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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:55 题号:18692787

Most of the efforts aimed at reducing climate change concentrate on reducing the use of fossil fuels. But a new study warms that pollution from the worlds food production system is also a major cause of rising temperatures on the earth.

The study finds that if the world food system grows at the current speed, it will produce nearly 1.4 trillion metric tons(公吨)of greenhouse gases over the next 80 years. That pollution is expected to come from fertilizers used in agriculture, mismanaged soil, food waste and methane gas released from cows and other animals. Other causes include land-clearing operations and deforestation(乱砍乱伐).

Researchers from the University of Minnesota and the University of Oxford in Britain led the study. They predict that even if fossil fuel emissions (排放) were stopped now, emissions from the world food system would make it impossible to reach the international climate change targets. They say emissions from food production alone could push world temperatures over 1.5degrees Celsius by the middle of this century and above 2 degrees Celsius by the end of the century.

The new study calls for immediate improvements in farming practice, as well as what we eat and how much food we waste.

Jason Hill is a professor of biosystems engineering at the University of Minnesota and he helped lead the study. He says that the research clearly shows that food has a much greater effect climate change than widely known. Fixing the problem would not require the world’s population to completely stop eating meat. We can eat better, healthier foods. We can improve how we grow foods. And we can waste less food, he adds.

Besides, the researchers say such efforts are achievable and can also lead to many other improvements beyond controlling climate change. These include making humans healthier, reducing water pollution, improving air quality, preventing animal extinctions and improving farm profitability(盈利能力).

1. What did the new study find about the world’s food production system?
A.It produces many poisonous gases.
B.It causes a rise in global temperature.
C.It helps to reduce the use of fossil fuels.
D.It tries to solve the world hunger problem.
2. What’s the researchers’ prediction in Paragraph 3?
A.Fossil fuel emissions will gradually stop.
B.The temperature will have an unexpected rise.
C.The climate change target will be eventually achieved.
D.Emission from food production will cause serious effects.
3. What does Jason Hill suggest?
A.Reducing food waste.B.Growing more crop.
C.Stopping eating any meat.D.Producing less junk food.
4. Which of the following can help to prevent pollution from food production?
A.Reducing water pollution.B.Improving farming methods.
C.Protecting endangered animals.D.Increasing farming productivity.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Getting paid to stay in bed all day sounds pretty good, but what if someone pays you $ 23, 000 to stay in bed for two months? That’s the deal that a medical research team in France is offering to 24 volunteers.

The researchers are looking for volunteers to help them study the effects of weightlessness (失重状态) on the human body and find ways to stop problems. Lying in bed isn’t exactly the same as being weightless, but the effects are alike.

When astronauts spend a long time in an environment with no gravity, their bodies change in many ways. After several months, their hearts don’t beat as hard. Their muscles become smaller and weaker. Their bones may be broken more easily. There may also be changes in the astronauts’ immune systems (免疫系统) and sleep habits.

The study will take 88 days. During the first two weeks, the volunteers will be tested to make sure of their levels of fitness. Then they will spend 60 days lying in bed with their heads lower than their bodies. They will have to do everything while lying down, including eating, brushing their teeth, and going to the bathroom. The rule is that they must have at least one shoulder touching the bed at all times. The last two weeks of the study will be spent trying to build up the volunteers’ fitness again.

Volunteers must be men between the ages of 20 and 45 who are in perfect health. The researchers completed one study in April. A second study will take place from September to December.

1. What’s the third paragraph mainly about?
A.How astronauts work in an environment without gravity.
B.Astronauts’ sleep habits in an environment without gravity.
C.Why astronauts’ bodies change in an environment without gravity.
D.The effects of an environment without gravity on astronauts’ bodies.
2. From the passage, we can learn that the volunteers must_____.
A.be womenB.come from France
C.be in excellent conditionD.be under twenty years old
3. What’s the passage mainly about?
A.How to build up astronauts’ fitness.
B.Researchers pay volunteers to stay in bed.
C.Effects of weightlessness on the human body.
D.Disadvantages of lying in bed for two months.
4. Where does the passage most probably come from?
A.A medical magazine.B.A short novel.
C.A grammar book.D.A travel guidebook.
2021-05-01更新 | 151次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约470词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Eleven of the world’s languages have at least 100 million native speakers. The biggest are Mandarin Chinese, English, Spanish, Arabic and Hindi. Next come Portuguese, Bengali, Russian, Japanese, French and German. Experts say these eleven languages are the mother tongues of half the world’s population. But the world has close to 7,000 languages. Linguists (语言学家) predict that as many as half of these may be at risk of disappearing by the end of this century. That would mean another language dies every two weeks.

Members of the Siletz Indian tribe (部落) in the northwestern state of Oregon take pride in their language. Their language, they say, “is as old as time itself”. But today very few people can speak it fluently. In fact, you can count the number of fluent speakers on one hand.

More than 10,000 entries can be found in the Siletz Online Talking Dictionary. Professor Harrison has posted talking dictionaries for seven other highly endangered languages from around the world. He says technology can not only spread the influence of major languages but also help save endangered ones. Smartphone applications, YouTube videos and Facebook pages have all become digital tools for language activists and experts.

Mr. Harrison and a researcher in Oregon have mapped areas of endangered languages. One is the Pacific Northwest in the United States. Others include the upper Amazon basin, Siberia and northern Australia.

In Canada’s far north, the Inuit people are struggling to preserve their native language, Inuktitut. Part of the effort involves Microsoft. The company is translating terms in its Windows operating system and Office software into Inuktitut. The programming group had to invent new words to include all the terms in some Windows and Word document menus.

Nowadays so many people will spend their entire day sitting in front of a computer. If you’re sitting in front of your computer in English all day, that just reinforces (强化) English. If you’re now using Inuktitut, it is reinforcing that this is your language. Microsoft has also worked with language activists in New Zealand, Spain and Wales to translate its software into Maori, Basque, Catalan and Welsh.

Nothing takes the place of speakers speaking to other speakers and to people who are learning. But this bridges a gap (空缺) that was just needed in some communities and in some tribes. Young members of the tribe are now texting each other in Siletz.

1. People of the Siletz Indian tribe are proud of their language because           .
A.it’s easily masteredB.it’s widely spoken nowadays
C.it has a long historyD.it deserves scientific research
2. According to Professor Harrison, technology           .
A.changes the way young people learn a language
B.makes learning a language a fashionable thing
C.makes it possible to master a language quickly
D.helps the endangered languages known to more people
3. The computer program in Inuktitut is used by Inuit people to           .
A.make their language spoken worldwideB.learn other languages conveniently
C.help to spread the new technologyD.strengthen the use of their native language
4. The last sentence implies that           .
A.it’s hopeful to save the endangered language
B.young people like to accept and use the new technology
C.means of communication in the tribe has changed a lot
D.young people try their best to save their language
5. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A.There are more than 7,000 languages in the world.
B.English has the most native speakers in the world
C.The Inuit people ‘s native language, Inuktitut, are disappearing.
D.It is wrong for people to reinforce English
2024-01-20更新 | 24次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】The Great Wall in China is an iconic cultural landmark that has stood for a long time. But the long structure is also at risk of disappearing because of natural erosion. Now, scientists have discovered that some parts of the wall are better conserved from the elements than others. Some plants have created a layer of biocrusts (生物外壳) on some sections of the wall, according to a study published in a journal. In addition to strengthening the wall, the biocrusts shield it from wind and water. The researchers report the “living cover” also insulates the wall from temperature changes.

The Great Wall was constructed and connected over thousands of years ago to help create a “united defense system” for China’s northern border. Some sections were built using rammed earth (夯土), a process that involves compacting natural materials like stones and soil to create firm structures. Those materials also provided an ideal habitat for organisms to grow—and over time, they created a biocrust layer atop the rammed earth.

Scientists in China wanted to better understand the wall’s biocrusts, so they took samples from a roughly 300-mile-long section. When they analyzed the samples, they found that 67% of the area they studied was covered in biocrusts. They also conducted a series of experiments to compare the bare and biocrust-covered samples. The biocrust-covered sections held up better in tests measuring their strength and stability. Some biocrust samples were three times stronger than the bare rammed earth samples.

The new research could help inform conservation strategies for the Great Wall and other heritage structures created from rammed earth. Some conservationists have supposed that biocrusts may cause historic structures to worsen more quickly, but this study suggests otherwise. Instead, biocrusts helpfully combine the functions of several conventional measures into one nature-based, eco-friendly and long-lasting strategy.

1. What does the underlined word “insulates” in paragraph 1 mean?
2. What is paragraph 2 mainly about?
A.How the Great Wall was built.B.What rammed earth once was like.
C.What role the Great Wall played in history.D.How biocrusts were formed on the Great Wall.
3. What can the findings be used to do?
A.Conserve plant samples.B.Stop the formation of biocrusts.
C.Help keep rammed earth heritage structures.D.Replace conventional building protection measures.
4. How is the text mainly organized?
A.By analyzing the methods of wall restoration.
B.By comparing different sections of the Great Wall.
C.By tracking the historical significance of the Great Wall.
D.By explaining a new scientific discovery and its impacts.
2024-02-21更新 | 30次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般