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题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.65 引用次数:38 题号:18675491

Fans lined the road to the finishing line of the Santa Barbara XV Grand Prix    1     (cheer)on the competitors. Esteban was in     2     (three)place. But when he was 300 meters away from the finishing line, his     3     (get)a puncture. He didn’t give up and put his bike     4     his shoulders and ran towards to the finishing line. A few seconds     5     (late),Navarro caught up with him,    6     he slowed down and reached the finishing line with Esteban ahead     7     foot. The audience was     8     (amaze)at his sportsmanship and cheered. Esteban wanted     9     (give)the prize to Navarro but he refused. The two     10     (cycle)made sportsmanship at its very best.

【知识点】 体育精神


语法填空-短文语填(约270词) | 适中 (0.65)

You’ve probably seen athletes who take their own successes too seriously. They celebrate a goal with a very long victory dance or continually talk big about their abilities. This is the exact opposite of     1     sportsmanship is all about.

Everyone feels great when they win, but it     2     be just as hard to be a good sport (有体育精神的人) when you have won a game     3     when you have lost one. Sportsmanship takes courage — when you work really hard at a sport, it’s not easy     4    (admit) you made a bad play or someone has more skills than you. In competition — as in life — you may not always win but you can learn much from losing, too. It’s pretty tough to lose, so it is definitely     5     (annoy) if someone continues making fun of you or your team     6     the competition is over. Sometimes it’s hard to swallow your pride and walk on. But there’s always the next match.

When you do lose — and it will happen — lose with class (风度).     7     (be) proud of how you performed, or at least realizing things you need to improve for next time, is the key. When it comes to losing, sportsmanship means congratulating the winners willingly. Also, it means accepting the game result without complaint and without excuses,     8     you sometimes might doubt the referees (裁判员) made some questionable calls.

When you win, the good way is to be a polite and generous winner. Sportsmanship means admitting victories     9     putting your opponents to shame and letting victories speak for themselves, that is, being quietly proud of success. Despite the fact     10     you have a massive win, sportsmanship means still finding ways to praise your opponents.

2022-06-24更新 | 130次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约160词) | 适中 (0.65)

The Chinese women’s volleyball team holds a very special place in the nation’s heart and has fought     1     (they) way through ups and downs.But     2     (win) gold in Rio paints     3    most vivid portrait of the team’s competitive spirit.

In Rio, the Chinese women’s volleyball team needed all of its fighting spirit after it     4     (assign) to the “group of death,     5    it faced several strong opponents in the group stage matches. However, they didn’t give up.     6     (final), showing a strong will and the steeliest nerves, they played a close match against Serbia to seize gold in the final.

But fighting spirit alone was not enough     7     (guarantee) victory. Strong team spirit also contributed greatly     8    their success. Cooperation between team members is essential.

The Chinese women’s volleyball team     9     (lead) by Lang Ping has continued to aim high. Lang knows clearly that they need to start from zero to prepare for new     10     (challenge) ahead. In this way, the team begins its journey to the next Olympics.

2023-08-27更新 | 49次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约150词) | 适中 (0.65)

Organized by Beijing Normal University,an important forum (论坛) on the spirit of the Chinese women’s volleyball team    1    (hold) on Saturday in Beijing. Around 500 people from different fields attended the forum.

People were    2    (true) moved by the nice speeches that professors and experts shared their     3    (view) on the spirit of women’s volleyball and on the building of sports power.Lang Ping,chief coach of women’s volleyball team,also shared her opinions,which made an     4    ( impress) on all the audience.

Cheng Jianping,the Party chief of Beijing Normal University,said in    5    (he) speech women’s volleyball has influenced people greatly,and encouraged them     6    (work) hard for their aspirations (抱负). The spirit of women’s volleyball has not only showed patriotism (爱国主义) but also brought    7     (confident) and courage to people    8     are facing new challenges. So far,China     9     (enter) a new period,and it should continue to carry forward this spirit. Meanwhile,this spirit should be     10     (close) connected to patriotism education,Cheng said.

2023-04-23更新 | 108次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般