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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:24 题号:18672307

Scientists say they have developed a system that uses machine learning to predict when and where lightning will strike. Researchers report the system is able to predict lightning strikes up to 30 minutes before they happen within a 30-kilometre radius.

Lightning is a strong burst of electricity in the atmosphere. Since it carries extremely powerful electric charge, it can be destructive and deadly. European researchers have estimated that between 6, 000 and 24, 000 people are killed by lightning worldwide each year. For this reason, climate scientists have long sought to develop methods of predicting lightning.

The system tested in the experiments used a combination of data from weather stations and machine learning methods. The researchers developed a prediction model that was trained to recognise weather conditions that were likely to cause lightning.

The model was created with the data collected over a 12-year period from 12 Swiss weather stations in cities and mountain areas. The data, related to four main surface conditions: air pressure, air temperature, relative humidity and wind speed, was placed into a unique machine learning algorithm (算法) , which compared it to the records of lightning strikes. Researchers say the algorithm was then able to learn the conditions under which lightning would happen.

The researchers tested the system several times. They found that the system made predictions that proved correct almost 80 percent of the time. “It can now be used anywhere,” the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology said in a statement.

The researchers plan to keep developing the technology in partnership with a European effort that aims to create a lightning protection programme. The effort is called the European Laser Lightning Rod project. Scientists working on the project are experimenting with the laser technology that could someday control lightning activity, transferring lightning charge from clouds to the ground. They hope that such technology can one day be used as protection against lightning strikes. Possible uses could be at stations, airports or places where crowds of people gather.

1. Why was the system developed?
A.To show the power of lightning.
B.To meet kids’ curiosity about lightning.
C.To protect people from lightning.
D.To keep track of deaths caused by lightning strikes.
2. What is special about the system?
A.It adopted a different machine learning algorithm.
B.It used an effective method of collecting data.
C.It was based on a number of samples worldwide.
D.It required the low cost of predicting lightning.
3. What will the researchers do next with the laser technology?
A.Generate electricity with lightning.B.Transfer energy from lightning.
C.Monitor lightning activity.D.Prevent the occurrence of lightning.
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.A Theory of Employing LightningB.A Model of Creating Lightning
C.A System of Controlling LightningD.A Method of Forecasting Lightning


阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Languages are important. But how they appeared is largely mystery(谜). It is interesting to see how deaf people can create novel sign languages immediately. Observations have shown that when deaf strangers are brought together in a community, they come up with their own sign language in a considerably short amount of time. However, how exactly this happened has not been recorded, as Manuel Bohn describes, “We know relatively little about how social interaction becomes language. This is where our new study comes in.”

In a series of studies, researchers attempted to recreate exactly this process. But there was a problem: how to make children communicate with each other without them returning to talking to each other? The solution came up in Skype conversations between the two researchers from Germany and their colleague Michael Tomasello in the US. In the study, the children were invited to stay in two different rooms and a Skype connection was established between them. After a brief familiarization with the set-up, the researchers turned off the sound and watched as the children found new ways of communicating that go beyond spoken language.

The childrens' task was to describe an image with different meanings in coordination(协调)game. With concrete things like fork, children quickly found solution by copying the action(e. g. eating) in a gesture. But the researchers repeatedly challenged the children with new, more abstract pictures. In the course of the study, the images to be described became more and more complex, which was also reflected in the gestures that the children produced. In order to communicate, for example, an interaction between two animals, children invented separate gestures for actors and actions and began to combine them.

The studies show that communication cannot be reduced to words alone. When there is no way to use conventional spoken language, people find other ways to get their messages across. This phenomenon forms the basis for the development of new languages.

1. What is basically unknown to us?
A.The origin of languages.B.Normal people's interaction.
C.When sign languages are used.D.The importance of languages.
2. Why did the researchers turn off the sound?
A.To make the children think in quiet environment.
B.To evaluate the children's potential modeling skills.
C.To let the children imagine how the deaf communicate.
D.To know how the children communicate without speaking.
3. What were the children required to do in the experiment?
A.Draw pictures of some objects.B.Invent a couple of new words.
C.Describe something in their way.D.Express their own true feelings.
4. From which is the text most probably taken?
A.A biology textbook.B.A science magazine.
C.A science fiction book.D.A travel brochure.
2020-12-10更新 | 62次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】About tem men in every hundred suffer from color blindness in some way. Women are luckier, only about one in two hundred is affected in this matter. Perhaps, after all, it is safer to be driven by a woman.

There are different forms of color blindness. In some cases a man may not be able to see deep red. He may think that red, orange and yellow are all shades(阴影) of green. Sometimes a person can’t tell the difference between blue and green. In rare cases an unlucky man sees everything in shades of green--a strange world indeed.

Color blindness in human beings is a strange thing to explain. In a single eye there are millions of very small things called “cones(圆锥细胞)”. These help us see in a bright day and tell the differences between colors. There are also millions of “rods(棒条体)”, but these are used for seeing when it is nearly dark. They show us shape, but not color. Some insects have favorite colors. Mosquitoes like blue but do not like yellow. A red light will not attract insects but a blue lamp will. In a similar way human beings also have favorite colors. Yet we are lucky. With the aid of cones in our eyes we can see many beautiful colors by day and with the aid of the rods we can see shapes at night. One day we may even learn more about the invisible(看不见的) colors around us.

1. The passage is mainly about     .
A.color and its surprising effects on drivers
B.women being luckier than man because fewer of them are color blind
C.color blindness and how our eyes tell different colors and shapes
D.danger caused by color blindness
2. According to the passage, with the help of “cones”, we can     .
A.see in a weak lightB.tell different colors
C.tell different shapesD.tell orange from yellow
3. Why do some people say it is safer to be driven by women?
A.There are fewer color blind women
B.Women are more careful
C.Women are fonder of driving than men
D.Women are weaker but quicker in thinking
4. Which of the following statements about color blind people is true?
A.None of them can see deep red but all can tell blue from green
B.Not all of them have the same problem in recognizing color
C.None of them can tell blue from green but all can see deep red
D.All of them are lucky enough to see everything in shades of green
2017-12-23更新 | 65次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:本文是说明文。主要介绍了一种蜻蜓Pantala flavescens,是一种长途旅行者。它与在许多大陆的蜻蜓的种群都具有相似的基因,这种蜻蜓适应性强,比如翅膀上的表面积增加,能够利用风来飞行。 这种蜻蜓冒险长途飞行的原因在于它的繁殖必须要有湿润的气候。

【推荐3】A dragonfly barely an inch and a half long appears to be animal world’s most productive long distance traveler - flying thousands of miles over oceans as it migrates from continent to continent - according to a newly published research.

Biologists who led the study say the evidence is in the genes. They found that populations of this dragonfly, called Pantala flavescens, in Texas, eastern Canada, Japan, Korea, India, and South America, have genes so similar that there is only one likely explanation. Apparently — somehow — these insects are traveling distances that are extraordinarily long for their small size, breeding (繁殖) with each other, and creating a common worldwide gene pool.

But how do insects from different continents manage to meet and hook up? Ware says it appears to be the way their bodies have evolved. “These dragonflies have adaptations such as increased surface areas on their wings that enable them to use the wind to carry them.”

Dragonflies, in fact, have already been observed crossing the Indian Ocean from Asia to Africa. “They are following the weather,” says Daniel Troast, who analyzed the DNA samples in Ware’s lab. “They’re going from India where it’s dry season to Africa where it’s wet season, and apparently they do it once a year.”

Wetness is a must for Pantala to reproduce, and that, says Ware, is why these insects would be driven to even attempt such a dangerous trip, which she calls a “kind of suicide.” The species depends on it. While many will die on the route, as long as enough make it, the species survives.

For the moment, the details of this extraordinary insect travel are an educated best guess. Much more work is needed to bring many loose ends together. Ware and Troast hope that scientists can work on plotting those routes.

1. What proves Pantala flavescens are the world’s longest-distance flyers?
A.Scientists have tracked the dragonfly across the world.
B.There are many Pantala flavescens in various continents.
C.The same dragonfly was found both in Asia and America.
D.Pantala flavescens in different continents have similar genes.
2. What helps Pantala flavescens fly over so long distance?
A.Their special body shape.
B.Their ability to use wind.
C.Their small and light body.
D.Their large and strong wings.
3. What is necessary for Pantala flavescens to reproduce?
A.Damp weather.B.Enough sunshine.
C.Dry environment.D.Warm nests.
4. What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 5 refer to?
A.The weather.B.The insect.
C.The wind.D.The trip.
2018-04-15更新 | 180次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般