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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:42 题号:19155842

A smile is the key to a thousand doors, but deploying it in every situation without mastery of its use is dangerous, says a new social science study.

Scientists say it takes a great many muscles to smile; scientists at Queen’s University Belfast in a recent study found that subtle differences in the way in which a person smiled had not-so-subtle impacts on the opinions which the test participants had about the smiler. “Smiling at another person does not always lead to trust and cooperation,” said Dr. Stephanie Carpenter from the University of Michigan, a co-author of the study. Subtle differences in a smile can definitely have a real impact on whether people trust each other and choose to cooperate. In fact, the way you smile in a good or bad situation can impact whether people trust you.

“Think about movie villains, for example in James Bond films,” said Dr. Magdalena Rychlowska from Queen’s University, who led the research published in Cognition and Emotion journal. “They often make happy smiles when something bad has happened or is about to happen. This context makes these otherwise happy and normal smiles feel threatening and unpleasant.” She adds, “The findings of this study show the power of subtle facial expressions and the positive consequences that an affiliation smile can have in difficult situations. It also highlights the importance of social context—a happy smile that could be read as a signal of trustworthiness in one setting can, but in another setting, it can be seen as the evidence of bad intentions.”

Mastery of the smile then, can be an excellent way of getting out of difficult social situations, while the lack thereof can be an excellent way of getting into one.

1. Which of the following about smiling is TRUE according to the second paragraph?
A.Deploying smiling is very dangerous in every situation.
B.The way you smile will impact whether you can be trusted.
C.Subtle difference in smiling has little impact.
D.Smiling will always lead to trust and cooperation.
2. How did the author explain subtle differences in a smile?
A.By giving examples and citing scientific proof.
B.By using numbers and giving examples.
C.By listing data and making a comparison.
D.By raising questions and citing scientific proof.
3. What can be learnt from the study of smiling?
A.A happy smile can always be read as a signal of trustworthiness.
B.People always make happy smiles when something bad has happened.
C.Mastering the smile can help you avoid troubles.
D.Subtle facial expressions have positive consequences.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.The Power of Social ScienceB.The Advantages of Body Language
C.A Trusting SmileD.The Impact of Smiling
【知识点】 科学技术 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】This year, new technologies will enable more drivers to take their hands off the steering wheel (方向盘) while on the road. But that doesn’t mean their cars will be fully self-driving — that day still remains far in the future.

Automakers like General Motors (GM), Ford and Stellantis are introducing, or upgrading existing technologies. But in the words of Kay Stepper, an automated driving expert, these systems are “feet off” and “hands off”, but they will not be “eyes off” or “mind off”.

For the time being, these systems will only be used on limited-access highways, where there are no pedestrians or bicyclists. Vehicles with this technology will be able to drive at relatively high speeds, but only in simple traffic situations.

Bryan Reimer, a researcher with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Age Lab, said it will be -decades before people can buy. truly-self-driving cars in-which humans ride as passengers,

Still, the technology that will be rolled out by the major automakers this year will do more than most so-called Advanced Driver Assistance Systems, or AD AS, do now.

GM’s Super Cruise system allows drivers to completely let go of the steering wheel while driving on selected highways. It was introduced in 2017 on the Cadillac CT6 sedan, which was ds continued last year. An improved version is coming this year on the Cadillac Escalade SUV and the Cadillac CT 4 and CT5 sedans.

Super Cruise only works on highways that have been previously laser-mapped in three dimensions. GPS positioning and the vehicles, radar sensors(传感器) and cameras are used to enable drivers to unh and — and un foot — all the controls.

Drivers still need to pay attention, however. A camera in the car makes sure the driver is looking at the road at all times. If the driver looks away from the road for more than a few seconds, the system will stop working.

1. At present, what can the self-driving cars do?
A.They can drive freely on city streets.
B.They can run without human drivers.
C.They handle complex road conditions on their own.
D.They allow drivers to take their hands off the steering wheel.
2. What can we infer from the words of Kay Stepper?
A.People still need to pay attention.
B.People can’t unhand all the controls.
C.People can look away from the road.
D.People need to trust new technology.
3. What does Paragraph 6 mainly talk about?
A.GM’s latest car models.B.GM’s Super Cruise system.
C.GM’s development plan.D.GM’s close competitors.
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.It’s High Time to Get a New Car
B.The Industrial Revolution Is Underway
C.The Real Self-driving Remains Far Away
D.Super Cruise Does More than Most AD AS
2023-06-04更新 | 76次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】On Indonesia’s eastern island of Sumba, a lack of electricity once left many communities in the dark at night. But off-grid(离网) solar energy programs are bringing people there limited electricity years before normal power systems reach them. Such small solar panels(电池板) mean a lot to them. They can work later in the evenings, help their kids with their homework and even hold more social gatherings. Besides, there are experts saying off-grid solar programs could be reproduced across the nation of thousands of islands and that the energy is renewable.

However, off-grid solar energy systems face problems too. Most villagers depend on donators, some international organizations, to pay most of the cost of solar panels, so, villagers without off-grid solar panels have to wait until there is enough money from the donators. And when solar systems break, imported parts are needed, which can be hard to find and costly. While the solar systems can power light bulbs and charge cellphones, they do not provide the same amount of power as a grid and thus cannot operate devices like a sound system for a church.

Despite these challenges, off-grid solar programs have proven successful in Indonesia and other places, such as Bangladesh and Africa, south of the Sahara Desert. These programs, offered by companies like Sumba Sustainable Solutions, help provide electricity for millions. The company has sent over 3,000 solar light systems across the island, reaching more than 3,000 homes. To continue the successful completion of off-grid solar projects, Sumba Sustainable Solutions is seeking support from Indonesia’s Just Energy Transition Partnership Deal, which involves loans and other money from developed nations and international financial companies. By increasing solar use in Indonesia, more people will have access to electricity and improve their livelihoods.

1. What is the first paragraph mainly about?
A.The benefits such programs offer.
B.The future solar panels will hold.
C.The living conditions of people on Sumba.
D.The advantages of normal power systems.
2. How many challenges are mentioned in paragraph 2?
3. What is the author’s attitude towards off-grid solar programs in Indonesia?
4. What can we infer about off-grid solar projects in Indonesia?
A.Joint efforts are being made to complete them.
B.It has bettered people’s lives across the country.
C.The government offers financial support for them.
D.Many companies are participating for huge profits.
2023-07-12更新 | 85次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约260词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】When you drive, you definitely prefer a series of green lights so that you don’t need to stop constantly. Now, thanks to artificial intelligence, German researchers have found a way to reduce time spent at intersections (十字路口).

These intelligent lights are said to improve traffic flow (车流) by 10 to 15 percent, which results in money saved; the EU estimates (估计) that traffic jams cause economic damage that adds up to 100 billion euros a year. Apart from reducing commuting (通勤) time, these traffic lights will reduce noise and CO2 emissions from cars stopping at intersections.

Another exciting development in this research is the K14PED project, which studies pedestrians (行人) crossing intersections. Using AI, researchers can identify how many people are waiting at a pedestrian crossing and whether some of these people will need extra time to cross the street. Using a 3D points cloud, they can tell if someone is a senior or has disabilities by adding more waiting time until they pass.

Testing will be done until the summer of 2022 in the German towns of Lemgo and Bielefeld. And the researchers firmly believe that it will be adopted by many countries. This technology is exciting news for pedestrians and drivers alike. It encourages safety, protects the environment, and may even give you more time to enjoy your morning coffee before heading off to work!

1. Which of the following is NOT one of the advantages of the intelligent lights?
A.It is environmentally friendly.B.It is time-efficient.
C.It can reduce traffic accidents.D.It can save money.
2. What is the function of AI in the the K14PED project?
A.To provide real-time information about traffic.
B.To check road conditions and noise pollution.
C.To control traffic lights and the speed of vehicles.
D.To remind people of traffic rules at intersections.
3. What is the researchers’ attitude towards the future of the intelligent lights?
4. In which section (部分) of a newspaper can you probably find this passage?
2022-10-25更新 | 91次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般