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题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:52 题号:19116593

Psychologists have found the following strategies will effectively improve your memory.

Walking through the woods

A walk in the forest will put you at ease and improve your memory. University of Michigan psychologists asked two groups of experiment participants to go for walks.     1    . The other group wandered around a forest. Then they were given a memory test. The ones who wandered among the trees performed 20% better on the test.


For 30 years, psychologists have been studying “expressive writing” — writing about difficult experiences for at least 15 minutes each day. Expressive writing lets people disclose thoughts they otherwise spend mental energy trying to avoid, allowing more energy to be spent on memory.

Building meaningful links

Connecting what you just learned with what you already know will strengthen your memory.     3    . For example, you’re learning about heat transference (传导). Instead of memorizing the abstract concept — heat moves from a hot object to a cooler object — you could use an example the way that the heat from a hot cup of tea warms up your hands on a cold winter day.

Reading physical books

    4    . After all, it’s just your eyes scanning the pages, right?

Not quite.

It turns out that we remember things better when we read them in a more physical form. Psychologists say that when you’re reading a book, you’re also holding it, feeling the weight of it in your hands. As you read through the text, the pages move from your right hand to your left.     5    .

A.Writing expressive essays
B.Storing more information at a faster speed
C.One group walked around an urban environment
D.Long-term relationships have several memory benefits
E.We usually think of reading as a totally visual exercise
F.The more you relate your learning to the old knowledge, the better
G.Their research suggests that such movement or weight can help you memorize
【知识点】 方法/策略


阅读理解-七选五(约290词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Eating as mindfully as we do in a mindfulness course is not realistic for many of us, especially with distractions around us. Here are five simple guidelines to bring our bodies and minds back together.

Let your body catch up to your brain.

    1    . The body actually sends its satiation (饱食) signal about 20 minutes after the brain, which is why we often unconsciously overeat. Simple ways to slow down might just include chewing each bite 25 times or more and setting your fork down between bites.

    2    .

Too often, we eat when our mind tells us to. Rather than just eating when we get emotional signals. which may be different for each of us. be they stress, sadness, or even just boredom, we can listen to our bodies. Is your stomach growling? Or do you feel a little dizzy?

Understand your motivations.

As we practice eating more healthily and a greater variety of foods, we are less likely to rely only on our comfort foods, and more likely to enjoy healthy foods, ultimately finding many foods mentally and physically satisfying as opposed to just a few.    3    .

Connect more deeply with your food.

Many of us don’t even consider where a meal comes from beyond the supermarket packaging. This is a loss, because eating connects us more deeply to the natural world and people involved in the meal.     4    . With just a little more mindfulness like this, we may begin to make wiser choices about sustainability and health in our food, not just for us but for the whole planet.

Attend to your plate.

Multitasking and eating is a recipe for not being able to listen deeply to our body’s needs and wants.     5    , and before the coming attractions are over, we are asking who ate all of it. With your next meal, try single-tasking and just eating.

A.Know your body’s personal hunger signals
B.Pay special attention to your eating habits
C.We can find foods that are both satisfying and comforting
D.When we pause to consider that, it’s hard not to feel grateful
E.You don’t have to plan your food down to each bite at special occasions
F.Slowing down is the best way we can get our mind and body to communicate
G.We’ve all had the experience of going to the movies with our bag full of popcorn
2023-06-04更新 | 27次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Simple Tricks to Get Rid of Dark Circles Under Eyes

Forget getting a corrective operation or a face lift just to get rid of those annoying dark circles under your eyes. We have gathered four simple tricks you can do at any time.     1    .

Change your diet

Yes, unfortunately your diet could be one of the causes of those eye circles and swelling(肿胀). And when you're flying, it can be really difficult to keep a healthy and balanced diet.     2    , so if you cut these out of your diet—especially when flying—the risk of your eyes swelling reduces. Moreover, just an ounce a day of dark chocolate and also foods that are filled with omega-3 fatty acids can greatly improve blood flow to the skin.

Cool tea bags

    3    ! Don't get rid of used tea bags. Just place them in the fridge for about 10 minutes to cool off. Lie down and set the cooled bags over your closed eyes for around 15 minutes—they will be able to relieve the skin around your eyes. Therefore the swelling and discoloration(变色) around your eyes will decrease.


Here's the thing about friction—it causes skin pigmentation to darken. If you happen to be one of those people who constantly rub their eyes, here is an important reason why you should stop immediately. We know it can be hard when flying, but something as simple as not rubbing your eyes makes all the difference.

Get a retinoid cream(维甲酸乳膏)

Retinoids are a perfect solution for the area surrounding your eyes.     5    ! Moreover, they can boost collagen(胶原蛋白) so those fine lines will reduce in size and depth. Oh yes, your skin will in turn appear smooth and bright after regular and continued use.

A.Stop rubbing your eyes
B.Tea fans, this one is for you
C.So just keep them in your mind
D.But remember what you should do
E.Salty foods and alcohol cause swelling
F.Eat as much eye-friendly food as possible
G.The reason is that they quickly reduce discoloration
2021-09-27更新 | 124次组卷
阅读理解-任务型阅读(约860词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】How We Learn to Speak


No two human beings are exactly alike. Each one of us is different, yet we all have many features in common. One of these features is that when we are born we all absolutely depend on others for all of our needs: food, shelter, clothes, protection and love. Many important things happen during childhood, but central to the process of growing from a baby with little personality into an individual with is the development of communication.


The first way a baby communicates its needs is by crying, but eventually babies realize that there are other and better ways of communicating. The baby listens to all the meaningless sounds around it, and it gradually gets used to the voices it hears. Day by day, week by week, and month by month, it learns to imitate those sounds, and so another language speaker is born. This, of course, is an extremely simple description of the very complex process of learning a language, but it is, nonetheless, true.


When did you become a language speaker? Most children usually start talking when they are around one year old. For some it happens before then, while for others it occurs sometime between their first birthday and eighteen months. Those children who learn to talk earlier than others are a source of immense pride to their parents. On the other hand, if children are slow to start talking, parents can worry that something is wrong. Experts declare that being a late starter is not a cause for concern or a sign that a child is not clever; after all, Einstein was three or four before he started speaking, and there was nothing lacking in his brain power! All normal children learn to talk, but at different rates.


In the first few months of life, babies make noises that are nothing like words, but by six months they are making nonsense noises that are beginning to sound like speech. After another six months, children will be making mama noises, and they will also try to repeat sounds that they hear. When they make these noises or say these ‘words’, people do things for them: they smile and pick them up, or they get attention and a cuddle. They are starting to realize that language is a very useful tool indeed.


After another half year, most children can say up to 8 or 10 words. At this age, children on average can understand 5 words for every one word they can say. Around this age, children start to use two words together as if they were one word, daddy car for example, which in adult language could mean either Daddy is in the car or it is daddy’s car. If it is the first meaning, the child will stress the second word, car, and if it is the second meaning, the word daddy will be stressed. By the time they blow out the two candles on their next birthday cake, they will be able to say approximately 40 words, and two years later, they will be able to handle between 200 and 300 different words. By the age of 5, the child will understand nearly 2,000 words. Then it will be time for primary school and during this period of early schooling, the child's vocabulary will grow by roughly another 1000 words each year.


Learning a language is a very complicated process, but all human beings are born with language ability. The precise language they learn to speak depends on which language they hear all around them. When babies are making nonsense sounds, some people say that they are trying out all the possible sounds in all the world's languages before identifying those sounds that they hear around them. When they have narrowed down all possible sounds to the ones they hear every day, then those are the sounds they will produce and master, and the other sounds will disappear. An example may help to clarify this: some Chinese people find it hard to hear the difference between [1] and [r], lock and rock for instance, and speakers of Japanese sometimes have this problem, too. However, a study showed that newborn Japanese babies could indeed hear the difference between [1] and [r], even though their parents could not. Surprisingly, though, the babies lost this ability around the age of six months, and could then only hear the sounds their parents could hear and say.


Learning a language takes persistence. It requires practice, practice, practice. Above all it needs time. And if babies can do it, then so can you. Enjoy the adventure!

Multiple Choice:
1. Choose the answer which best summarizes the writer’s purpose (目的) in the article.
A.A description of how babies begin to learn language
B.A description of the process of language learning
C.A comparison of how babies and adults learn language
D.A discussion of how difficult it is to learn language
2. Headings:
Skim quickly to match the headings on the right side with the numbers on the right side.
(1)Paragraph B ____________   ① learning different languages
(2)Paragraph C ____________   ② the age for first speaking
(3)Paragraph E ____________   ③ language up to age 5
(4)Paragraph F ____________   ④ language for babies
3. Gap Filling:
Scan paragraph D and E to find the specific information to fill in the gaps.
(1)A. 6 months old: making ___________________
(2)B. 1 year old: making __________________, repeating _________________________
(3)C. 2 years old: know about ____________________________
(4)D. 4 years old: can handle ____________________________
(5)E. 5 years old: understand _____________________________
2022-02-24更新 | 73次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般