries, however, have fallen short of their responsibility as they have failed to fulfill the obligations according to the COP convention to provide funding and technology to poorer nations who lack the means to combat climate change.

To solve this problem, the framework creates a new biodiversity fund within the UN’s existing Global Environment Facility. This came about as a compromise between developing nations, which wanted a new fund, and developed countries, which did not. In addition, a global youth initiative (倡议) was also released, hoping young people to be leaders and advocates for biodiversity conservation.

1. What is the aim of COP15?
A.To save at least 30 percent of the Earth’s land and ocean area by next decade.
B.To stop biodiversity loss and promote harmony between man and nature.
C.To strengthen the cooperation between developed and developing countries
D.To provide funding and technology to poorer nations to fight climate change.
2. Why is COP10 mentioned in the passage?
A.To show the parties didn’t fulfill the obligation
B.To show the objectives were too high to realize
C.To show it is difficult to realize the objectives of COP 15
D.To show Japan didn’t hold the meeting successfully.
3. What does the underlined word “consensus” mean in paragraph 4?
4. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
A.International cooperation is important.
B.A new framework is made in the COP15.
C.Joint efforts are needed to fight climate change.
D.Historic COP 15 deals are released on biodiversity.
22-23高二下·山东青岛·期末 查看更多[4]


阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Many of our memory systems are driven by one single, powerful urge: to survive, We seen to be born to remember routes, so we can navigate our local environment safely. We’re also naturally talented at recognizing faces. Ever since we lived in groups, we humans have needed to know who’s “part of the pack” and who isn’t as a vital part of staying safe.

And we’re excellent at remembering things that might put our well-being at risk. A recent research study showed that we’re remarkably accurate at recalling anything connected with infection. Even imaginary dangers can sharpen our memory skills.

In the study, volunteers were shown a set of objects that they would be tested on later. But there was a twist. Some of the items were held by a researcher who was said to have COVID-19. And guess what? Those “contaminated” objects proved to be significantly easier to recall.

None of the volunteers would ever have to touch those things themselves. But their minds still prioritized (优先处理) them, locking in the information for later — just in case it could keep them safe.

And it’s a reflex that you can use to your advantage. When you’ve got something important to remember, why not “tag” it with one of those unpleasant feelings that your brain can’t help holding on to?

For instance, are you worried about forgetting the milk from your shopping list? Picture the bottle, and imagine opening it only to discover that it’s weeks out of date. Think about how it would look and smell! Thanks to the power of disgust, you’ll have a much better chance of remembering the fresh milk you need.

Don’t try this technique too often, though, or you’ll end up always feeling nervous! But, in those moments when your memory needs a boost, a small bit of disgust can be very healthy for your recall.

1. Why do we humans remember things according to paragraph 1?
A.To survive the accidents.B.To guarantee a safe life.
C.To improve our intelligence.D.To recognize routes and people.
2. What does the underlined word “contaminated” in paragraph 3 mean?
3. What can be inferred from the study?
A.Infection is of benefit to a person’s memory.
B.Volunteers remember potentially dangerous things better.
C.Imagining danger can be applied frequently to improve memory.
D.Our brain cannot handle unpleasant feelings or remember them clearly.
4. What is a suitable title for the text?
A.COVID-19 Gives Memory a BoostB.The Mystery of the Memory System
C.A New Technique to Sharpen MemoryD.A Breakthrough in Treating Memory Loss
2023-11-15更新 | 48次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】There are some sounds most of us acknowledge are annoying — the crunching of crisps, the noise of the air conditioning or a screaming baby. These noises, for many people, act as a mere inconvenience that can distract us from the task at hand. However, there are some among us who have a much more severe response to these noises. The question we ask today is: Has a noise ever made you feel so angry that you could explode with rage? If the answer is yes, you may be suffering from misophonia.

The word “misophonia” literally means “a hatred of sound” and is sometimes called Selective Sound Sensitivity Syndrome. There are some experts who doubt the existence of the condition. However, for those who claim to suffer from it, the experience can be traumatic. Certain sounds cause intense emotional or psychological responses that may seem over the top compared with a non-sufferer’s complaints.

The sound of a loved one chewing their food could trigger a sufferer’s anxiety levels, or cause them to panic. It may even activate their fight-or-flight reaction, making them want to flee. In extreme cases, that feeling of panic may result in extreme anger and end up with sufferers going crazy. Also, these conditions can lead to social isolation and the sufferers may feel cut off, according to James Cartreine, a clinical psychiatrist.

Sadly, there’s no known cure. However, tinnitus (耳鸣) retraining therapy, which helps people tolerate noises, may aid sufferers, while cognitive behavioural therapy and counselling could also help people manage the condition. Sufferers use coping strategies that include avoiding places with lots of noises, like restaurants, or moving away when they feel like hitting someone due to their breathing.

So, the next time you see someone fly into a rage because of a sound that is driving them crazy, it may be due to a difficult condition they are trying to manage, and not just because they hate a certain sound.

1. What can annoying sounds do to non-sufferers of misophonia?
A.They take their attention away from what they’re doing.
B.They generate intense emotional responses among them.
C.They make sufferers doubt the presence of the condition.
D.They lead to some complaints and severe responses.
2. What does the underlined word “traumatic” in paragraph 2 mean?
A.Physically painful.B.Emotionally disturbing.
C.Spiritually comforting.D.Mentally satisfying
3. What can we learn about misophonia sufferers from paragraphs 3 and 4?
A.They can’t be able to manage misophonia.
B.They won’t be cured through medical treatments.
C.They may be angered by the feeling of being cut off.
D.They may panic over the sound caused by a loved one.
4. Where is the text most probably taken from?
A.A news report.B.A health magazine.
C.A medical textbook.D.A psychologist’s notebook.
2023-12-09更新 | 200次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】It is quite natural for all of us to want to preserve and protect the foods we purchase. With   that in mind, we often think that the best way to do that is by putting them in our refrigerators. However, that is not always the case.


Nothing dries out bread faster than your refrigerator. In the event that you have made sandwiches with the bread, then you can place them in the fridge. The cold temperature will make the bread tough and chewy.


We all love tomatoes for their taste. But putting them in the refrigerator will cause them to lose all of their flavor ( 口味). Plus, the cold air in the cooler stops the ripening process as well. And as we all know; ripening is what gives every tomato more taste and flavor. For best results, keep tomatoes out, and inside a basket or a bowl on your counter.


Oil or vinegar-based salad can be stored for a long period of time without refrigeration. Moreover, refrigeration of salad dressings brings bad smell to them. Keep in mind that some salads that are mayo (蛋黄酱) or yogurt based should be refrigerated in order to keep them fine. So if you have some salads that have been already dressed, you can keep them away from your fridge without any hesitation.


It is a long debate whether you should keep eggs inside your refrigerator or not. One study suggests that keeping eggs whether in a refrigerator or not does not change their normal qualities, so it can be said that if you keep eggs at room temperature, there should not be any problem.   There is another study that shows that keeping eggs inside the refrigerators has a bad effect on the natural taste and flavor of eggs, so it is wise to keep eggs outside of your fridge.

1. Which of the following lose(s) water quickest in the cooler?
2. What should we do with tomatoes to get the best taste?
A.Put them in the cooler.B.Cook them at once.
C.Make them ripen faster.D.Leave them in the shade.
3. What will go bad easily without refrigeration?
A.Dressed salad.B.Mayo and yogurt.
C.Oil and vinegar.D.Salad dressings.
4. What do we know about the idea of keeping eggs in the fridge?
A.It's interesting.B.It's brilliant.
C.It's ridiculous.D.It's controversial.
2020-04-25更新 | 31次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般