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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:125 题号:18649565

The masked shrew is one of the smallest mammals(哺乳动物) in North America, only a few inches long. However, it recently made a giant jump. Over the past few decades, the tiny shrew has migrated more than 4,000 feet on both sides of the Rocky Mountains. And it’s not the only one.

Studies in other parts of the world have suggested that mountain animals are climbing higher. Lead study author Christy McCain, an ecologist at the University of Colorado Boulder, and her co-authors Sarah King and Tim Szewezyk wanted to show it is true in the Rockies.

The new study looked at 47 different species of small mammals in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. First, the researchers studied the small mammal samples (样本) collected in Colorado over the last few decades and built a database on where these mammals were typically found and how high up. Next, they conducted a series of field surveys in the Colorado Rockies, counting small mammals and recording where each species is found today. They then calculated how much each mammal population has moved over the last few decades.

They found that 26 of the 47 species studied had moved upward over time. Masked shrews were among the species with the largest jumps, climbing a total of about 4,500 feet. McCain noted that species with the largest upward jumps tend to share some important characteristics. Most of them are animals specifically adapted to cold weather. 11 of the 47 mammal species actually shifted downward. McCain noted they may be less sensitive to mountain warming. Six species do not appear to have changed at all. And four species have completely disappeared from the mountains in the period between the 1980s and now.

“This is the first indication,” McCain said, “that large animal communities are responding to climate change.” The findings are consistent with the conclusions of other studies around the world — that mountain ecosystems are sensitive to climate change and wildlife in these places is already responding to the pressure, both of which can urge humans to change the current situation.

1. Why did Christy McCain and her team do the study?
A.To collect data of mountain animals.B.To urge humans to change the situation.
C.To prove the previous conclusions.D.To assess the effects of climate change.
2. What does the study find about mountain mammals?
A.Many species have disappeared.B.None have shifted downward.
C.Those going higher are sensitive to cold.D.Many are affected by climate change.
3. What can the findings function as?
A.A wake-up call.B.A climate reminder.
C.A pressure response.D.A situation changer.
4. What’s the main theme of the text?
A.Mountain mammals climb higher to beat the heat.
B.Cold-adapted species suffer a lot in the Rockies.
C.Climate change is making the Rockies unlivable.
D.Small mammals are vital to mountain ecosystems.
【知识点】 动物 科普知识 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Prairie dogs(草原犬鼠)are native to the prairies of the United States, Canada, and Mexico. They are actually a type of squirrel named for the place where they live and the warning call they give when they are threatened(威胁), which sounds similar to a dog’s bark. One of the amazing things about prairie dogs is the way that they live in “towns.” These towns can contain many hundreds of prairie dog families.

Prairie dogs like to live with other prairie dogs, so they join together to make prairie dog towns. These are collections of prairie dog families that can cover one or two square kilometers. Prairie dog towns are big because each family lives in their own tunnel(地道)system, which is usually 10-30 meters wide. Families are usually made up of 1 male, 2 to 4 females, and their children. When the young prairie dogs reach three years of age, they leave home to found their own families on the edges(边缘)of the town.

Prairie dog tunnels usually have several chambers. These chambers are like rooms in a house. Female prairie dogs use them when they give birth and when they raise their babies. The other chambers are used by the family for sleeping. To make them comfortable, prairie dogs separate the chambers by lining the walls with grass. The tunnels are also used for protection when prairie dogs are threatened by other animals. For this reason they are designed with two or more holes serving as doors.

Prairie dogs like living in towns and they even make social visits to each other. When two friendly prairie dogs meet, they greet each other with a kind of kiss. However, the male prairie dogs defend the borders of the family’s tunnel system against enemies. Prairie dog towns have conflicts, social gatherings, and cooperation just like a human town, which makes them very interesting.

1. What do we know about prairie dogs?
A.They are group animals.B.They bark like squirrels.
C.They are an endangered species.D.They are wild dogs living on grasslands.
2. How does the author explain the function of chambers in Paragraph 3?
A.By giving the meaning of chambers.B.By describing how chambers are built.
C.By classifying the contents of chambers.D.By comparing chambers to human homes.
3. Why are tunnels designed with many holes?
A.To let in fresh air.B.To make it comfortable for sleep.
C.To run away from dangerous enemies.D.To avoid being crowded in and out.
4. The last paragraph is mainly about prairie dogs’ ________.
A.social lifeB.social structureC.hunting habitsD.living environment
2021-04-12更新 | 112次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Old tennis balls are being used in an unusual way to help us learn more about one of the rarest mammals(哺乳动物)in the country.

Harvest mice are only about 2 inches(5cm)long.This spring and summer,wildlife experts are encouraging people to report sightings of harvest mice so that records can be built up about numbers and locations can be made.

Meadows and grassland are animals'traditional homes but as farming methods change over time,the habitats are being lost and numbers are thought to be declining

Old tennis balls,complete with penny-sized holes,make a strong and popular choice of home for the mice and around 200 are available for surveyors to distribute and monitor,after being donated by a local tennis club.

The project,supported by the Leicestershire County Council,is thought to be the biggest of its kind ever run in Leicestershire.

County Council wildlife expert,Helen O'Brien,said,“Little is known about the creatures'present situation locally so we need people to look in tall grass and fields and send in their information.The information will help us track numbers and tell us where we need to focus our attention to safeguard(保障)their future.”

Anyone interested in getting involved(参与),can pick up tips and learn more about harvest mice on a training day.This is taking place between 7:30 p.m.and 9:30 p.m.on Monday,14th June at the County Council's Environmental Resource Centre in Birsall.People living in Leicester,Leicestershire and Rutland can get involved with the survey or book a place on the training day by calling Gareth Price at 0116-267-1950.

1. The underlined word“declining”in Para.3 is closest in meaning to________.
2. The Leicestershire Country Council needs local people to________.
A.donate food for harvest mice
B.keep harvest mice as pets at home
C.raise more cats to kill harvest mice
D.collect information about harvest mice
3. We learn from the last paragraph that________.
A.the training is going to be provided on July 14
B.the training about harvest mice will last two hours
C.only people living in Leicester can get involved
D.Gareth Price will be the trainer on the training day
4. What is the best title for the passage?
A.Harvest mice like old tennis balls
B.The importance of tennis balls
C.The rarest animal:harvest mice
D.Harvest mice's homes are being lost
2020-08-28更新 | 18次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】From Black Beauty to The Chronicles of Narnia, films and books have often shown the friendships that can develop between humans and horses. Lots of real-life stories have shown that horses seem to have a special understanding of humans. However, until a recent study, nobody knew if horses really recognized different human emotions.

A team of researchers set out to see what horses can understand. They used a test that is often used to see how much babies understand about the world around them.The team brought 28horses into a room, one by one. Each was shown a picture of a happy human and a picture of a sad human. At the same time,a recording of a happy or sad voice was played.The test showed that horses can recognize different emotions by looking at facial expressions and hearing the tone of people’s voices and matching the two up.When the voice didn’t match up with the picture, the horses seemed to be puzzled: they looked at the picture for longer, as if they knew that something wasn’t right. However, the researchers still don’t know if the horses actually understand what it is to be sad or happy.

Scientist Océane Liehrmann, from the University of Turku in Finland, worked on the study. She said,“You could imagine that they have a particular box in their mind labelled (贴标签)’human sadness’ containing the characteristics of both a sad face and a sad voice.”

It’s also thought that horses prefer to spend time around happy people because they spent longer looking at the pictures of happy people.The researchers now want to see if horses can recognize other negative human emotions.

1. Why did the author mention two films at the beginning?
A.To lead the readers to the topic.B.To introduce the films to the readers.
C.To compare the films with the real life.D.To advise the readers to relax themselves.
2. The researchers want to find out in the study whether horses can        
A.hear different soundsB.communicate with humans
C.recognize different picturesD.understand human emotions
3. When finding the picture didn’t match up with the voice, how did the horses feel?
4. Why do the researchers think horses like to be around happy people?
A.Because horses like to hear loud laughter.
B.Because horses can recognize people’s sad emotions.
C.Because horses spent more time on the pictures of happy people.
D.Because horses understand what it is to be sad or happy for people.
2023-11-08更新 | 65次组卷
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