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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:85 题号:18848979

If you have tried chatting with ChatGPT lately, you have probably been met with an “at capacity” error message at some point. The chatbot’s sudden huge popularity can make accessing the service pretty tricky. And while it’s fun to chat with the AI or even get it to write essays or take exams, some people want guaranteed access so they can use the chatbot for professional purposes.

Earlier this month, OpenAI announced that it may soon start offering a paid-for version of ChatGPT with an option called ChatGPT Professional. A waitlist that OpenAI posted to the server detailed what pro users might expect.

The professional offering, which OpenAI described as “experimental”, will be “always available,” offer “fast responses from ChatGPT,” and would provide “as many messages as you need.” The waitlist also noted that, if selected, OpenAI would reach out to you individually to set up a payment process and a pilot.

Now it seems like OpenAI has picked its early access users and they are sharing some insights. Zahid Khawaja, an early access user, shared a video on Twitter running a test prompt on the pro version that ran much quicker than the free version the rest of the public has access to. In the video, Khawaja showed his subscription cost, which comes in at $ 42 a month.

How OpenAI decided on $ 42 a month is yet to be revealed-perhaps it’s yet another Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy reference. However, in December Sam Altman, OpenAl’s chief executive said the average cost of each response was in “single-digits cents”, but he admitted it will need to charge the service eventually because of its “eye-watering“ compute costs. A recent agreement with Microsoft, which will see the software giant invest billions in OpenAI over the next few years, will also likely help.

Despite its popularity, ChatGPT isn’t the only AI chatbot on the market. The $ 42 a month price tag is causing some users to seek other alternatives that might be more cost effective and just as efficient.

1. What does the author think of having access to the service?
A.Not easy.B.Not good.
C.Not tough.D.Not slow.
2. Which of the following isn’t provided in the professional version of ChatGPT?
A.All-time availability.
B.Enough information.
C.Free subscription.
D.Faster response.
3. Why was the service charged in the end?
A.It is to be revealed next month.
B.It is customers’ requirements.
C.It needs Microsoft’s investment.
D.It needs very high running costs.
4. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.ChatGPT charges the lowest on the market.
B.ChatGPT will lose most of its access users.
C.ChatGPT may lose some targeted customers.
D.ChatGPT is more effective and efficient.
【知识点】 科学技术 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Anything made of plastic or metal can be 3D printed nowadays — bicycles, toys, tools... even replacement body parts! But the latest trend in 3D printing may be food. Scientists and chefs are putting their heads together to create printed food.

Several 3D printers designed for food are now on the market. Anything that can be made into a soft wet mixture can be squeezed (挤压) from a tube in a 3D printer. Instead of ink, these printers can use fruits, vegetables, proteins, sweets, and more. This makes for lots of combinations that can be healthy, yummy, and even artistic.

Most 3D printers don’t actually cook the food, at least not yet. Engineers at Columbia University’s Creative Machines Lab invented an oven (烤箱) that cooks 3D-printed pizza with laser beams (激光束). A special computer program controls the lasers, heating each part of the pizza to perfection. Unlike regular ovens, lasers can carefully cook each thin piece of 3D-printed food.

In the future, food can be made with a 3D printer to meet our needs. For example, a hospital could design meals to meet patients’ dietary needs. Vitamins, minerals, and even medicines can be mixed right in. A 3D printer can make food appealing. Foods that someone may not like might be more attractive after 3D printing. Maybe that food you dislike wouldn’t seem so bad if it looked like a castle!

The idea of 3D printed food may seem very modern. In fact, NASA (美国国家航空航天局) has been researching the topic for more than ten years. On a long travel, it’s important to have food that is easy to make, tastes good, and has the nutrients astronauts need to stay healthy. Printing food on demand may soon be into the space!

1. What will be the latest trend in 3D printing?
A.3D printed bicycles.
B.3D-printed toys.
C.3D-printed food.
D.3D-printed body parts.
2. What is special about the laser oven?
A.It is invented by students at Columbia University.
B.It is made from strong laser beams.
C.It can make 3D-printed food carefully.
D.It can cook each part of 3D printed food perfectly.
3. What does the underlined word “appealing” in paragraph 4 mean?
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.Anything Can Be 3D Printed
B.3D Printing: the Future of Food
C.NASA’s New Research
D.How to Cook 3D Printed Pizza
2020-09-27更新 | 105次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】After photographer Monni Must’s daughter Miya died, the sad mother adopted her black dog, Billy Bean. As Billy became increasingly weak, the thought of its dying was just more than Must could handle. So she decided to clone the dog. “I feared everyone was going to forget Miya,” she said, “and my other daughters thought I had completely lost my mind.”

Billy's cells were shipped to ViaGen Pets, a Texas company that provides the cloning service. With more than $50,000, Must picked up a new puppy. “The dog has a real soul and is everything my daughter was—fun, social and kind,” she said. “I feel that I still have that touchable connection and not just a spiritual connection.”

Cloning animals is hardly new. But the recent news that singer Barbra Streisand had cloned her dog grabbed international headlines. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals(PETA) president Ingrid Newkirk issued a statement saying she would love to talk her out of cloning, noting that millions of wonderful dogs are getting old in animal shelters every year or dying in terrifying ways when abandoned.

Normally, a doctor takes a tissue biopsy(组织活检), a piece of skin and muscle about the size of a pencil eraser, from the dog. The next step is to take an egg cell from a donor dog, remove the egg’s nucleus, and insert DNA from the pet to be cloned. When an embryo(胚胎)develops, it is transplanted in the body of a mother dog.

In the basic cloning procedure, scientists take an entire adult cell and put it into an egg that’s been relieved of its own DNA. The resulting embryo is a clone. However, in many animals, only one in 100 cloned embryos ever leads to a live birth. Some embryos die in the IVF dish or in the mothers bodies. Of those that are born, a few suffer from abnormalities and quickly die. Besides, pet cloning doesn’t mean copying everything of your beloved pets.

1. Why did Must decide to clone Billy Bean?
A.She felt alone without its company.
B.Her work experience inspired her to do so.
C.She wanted to keep her daughter’s memory.
D.Her family encouraged her to get a new dog.
2. What’s Newkrik’s attitude towards pet cloning?
3. What does Paragraph 4 mainly talk about?
A.How dog cloning works.B.The achievements in dog cloning.
C.The disadvantages of pet cloning.D.How to support animal protection.
4. The last paragraph implies that animal cloning ________.
A.is widely accepted now.B.has a very high failure rate.
C.gives pet owners false information.D.has made a breakthrough in recent years.
2019-06-16更新 | 74次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】China is currently constructing the world’s first commercial underwater data center, which marks a groundbreaking initiative. This project aims to revolutionize the industry by controlling the power of the ocean depths, resulting in significant energy and land savings. With the potential to match the computational abilities of approximately 6 million conventional personal computers, this underwater data center is ready to be a game-changer.

The data center modules of China’s underwater facility are being installed on the seafloor at depths of around 35 meters. Designed to withstand harsh underwater conditions, these modules are expected to operate sustainably for up to 25 years. Each waterproof storage module weighs an impressive 1,300 tons and can process over 4 million high-definition images every 30 seconds.

One of the most significant advantages of the underwater data center is the ability to use the natural cooling qualities of seawater. By adopting this innovative approach, the data center is estimated to save a remarkable 122 million kilowatt-hours of electricity annually. This achievement in energy efficiency emphasizes China’s commitment to sustainability and educing environmental impact.

With the initial arrangement of one storage module in April, 2023 and the recent addition of a second module, the project is well underway. The grand plan aims to have a total of 100 modules fully operational by 2025, marking a significant milestone in sustainable data center development.

By choosing an underwater data center, China is actively addressing the challenges of land conservation. Traditional data centers often occupy vast amounts of land. In contrast, this underwater marvel takes up minimal dry space, preserving land for other essential purposes. Additionally, the use of natural sate cooling reduces the stress on traditional energy sources, leading to a significant reduction in carbon emissions. This environmentally conscious approach corresponds with global sustainability goals ad sets an example for the industry to follow.

1. Why is China building the underwater data center?
A.To reshape the data center industry.
B.To make full use of energy and land.
C.To control the power of the ocean depths.
D.To improve computers’ computational ability.
2. What can be learnt about the underwater data center’s modules?
A.They are light and easy to reposition.
B.They will be replaced every few years.
C.They occupy vast amounts of land and ocean.
D.They can sustain operation for long periods.
3. What is one impact of using an underwater data center?
A.Preventing ocean pollution.B.Worsening the environment.
C.Conserving land for other uses.D.Increasing energy consumption.
4. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?
A.National Seawater Cooling System
B.China’s Initiative to Conserve Land
C.Land-Based Energy-Efficient Data Centers
D.China’s Commercial Underwater Data Center
2024-07-25更新 | 43次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般