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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:277 题号:19083369

I’d moved to U.S.to live with my uncle,and one year after that, I lost my vision. I had since learned to get about with a cane, and now I craved getting back to pursue my dream of being a broadcaster.

But my aunt and uncle said it was much too dangerous for me to go out on my own. What if I got hit by a car? I must stay in the house. I was dogged. I rejected their guesses. I believed I could regain my way if I lost it. I told my aunt and uncle I would pay close attention, I would listen and be very careful when crossing streets.

A public library was offering a tuition-free course on how to use a computer with screen reading software designed for blind people. This was an important opportunity for me, My aunt and uncle reluctantly agreed.

I knew that the American singer Ray Charles, who was also blind, got around on his own without a cane. If he could do it without a cane, I reasoned, surely I could do it with one. Ray’   s secret was to count steps. But I couldn’t seem lo do that the way he had. Instead I captured the layout (布局) of places I visited by taking note of landmarks in my mind. I’d imagine the mental map I’d drawn and use that in order to navigate. Today, I do this automatically.

But that doesn’t mean I didn’t lose my way many times in the process of acquiring this skill. Sometimes I’d be so discouraged that I’d consider giving up. Maybe I should stay home and wait until someone could help me. On those days when I lost my way, I’d go to bed feeling down. And because I didn’t want my uncle to worry about me, I kept that to myself.

Since that time, I’ve pursued my education. I’ve earned three academic degrees, including a master’s, in face-to-face classrooms.Today, I’m a published journalist and audio producer. Now, surprised at my progress, my uncle screams to my aunt,“That boy can see!”

1. What does the underlined word “dogged” mean in the second paragraph?
2. How did the author chart his way every day?
A.Depending on a walking cane.
B.Employing the power of imagination.
C.Drawing a detailed map himself.
D.Counting every pace while walking.
3. What did the author keep a secret?
A.His firm trust in his uncle.B.His desire for some help.
C.His losing his way sometimes.D.His feeling sleepy at bed.
4. What does the author’s uncle sound by saying “That boy can see!”?
A.A blessing.B.A relief.
C.A surprise.D.A praise.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:本文是记叙文,讲述了少年Zach Bates身患自闭症却凭借自己坚强的毅力完成了超级马拉松,他成功的背后,是他对梦想的执着追求和父母无条件的支持,御风前行,把所有不可能变成可能。

【推荐1】Fighting through pain after running for 28 hours, and amid the sound of tired feet struggling through the Arizona dirt—finally soft, soothing (舒缓的) music could be heard over the horizon. The finish line, which was once 100 miles away, was right in front of him. A small, roaring human victory tunnel welcomed Zach Bates as he ran across the finish line.

Diagnosed with autism (自闭症) at the age of four, Bates completed the 100-mile ultramarathon (超级马拉松) earlier this year, becoming the youngest finisher in the race’s history, aged 19. Bates was a member of the cross-country team in high school but, after graduating he surprised his family with a new goal—to run a 100-mile race before his 20th birthday.

Neither Bates nor his parents had any prior experience in preparing for the task at hand, but Brian, his father, found ways to help, truly making it a family affair. In addition to hiking safe trails, they read books together, organized all his nutrition, and made sure their son had the right equipment—like the watch he wore on long runs so they could track him and make sure he was safe and on course. Rana and Brian even helped with training schedules before finding more experienced ultramarathon runners—such as mentor John Hendrix and coach Nickademus de la Rosa. With Hendrix and de la Rosa’s expertise, the young American prepared by competing in shorter distances and successfully worked his way up to the 100-miler in a short time.

Rather than having his autism be a reason to make the goal unreachable, his mom said the challenge has helped him stay focused. “If we listen to our children and allow them to do what they want to do and be a support to them, you’ll be so surprised at where they’ll end up,” Rana says.

1. How did Bates probably feel when he ran across the finish line?
A.Tired but cheerful.B.Proud and overconfident.
C.Painful but peaceful.D.Comfortable and relaxed.
2. Why did Bates’ new goal surprise his family?
A.Because he was diagnosed with autism.
B.Because he was a cross-Country team member.
C.Because he graduated from high school just now.
D.Because they considered the new goal impractical.
3. Which of the following did not contribute to Bates’ success?
A.Guidance from experts.B.His perseverance to the goal.
C.Support from his family.D.Encouragement of team members.
4. What can we learn from the story?
A.Save for a rainy day.B.All we have is now.
C.Nothing is impossible.D.Fortune favors the bold.
2023-04-23更新 | 204次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Before my daughter, Evelyn, was born, I eagerly expected her first year of life. I imagined celebrating every milestone --- bonding with her as a newborn, seeing her smile for the first time, hearing her say her first word. 1 didn't think of feeding tubes, long hospital stays or an organ transplant(移植). For Evelyn, the first year included all and more.

Evelyn came into this world at just 34 weeks, weighing less than 3 pounds. Genetic testing revealed she had Alagille syndrome, a genetic disorder that can damage the liver(肝脏),heart and other organs. Soon, we received the news that baby Evelyn needed a liver transplant.Our family moved nearer to UPMC Children's Hospial of Pittsburgh so that we were closer if a liver was available for Evelyn.

When Evelyn was added to the organ donation wait list, I was under the liver allocation policy in place at that time,which was map-based. This policy lacks any special consideration for transplant candidates.We were told it would likely take three months. Just then, a new policy for liver allocation was tried out.Under the new system, the sickest child patients get first priority(优先).The new policy was only in effect for a little over a week, but in that period, Evelyn received her liver transplant.Had it been just one week earlier or later, we would not have received the call.

As Evelyn recovers from her transplant, we are grateful for the change.I am also sad, because the new policy was short-lived. That means another mom like me might not receive that phone call with good news.

Other children should have the same opportunity as Evelyn to live healthy, happy lives. When it comes to liver transplant policy, we can and must do better for children.

1. What probably happened to Evelyn shorly after she was born?
A.She failed to give a smile.
B.She had a serious liver failure.
C.She said her first word quickly.
D.She suffered from a heart attack.
2. Why did the author's family move nearer to the hospital?
A.To save time.
B.To have money.
C.To see a doctor.
D.To get first priority.
3. What does the author mean by the underlined sentence?
A.Evelyn is healthy now.
B.They waited too long.
C.They were one week earlier.
D.Her daughter is fortunate.
4. What does the author want to express in the last pargraph?
A.We must guarantee kids have healthy livers.
B.Kids should have chances of a liver transplant.
C.The sickest kids should get liver transplants first.
D.The old policy lacks special consideration for kids.
2020-03-23更新 | 162次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了Deanna Stellato-Dudek 赢得世界花样滑冰锦标赛双人滑项目冠军的故事。

【推荐3】Deanna Stellato-Dudek retired in 2001 because of injuries. But this week, she achieved the unthinkable. With her partner Maxime Deschamps, the 40-year-old former retiree defeated athletes less than half her age and became the oldest woman to win a World Figure Skating Championship. Even more remarkable, she did it in the pairs event, in which the top women are thrown across the ice, lifted over their partners’ heads with one arm, and tossed(抛)more than 10 feet in the air.

Stellato-Dudek had an impressive junior career as a singles skater, winning the 1999 — 2000 International Junior Grand Prix Final and receiving the silver me dal at the 2000 World Junior Championships.

However, by 2001, a few significant injuries led to her decision to retire at age 17. For the next 16 years, Stellato-Dudek lived a relatively normal adulthood. She became a successful aesthetician(美学家)and got married. She was no longer attempting risky triple(转体三周的)jumps on international ice.

But the feelings of unfinished business kept disturbing her — whether she had quit the sport too early and whether she had more to achieve in skating. So she tried on her old skates and attempted the impossible — learning how to become a pairs skater in her 30s and returning to competitive ice.

Her efforts paid off, and now Stellato-Dudek and her partner are unlikely world champions at ages 40 and 32. Stellato-Dudek said she hoped the historic victory inspired everyone, even non-skaters, who might think it was too late to pursue and achieve their goals. “I hope it encourages people not to stop before they reach their potential,” she told reporters after winning the title Thursday night.

Stellato-Dudek is not done. Her next major goal is to compete in the 2026 Winter Olympics at age 42.”She is a fighter,” her partner said. “For her, it’s the Olympics every day.”

1. What do we know about Stellato-Dudek from paragraph 1?
A.She entered the competition alone.
B.She was younger than her competitors.
C.She won the championship in pairs skating.
D.She returned to skating because she lost her job.
2. What does paragraph 2 mainly tell us about Stellato-Dudek?
A.Her career plans.B.Her past achievements.
C.The challenges she met.D.The training she went through.
3. What did Stellato-Dudek do after her retirement?
A.She got married.B.She worked as a coach.
C.She threw away her old skates.D.She kept trying risky triple jumps.
4. Which word can best describe Stellato-Dudek?
2024-06-02更新 | 28次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般