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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:17 题号:19327547

Many animals move from one place to another at certain times of the year. This yearly movement is called migration (迁徙). They migrate to find food, a partner or warmer climate. One of the most wonderful migration in nature is that of the North American monarch butterfly (帝王蝴蝶).

Every autumn, millions of these beautiful insects with fine black and orange wings begin a long and difficult journey. Somehow they manage to travel around 4,000 kilometers south and find their way to California or Mexico. However, until recently no one knew how they did this.

A team of scientists led by Professor Eli Shlizerman at the university of Washington has now found the answer. They have found out that the monarch is able to tell the time of day. It uses its eyes to measure the position of the sun. These two pieces of information—the time of day and the point where the sun is in the sky—allow the butterfly to determine the way to go. Finally, it manages to reach the places where it will spend the winter.

The solution to the mystery of the monarch’s amazing ability comes at a time when it is in serious trouble. Its population has crashed by as much as 90 percent in the last few years. Sadly, human activity is the main reason why the number of monarch butterflies is decreasing. In many of the places where the butterfly can be spotted, people are destroying the natural environment. They cut down trees and use chemicals that kill the plants that monarch caterpillars (幼虫) feed on.

The research on the monarch’s behavior has however led to a greater awareness of this creature. People have been working together to record its migration and make sure that there are enough plants for it to eat. If this works, there may come a time when the number of monarch butterflies increases once again. The more we know about this lovely creature, the greater the chance it will survive to keep its place in the natural world for a long time to come.

1. Why do monarch butterflies migrate to California or Mexico?
A.To live through the bitter winter.
B.To avoid the threat from humans.
C.To confirm the arrival of autumn.
D.To multiply in the warm climate.
2. What can we infer about monarch butterflies from paragraph 4?
A.The species has become extinct in many places across North America.
B.There has been a sharp drop in the number because of human activity.
C.People will never know why they migrate until the number decreases.
D.It is their habitat being destroyed that causes the butterflies to migrate.
3. What do you know about the future of monarch butterflies from the last paragraph?
4. What is the suitable title for the passage?
A.The Monarch’s HabitatB.The Monarch’s Beauty
C.The Monarch’s JourneyD.The Monarch’s Power
【知识点】 动物 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】When parrots are kept as single pets, they tend to feel lonely just like humans. This is why researchers looked for a way to connect single pet birds by teaching them how to video call each other.

This experiment is not incredible since parrots are known to be very smart and easy to train. If they can be trained to talk, teaching them how to make a video call would be a piece of cake. However, what the researchers wanted to know through this study was whether birds would call each other when given a choice. The answer to this was a clear “yes”. Researchers from Northeastern University, the University of Glasgow, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) found that virtual interactions could help with the behavior of a parrot and improve their communication skills.

In the first two weeks of the study, the birds learned how to make a video call by ringing a bell and touching an image of another parrot on the screen. The caretakers carefully monitored the birds’ behavior during this stage and ended the call as soon as the birds stopped paying attention or started to show signs of fear or aggression (攻击性).

The next phase, which they call the “open call period”, allowed the birds to make calls freely and pick the bird they wanted to call. The remaining 15 participants made 147 video calls over the period of three months, which was equal to over 1,000 hours of video footage.

The study had a few significant findings. First, the birds engaged in most calls and formed strong preferences. It also showed that the birds who initiated the most were the ones who got the most call requests from other birds, which is similar to human socialization. The birds also developed attachments with their virtual friends’ human caretakers.

The researchers warned owners not to do the same experiment on their own as it should only be done by trained caretakers. It may cause parrots to become aggressive, scared, or uncomfortable.

1. What is the purpose of the experiment?
A.To test parrots’ intelligence.B.To improve parrots’ mental health.
C.To help parrots to develop more skills.D.To find a suitable way to raise parrots.
2. What made the experiment possible?
A.Parrots’ needs.B.Parrots’ preferences.C.An experienced team.D.Parrots’ nature.
3. In which case did the researchers end the video call in the experiment?
A.When the parrots were tired.B.When the parrots were busy calling.
C.When the parrots showed discomfort.D.When researchers got their desired results.
4. Why did the researchers warn owners not to do the same experiment themselves?
A.To avoid causing harm to the parrots.B.To protect the owners from being hurt.
C.To prevent their research being copied.D.To get more trained caretakers involved.
2024-03-05更新 | 78次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】People think of cats as cute. But research published in a psychology journal calls them neurotic (神经质的) and unstable. Researchers from the University of Edinburgh in Scotland and the Bronx Zoo in New York compared the personalities of domestic house cats with those of four different types of wildcats.

To better understand their personalities, the researchers rated a number of animals behaviors on what psychologists call the Big Five human personality traits (特征).

Domestic house cats have similar personality structures to African lions. “It’s what cats do pretty much on a daily basis, things like being anxious, being timid, being excitable, being aggressive toward humans, being aggressive toward each other, ”said Max Wachtel, a Denver psychologist who didn’t participate in the study. “All of those are characteristics you see in those cute little house cats, and you also see them in lions.”

If you ever thought your cat was anxious, insecure, tense, suspicious or aggressive toward you, you aren’t making it up, he said. If they were bigger, they probably would consider killing you.

But the news isn’t all bad: Just like lions, house cats are also playful, excitable and impulsively funny. They just aren’t very predictable. One moment cats will be enjoying bell scratches, and the next they will be biting you to make you stop.

“It is good to understand the personality characteristics of our pets,” Wachtel said “Different cats have different personalities, but as a species, there are a lot of commonalities.”

The researchers also studied personality traits of Scottish wildcats and some other animals “Across the five species we assessed, personality structure was strikingly similar and also seemed to be related to other studies’ findings, such as in tigers,” the researchers wrote in their study in the November 2014 issue of the Journal of Comparative Psychology. But house cats were most like lions, potentially because they live in semi-social surroundings and lions are the most social of cats.

“They’re cute and furry, but we need to remember when we have cats as pets, we are inviting little predators into our house,” Wachtel said. “Cats can be fantastic, sweet companions—until they turn on you.”

1. Cats can be described as _____.
A.funny and safe
B.playful and stable
C.fantastic and devoted
D.neurotic and unpredictable
2. How did the researchers conduct the research?
A.By making comparisons.B.By analyzing cause and effect.
C.By giving examples.D.By providing explanations.
3. Which of the following “turn on” shares the same meaning as the underlined phrase?
A.The book really turned me on to science.
B.Upon entering the room, he turned on the light.
C.The hungry suddenly turned on each other for food.
D.The trial turned on the medical evidence presented by the defense.
4. Which of the following can be used as a suitable title?
A.Cats are best pets.
B.Domestic cats and wildcats.
C.Your cat may want to kill you.
D.Different cats, different personalities.
2020-01-31更新 | 366次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Federal scientists have started testing migratory birds (候鸟) for signs of a dangerous bird flu that could show up on this continent this spring.

The testing of shorebirds began Wednesday at an Anchorage coastal wildlife refuge (藏身处), said Bruce Woods, spokesman with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

It is the first sampling of a summer-long project to swab (用拭子取液体) birds for bird flu throughout the state. Nationwide, the goal is to sample 75,000 to 100,000 wild birds. In Alaska, about $ 4 million in federal money will be paid to study about 15, 000 birds, Woods said.

“We had some success in catching some of the target species,” Woods said Thursday.

More than 40 species of waterfowl and shorebirds are considered susceptible to infection by a highly pathogenic (致病的) H5N1 bird flu virus that’s killed more than 100 people, in other parts of the world, mostly in Asia.

Scientists will only test birds in the Anchorage area through early next week. “In this location, it’s very brief. Birds go through and they’re gone,” he said.

To screen the birds for the deadly virus, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Alaska’s Fish and Game Department also are setting up more than 50 remote backcountry camps accessible mainly by float planes or boats.

Many birds will be tested and released, while others killed during seasonal hunts will be tested after they have died.

Alaska is an ideal bird flu laboratory because it’s at the crossroads of migratory pathways for birds flying between the United States and other countries. Some of these birds arrive in Alaska each year from Asia, reports AP.

1. Which of the following is wrong?
A.Over 50 remote hackcountry camps are being built.
B.More than 100 people have died of H5N1 bird flu virus.
C.In Alaska, the goal to swab birds for bird flu is 75,000 to 100,000 wild birds.
D.Around 15,000 birds will be studied with the money provided by the federal government.
2. What can we infer from the passage?
A.Only killed birds will be tested.
B.Asia is a more serious part infected by H5N1 virus.
C.The scientists there have no experience to catch the birds.
D.As many as 50 species of waterfowl and shorebird are infected by H5N1 bird flu virus.
3. What makes Alaska an ideal bird flu laboratory?
A.Its location.B.Its climate.
C.The birds there.D.Its environment.
4. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.How are migratory birds tested for bird fluB.Testing for bird flu begins in Alaska
C.Alaska, an ideal bird flu laboratoryD.Influence of H5N1 bird flu vims
2020-12-29更新 | 36次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般