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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:93 题号:19499351

Do you ever get restless if you haven’t checked your phone for a few minutes? If so, you’re not alone. Studies show that people these days check their phones once every four minutes on average! Some of this usage may be related to work. However, much of it is because many apps —particularly social media apps—use “clever techniques” to keep us coming back for more.

One of such techniques is to push notifications. You’re getting on with your work or something else when—ping!—a notification pops up on your screen, informing you that a friend has posted something new or commented on your post. It may seem like a small interruption, but it often is enough to break your concentration and make you go back to your phone again.

Another method is to make a game of the in-app experience by setting up a competitive goal element. Some apps, for example, uses streaks (连续纪录), which count the number of days you have used the app. If you keep a streak going, you might get a medal or some other rewards. Therefore, keeping one’s streak alive becomes a major reason to return to the app again and again.

Once you’ve opened an app, its goal is now to get you continue using it. Messaging apps use a simple but effective trick (伎俩) to keep you engaged even when you’re not writing anything. Have you ever noticed that in some apps, three dots (…) appear to let you know your friend is typing a reply? This trick is designed specifically to create your expectation or curiosity. You wonder what your friend is going to say. Well, you’ll have to keep waiting and see.

While using social media apps is certainly fun, becoming addicted definitely isn’t. Now that you know some tricks used by these apps’ designers, you’ll be better equipped to reduce their influence and keep a healthier relationship with your phone.

1. How does the author introduce the topic in paragraph 1?
A.By raising a question.B.By quoting a saying.
C.By making a comparison.D.By doing an experiment.
2. How many “clever techniques” are mentioned in the text?
3. What is special about an app using streaks?
A.Ongoing pings will inform you of new posts.
B.Competitive games will greatly discourage you.
C.Everyday use of the app might earn you a medal.
D.Appearance of three dots might disturb your typing.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Can People Break Their Addition to Games?
B.Could Technology Further Improve Phones?
C.The Social Media Apps That Waste Your Time
D.The Tricks That Keep You Glued to Your Phone
【知识点】 信息技术 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约460词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Teenagers who spend more than three hours a day on social media may have doubled the risk of mental health problems compared with those who avoid it, research suggests.

The study of more than 6,000 children aged 12 to 15 found those who used social media more heavily were more likely to report situations such as sadness, anxiety and loneliness, as well as aggression (攻击性) and anti-social actions, than teenagers who did not use social media. The findings held true even when researchers took into account mental health problems experienced by young persons in the year before they were asked about social media use.

The research, from a team at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Maryland, was published in the journal JAMA Psychiatry(精神病学).

Some previous studies have suggested no connection between poorer mental health and screen time. Dr Rina Dutta, senior medical lecturer at Kings College London, said, “A main strength of this study compared to previous research is that the researchers took into account mental health problems the young people already had a year before the measurement of social media use. This largely overcomes the ‘what came first-mental health problem or high social media use? ’question.”

The study looked at two types of actions that can show mental health problems: internalising(内化行为)and externalising(外化行为). Internalising can include social disconnection or difficulty dealing with anxiety or sadness. Externalising can include aggression or breaking instructions.

The study found that the use of social media for at least three hours a day was connected with around twice the risk of mental health problems, compared with those who avoided it.

Lead author Kira Riehm said, “Many present studies have found a connection between digital or social media use and the health of teens, but few look at this connection across time. We cannot say that social media causes mental health problems, but we do think that less time on social media may be better for the health of teens.

The study found that fewer than 17 percent of teenagers did not use social media. Of those who did, 32 percent spent less than 30 minutes a day; 31 percent spent 30 minutes to three hours; 12 percent spent three to six hours and 8 percent spent more than six hours per day.

Ms Riehm said, “Social media has the ability to connect teenagers who may be excluded(排除在外) in their daily life. We need to find a better way to balance the benefits of social media with possible harmful health results.”

1. The research published in the journal JAMA Psychiatry aims to prove________
A.the advantages and disadvantages of social media.
B.the mental health problems experienced by teenagers.
C.the connection between mental health and screen time
D.the sadness, anxiety and loneliness caused by social media
2. Compared to previous researches, an advantage of the research published in JAMA Psychiatry is that________
A.it supports the less use of social media
B.it reports the health risks caused by the screen time
C.it includes more than 6,000 children aged 12 to 15
D.it considers mental health problems the young people already had
3. Which of the following might be one of the internalising actions?
B.Following instructions.
C.Skillfully dealing with anxiety.
D.Being afraid of talking to people.
4. What was Kira Riehm’s view on social media?
A.It would play a balanced role.
B.It might disconnect teenagers.
C.It caused mental health problems.
D.It might be better for the health of teens.
5. What is the main idea of the passage?
A.Social media is capable of connecting teenagers.
B.Teenagers have mental health problems before using social media.
C.Social media connects to increased risk of mental health problems
D.Teenagers with less time on social media do better than those with more time.
2023-07-23更新 | 94次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】More people are using ChatGPT to create books for sale. Although sales have so far been slow, human writers are worried that ChatGPT-created books might hurt the writing and publishing industry.

Brett Schickler never imagined he could be a published author. After learning about the ChatGPT artificial intelligence program, Brett decided that he had a good chance. Using the AI software, Brett created a 30-pagchildren’s e-book in a few hours. He offered it for sale through Amazon’s self-publishing section and it made Brett less than $100.While that may not sound like much, it’s enough to drive him to create other books using the soft ware Amazon is by far the largest seller of both physical and e-books. It has well over half of the sales in the United States and over 80 percent of the e-book market. There were over 200 e-books in Amazon’s Kindle store as of mid-February that say ChatGPT is a writer or co-writer. And the number is rising daily. But due to the nature of ChatGPT and many writers’ failure to admit that they have used it, it is impossible to get a full count of how man ye-books may be written by AI.

Some professional writers are showing their concern. “This is something we really need to know, these books will flood the market and many writers are going to be out of work,” said Mary Rasenberger, the executive director of the Authors Guild, “The ability to create with AI could turn book writing from an art into a commodity (商品).”

Not everyone is impressed by the software. Mark Dawson, who has sold millions of copies of books he wrote himself through Kindle Direct Publishing, was quick to call ChatGPT-assisted novels dull. Dawson said that quality is important in the book business.“It plays a part in how books are recommended to other readers. If a book gets bad reviews, it’s quickly going to sink to the bottom

1. Why is Brett Schickler mentioned in paragraph 2?
A.To share the trick of making a fortune by writing
B.To share how to create e-books by using an Al program
C.To predict the development of an AI program in the future
D.To show how an Al program helped people with their writing
2. What do we know about the e-books in Amazon’s Kindle store?
A.Many of them are related to AI topics
B.Many of them are accurately recorded by AI
C.Some of them are possibly created by AI
D.Many of them are more popular than before
3. What does Mary Rasenberger worry about
A.Professional writers’ lack of inspiration
B.ChatGPT’s impact on the publishing industry
C.Readers’ difficulty in finding their favorite novels
D.Authors’ failure to write good novels without ChatGPT
4. What is the main idea of the text?
A.ChatGPT might harm original writing
B.The impact of ChatGPT is huger than before
C.Many people rely on ChatGPT to make a living
D.ChatGPT is better than humans in terms of writing
2023-05-20更新 | 258次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐3】There has been a technological revolution where kindles, e-books, and various online reading apps have taken over the world. Is reading a print book out of date? Well, not exactly.
There are so many wonderful factors involved with reading a print copy of the book. I remember the excitement of going to the bookstore with my mom when I was in elementary school. The feel of sitting down in the book store and selecting the books I wanted to read was just so much fun! I think that reading paperback books has its own charm and excitement that cannot be replaced by an electronic book. Holding the physical copy of the book in my hands, and turning over each page makes the reading experience so much more real and memorable.
Admittedly, e-books seem to be more convenient than print books. Purchasing an e-book can take place in seconds and these books are often priced less expensively than print copy books. With e-books, there likely isn’t going to be a storage problem, unless the device has a limit on how many books can be purchased. Then again, in order to read e-books one must have a particular device-tablet, iPad, kindle or laptop to read it on. Thus, an additional payment has to be made in order to read e-books, whereas reading print copies does not involve any extra device.
Print books never actually stopped leading the charge, considering that e-book sales have never made up more than a third of all book sales. And although they rose to that number extremely quickly—Amazon, only introduced the kindle in 2007-the majority of all books sold has always been print. The reality is that there is absolutely no reason print and e-books can’t coexist in the book market, but print books may carry the day.
1. What advantage do e-books have according to the passage?
A.The reading experience is more real.
B.There is no storage problem at all.
C.Purchasing them takes less time.
D.They are very priceless.
2. What can we infer about the book market?
A.E-book sales make up more than 1/3 of all book sales.
B.E-book sales have never surpassed print book sales.
C.Amazon occupies most of the market.
D.Print books and e-books can’t coexist.
3. What’s the author’s attitude towards the future of print books?
2017-07-08更新 | 126次组卷
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