组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 日常活动 > 学校生活
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.65 引用次数:97 题号:19003073

I was a beautiful Friday morning as the sun shone brilliantly. The pond was shining invitingly. I woke up to the sound of the birds singing outside my window and realized that it was the day of the award ceremony. I had won the “Most Valuable Player” award for my school’s soccer team and was extremely proud of myself. I rushed to my parents’ room and kept jumping on the bed, asking them to wake up. I said, “You need to take me to school for my prize presentation ceremony!”

My parents got off their bed unwillingly. I went to wash up and took my whitest and straightest uniform to prepare for my ceremony. By the time I was ready, my parents had already prepared a tasty breakfast for me and we set off after breakfast.

While my parents were driving me to school, they told me not to be anxious as it was a very quick process of walking u the stage, collecting the prize and walking down the stage. When we reached the school, my parents wished me all the best and went to their seats to watch the ceremony.

First to be awarded was the Spelling Bee team. They went up on stage and collected an extremely large bee trophy(奖杯). Next was the “Most Valuable Player” award, My parents took out their cameras and got ready to take a video of me. I puffed up my chest(挺胸) and walked up the stairs to the stage.

My heart raced uncontrollably as I went upstairs. I was suddenly feeling nervous. At the top of the stairs, my legs were shaking and I fell on the ground. At that very moment, the audience burst into laughter. My face went red and my mind went blank.

1.续写词数应为150 左右;

I gathered my courage to get up and continued walking.


As I walked down the stage on the way back to my seat, embarrassed, I thought my friends would make fun of me.

【知识点】 学校生活 个人经历


书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

In high school, I was an editor of the school newspaper at the student union. And I won two national awards. I’ve been so focused on my dream of being a magazine editor that I’ve never wasted my time being fake-friendly to people—I was too busy for that. I almost didn’t socialize much in school, which meant I almost didn’t have any real friends in school. Unexpectedly, that annoyed a lot of people out of my expectation, so they began to talk about me behind my back. The gossip (流言蜚语) never bothered me since I was so into my goals and had no time to care much. But then I appeared on TV, and things changed.

When the show first broadcast last May, I received dozens of mean posts about me on the media sites, calling me “crazy”, and even some dirty words were used. Worse still, some strangers shot their fingers at me. How could they say such terrible words to me when they’d never met me? I still tried to focus on my work and told myself not to care about this, but that didn’t stop their comments from streaming in. Every day, mess messages continued to come in and it seemed no sign of end.

When I walked into class on a Monday morning, some girls actually pointed and whispered that I broke down the TV program. I wish I could have faced all negative things calmly or even ignore the gossip, but I couldn’t. Each time I went out of or into the classroom, there would be people I knew or total strangers, staring at me or whispering, only adding to my sense of shame, and I just wasn’t able to shake any of it off. All the negative attention started to overwhelm me physically and mentally.


Soon after, all the negative words started to destroy me.


I saw a quote in the journal. “Once you choose your way of life, be brave to stick it out and never return.”

2023-08-09更新 | 257次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

Ollie Simmons was good at maths, but Ruby Riley wasn’t. Well, Ruby didn’t think she was. She sat next to Ollie and so she just copied him. This was the best way she had found to do maths and she didn’t have to think at all.

One day the teacher said, “We will be having a maths test after lunch.” Ruby felt there was a moth moving its wings inside her. “Can I copy off you?” she whispered to Ollie. Ollie thought for a minute. “What will you give me?” he whispered back. Ruby showed Ollie a stone she had. It was round and smooth and the colour of the sea. “OK!” he said, “Give me the stone, and then you can copy me.” Ollie Simmons got one hundred percent in the maths test and so did Ruby. Their names went on the top of the maths champs chart.

Every week there was a maths test and every week Ollie Simmons and Ruby Riley got one hundred percent. Ollie had to share the top place with Ruby, but it was worth it. He had a torch, a key chain, a golf ball and a gift box!

One day, there was a maths test again. This time, Ruby picked a watch, thinking everything would go as usual—Ollie would let her copy and they would go on the top of the chart together again. But she was wrong. The headmaster came into Ruby’s class. “I want to see Ollie Simmons,” she said. Ollie was gone for a long time. Then the door opened. It was the headmaster again. “Ruby Riley,” she said, “Come with me, please.” Ruby felt like a bird in a cage—there was no way to escape. The headmaster told Ruby that every lunchtime for five weeks she had to do maths. “You have to learn to think for yourself,” she said. “And Ollie has to learn a lesson, too. He’s going to teach you.”

注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Ollie was mad at Ruby for getting him into trouble.


Ollie proved to be a good teacher for Ruby.

2022-05-12更新 | 450次组卷
书面表达-图表作文 | 适中 (0.65)

参考词汇:scratch paper   草稿纸
2020-03-17更新 | 72次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般