组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与社会 > 体育 > 体育健身
题型:对话填空 难度:0.85 引用次数:31 题号:18659496
Bob and Jane are discussing the sports they will do.
Bob: I need to get fit and lose some weight.
Jane: That’s a good idea. Can I join you?
Bob: Of course.     1    
Jane: I’m not sure. I often play badminton with my father.
Bob: I’ve never played badminton.     2    
Jane: Yes. At the sports center, but we have to book ahead of time.
Bob:     3     Do you like it?
Jane: Yes. Cycling is a great sport.
Bob: I have a friend       4     We can join his cycling club to meet other people interested in it.
Jane: It would be fun if we could do the sport with lots of other people.
Bob: Great. When do you want to start?
Jane: Not tonight.     5    
Bob: OK. We’ll wait until the weather is good.
A. What about cycling?
B. What equipment will we need?
C. who goes cycling every weekend.
D. who watches cycling on the television.
E. It looks as if it’s going to rain.
F. Is there a court we could use?
G. What kind of sport do you want to do?
【知识点】 体育健身




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