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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:39 题号:19289318

Baidu has uncovered plans for an electric self-driving car with a removable steering wheel (方向盘), marking another step forward in the fast-moving robotaxi race in China.

The Chinese tech giant, the country’s answer to Google, showed the Apollo RT6, its sixth-generation self-driving car, at its yearly flagship meeting on Thursday. Baidu’s ride-hailing (叫车) service, Apollo Go, currently operates in 10 Chinese cities. The new vehicle will be introduced through that program sometime next year. Once regulators give the green light, the Apollo RT6’s removable steering wheel will legally be able to come off, a company executive said Thursday.

Baidu is selling its new design as a way to free up space for things like “extra seating, vending machines, desktops, or gaming consoles”. The company said its new self-driving car has dramatically lowered the production costs from previous versions, by about half. Those cost savings will be passed on to passengers as the company prepares to introduce the cars to its existing robotaxis around the country, according to CEO Robin Li.

“We are moving towards a future where taking a robotaxi will be half the cost of taking a taxi today,” he said in a statement. “This massive cost reduction will make tens of thousands of self-driving cars available across China.”

Baidu made its name as a massive search engine provider, but it has also long spent money on self-driving technology in the world’s largest car market. In April, the company announced — along with another Chinese self-driving startup — that it would start letting people in certain areas book taxi rides without anyone behind the wheel. Other companies have showed off vehicles without steering wheels before, including GM and Honda, Google, and Mercedes-Benz.

In April, Tesla CEO Elon Musk told analysts that the automaker was aiming to start mass production of its own robotaxi without steering wheels or pedals in 2024. Baidu said Thursday that its new model was ready for production, but did not disclose a manufacturing partner.

1. What can we learn about Apollo RT6?
A.It needs a driver behind the wheel.
B.It is serving in 10 cities at present.
C.It will serve through a ride-hailing app.
D.It has no steering wheel when it is made.
2. Which statement is likely to happen according to Robin Li?
A.Taking a robotaxi will cost people less money.
B.Baidu will give up designing things like extra seating.
C.Half of the production costs will be paid by passengers.
D.The company will introduce the cars in small numbers.
3. Why are other companies mentioned in the last two paragraphs?
A.To warn Baidu of its competitors.
B.To prove that the robotaxi is the best.
C.To uncover Baidu’s possible partners.
D.To indicate the future trend of self-driving.
4. Which can be a suitable title for the text?
A.The Self-driving Car Frees up Space
B.The Cost of Robotaxi Has Been Reduced
C.Baidu Spends Money on Self-driving Technology
D.Baidu Introduces New Self-driving Taxi to China


阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Have you ever been on an airplane, minding your own business, and found yourself crying for no apparent reason? Or maybe you encountered no actual tears but noticed that the airline played an “emotional health warning” before certain in­flight films.     1     Is it one of the airplane myths you need to stop believing, or is there actually something happening to your body that makes you cry?

Actually it has to do with the altitude. When you’re inside a flying airplane, you’re miles off the ground.     2     So airplane cabins are pressurized to keep passengers comfortable, but there’s only so much they can do. So the pressure isn’t at the same level you would experience at ground level.

    3     Just as oxygen thins as mountain climbers ascend(登高), the oxygen levels in the pressurized cabin are lower than you’ll find on the ground. With less oxygen available, your body goes into conservation mode. It takes care of essential functions first like your respiratory system, and ramps down(降低) some of the less crucial functions including emotional regulation.

But it’s not just because of the effects being up so high has on your body.     4     From a psychological perspective, the mere act of flying can make you cry. Even if you’re not afraid of planes, it’s a stressful situation.     5     You may be worried about losing your luggage or making a connection, so you might be a little nervous, which certainly doesn’t help when your body’s emotional regulation is already on “low”.

A.There is an emotional component, too.
B.Are you really more likely to cry while on a plane?
C.There are several ways to avoid crying while flying.
D.It’s not exactly a place where humans usually find themselves.
E.The primary reason is the lower amount of oxygen in the blood.
F.It’s not because you’re flying away from a beautiful destination.
G.You might have to say goodbye to someone in the place you’re leaving.
2022-04-22更新 | 132次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Traveling by train may seem like a pain when there are faster ways to get around, but unless you’ve taken a long journey by train, there is no way you can begin to understand how amazing an experience it can be. Trains offer a certain romance (浪漫) which planes and cars never could.


Trains offer you a view like no other. When you fly in a plane, yes, the view is breathtaking for the first part of the flight and the final part, but the flight itself means pretty much clouds or darkness—both of which get real boring and real fast. And by car, the actual act of driving and navigating (导航) means that you don’t really get to fully take things in. The train offers a comfy (轻松的) spot that gives you the chance to relax and enjoy the beauty around you. Many have said that they’d never known how beautiful their own country is until having the chance to see it from the train. There is something magical about travelling around the country using one of the oldest known methods of transportation. It’s so...Orient Express...without the murder of course!

If you’re inspired by this article enough to want to consider a trip enjoying the train, then my first suggestion would be a trip in and around Europe. You’ve likely heard of Eurail which is the best way to get all around Europe, but before we get into that,know that many European countries still use the old fashioned locomotives (火车头) for regional trips. Imagine travelling along the beautiful countryside of Portugal or Austria in a compartment. The quiet setting, the history and the magic is enough to take your breath away. That really is the ultimate in travel.

1. What does the author of the passage think of traveling by train?
A.It is an amazing experience.
B.It is a painful experience.
C.It is uncomfortable.
D.It is slow but comfortable.
2. What kind of writing style does the author use in writing the second paragraph?
3. When do passengers get bored very fast?
A.When the plane is taking off.
B.When the plane is about to take off.
C.When the plane is flying into clouds.
D.When the plane is landing.
4. What does the underlined phrase “take your breath away” most probably mean?
A.Make breathing difficult.
B.Make you surprised.
C.Make you satisfied.
D.Make you scared.
2023-09-03更新 | 23次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】The world’s first hydrogen-powered trains have been unveiled in Germany. They began carrying passengers Monday in Germany’s northern Lower Saxony state. The new train will run 100-kilometer trips and can travel up to 140 kilometers an hour.

A French railroad company called Alstom rolled out the two trains. Teams in Germany and France worked in collaboration on the project which was approved by the German government. The new train model, called the Coradia ilint, signifies the beginning of efforts in Germany and other nations to seek an alternative to pollution-producing diesel (柴油) trains, the number of which in circulation is still high.

The Coradia iLint is designed to run on non-electrified train lines with low levels of noise. It uses a process that combines hydrogen and oxygen to produce electrical power. If the system produces more energy than the train needs at that time, it can store the extra energy in batteries. The train is powered by a hydrogen fuel cell, its only emission being steam and condensed water.

A single tank of hydrogen can run a Coradia iLint train for about 1,000 kilometers. This is very similar to the distance a diesel-powered train can run on with a single tank.

Hydrogen-fueled trains cost more than diesel trains to build. But Alstom officials say the operating costs are much lower. The company confirms another 14 Coradia iLint trains will make their first appearance in Lower Saxony by 2023.

The head of railroad operations in the area, Carmen Schwabl, paid replacing diesel trains with hydrogen a compliment. She said the move was a significant milestone in the field of clean transportation.

Hydrogen it uses as fuel is the by-product of an industrial process. In future, Alstom intends to produce hydrogen from wind energy. The area’s many wind turbines (涡轮机) will also produce part of the energy to create the hydrogen.

Alstom says several other European countries have also expressed interest in embracing a new journey of clean-burning technologies. France has already said it wants its first hydrogen train to be operating by 2024.

1. Why did Germany build the new trains?
A.To substitute for diesel trains.B.To transport more passengers.
C.To make traveling much easier.D.To strengthen friendship with France.
2. What is one advantage of the Coradia iLint?
A.It runs without making any noise.B.It doesn’t use electrical power.
C.It is less costly to run.D.It is cheaper to manufacture.
3. It can be concluded that hydrogen trains ______.
A.are in wide circulationB.can contribute to green mobility
C.can wipe out air pollutionD.can discharge water and oxygen
4. What might be the best title for the text?
A.A Pioneer in Natural Resource ConservationB.Efforts to Reduce Emissions
C.The First-ever Hydrogen TrainsD.A New Way to Make Electricity
2022-09-07更新 | 73次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般