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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:23 题号:19503903

Soreness (疼痛) Is Good and Scales Are Pointless: The Ten Biggest Myths in Fitness

It’s easy to think that fitness is confusing-but it isn’t. The basics stay the same, and we know the science. These are the ten biggest myths in fitness-memorize them, and exercise with confidence.

1. Soreness is a sign of a good workout

Sore muscles don’t mean progress. They are probably caused by small tears in muscles and happen when you do movements you’re not used to or when you do too many repetitions. So reduce the number of repetitions. You can make progress without pain.

2. Lifting heavy weights will make you strong

There are two ways to get stronger: increasing the size of each muscle and getting more muscles to work together when you need to use them. Getting big requires specific, targeted training and extra calories and protein-and it almost never happens by accident.

3. ?

Actually, it’s the opposite: exercises done correctly will strengthen the muscles around your knee joints, protecting you from injury. As for running, a 20-year study by Stanford University found that regular runners suffered less from arthritis (关节炎) than non-runners as they got older.

4. You can target fat and reduce it

Before the days of the internet, there was a myth that you could reduce the fat around your stomach by doing hundreds of sit-ups. “The truth is, we all have areas of fat that seem to take the longest to get lean,” says Storey-Gordon. “But don’t give up. Those areas will get leaner, too. Patience is the key.”

5. Less rest means you’re working harder

“For most people — especially beginners — periods of recovery between sets mean a lower risk of injury and better results,” says coach George Anderson. Or, in other words: if you train too hard for a whole hour, you’ll have to lift smaller weights, go slower and generally do less work than you would with some recovery.

1. According to the passage, “myth” refers to ________.
A.a false belief or ideaB.a set of rules
C.a traditional way of doing thingsD.an amount of money
2. Which of the following best fits in the blank with a “?” in the passage?
A.Shorter is better.B.Scales are pointless.
C.Exercise is bad for your knees.D.There is one “best” way to train.
3. It can be inferred from the passage that ________.
A.sore muscles mean you have made progress in working out
B.the harder you work and the less you rest, the more weight you can get rid of
C.detailed, targeted exercise alone can make you bigger
D.reducing fat takes time and patience


阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Sandstorms are among the most violent natural disasters. High winds lift dirt or sand into the air, causing damage, injuries, and deaths.     1    , it’s a good idea to know what to do if you see a wall of sand racing toward you.

Put a mask over your nose and mouth. If you have a mask, put it on immediately.     2    , wrap a piece of cloth tightly around your head to protect your nose and mouth.

Look for shelter (避难所).     3    , so long as it is off the road and not in danger of getting hit. Sand will fly around when it hits objects, so you should still try to cover as much of your skin and face as possible. If you cannot get to shelter, try to stay low to the ground and protect your head with your arms, a backpack or a pillow.

    4    . Look for a large rock to cover as much of your body as possible to protect yourself from flying sand. Flying sand can hurt, but a dust storm’s high winds can also carry heavier (more dangerous) objects.

Wait out the storm. Don’t try to move through the storm; it’s much too dangerous. Stay where you are and wait for it to pass before you attempt to move to a different location. If you can quickly reach such shelter before a dust storm reaches you, get there as quickly as possible and stay inside.     5    .

A.If you don’t have one
B.After you wear a mask
C.Even a parked car will do
D.No matter where you live
E.Protect yourself from flying objects
F.Close all windows and doors, and wait out the storm
G.You’d better cover your face with your arm as you move
2021-09-04更新 | 64次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】When people look at mountains, they often feel a desire to climb to the top. People realize the great rewards that mountains will give them if they reach the top.     1    . It’s little wonder, therefore, that climbing mountains is such a popular activity.

Casual mountain climbing is an excellent form of exercise. People enjoy the fresh air and natural scenery on these climbs. As they get higher, the views across valley plains and forests get longer.     2     these hikes can be exhausting and even the fittest people will breathe heavier and have to take rests.

At the next level of mountain climbing, people require handrails(扶手)to get up the mountain. The path is very narrow or too steep in some places to walk up.     3    . climbers must be physically fit and maintain good concentration. When climbing q mountain with any danger, climbers should be with at least one other person.

    4    . For example, in a group of three climbers, all should be attached to the same rope. The rope will be needed as a support when there are no rails---or rocks to hold. The best and most experienced climber should go first and must go slow when the others feel uncomfortable.

The top level of mountain climbing is a very serious activity. At this stage, climbers go vertically(垂直地)up a rock face. This is very dangerous and should only be done when the climber has many years of experience. Climbers who climb this way need iron spikes(大钉)to be hammered into splits in the rock wall. At the end of the iron spikes, there are hooks that can be attached to ropes.     5    .

A.If you’ re a good vertical mountain climber
B.Even though the paths might be easy to follow
C.Since climbing a mountain this way can be dangerous
D.Safety is most important in any form of mountain climbing
E.They include a personal sense of achievement and a wonderful view
F.The third level of mountain climbing involves using ropes with other climbers
G.Other hooks are also needed to attach the climbers to the rope and to each other
2021-08-01更新 | 156次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Patience is something that many of us struggle with. I know that I am certainly one who has a hard time dealing with delays. After all, we live in a world of instant satisfaction and overnight shipping. We can have anything that we want delivered to our doorstep right away. We can pick from a variety of entertainment options at any given moment.    1    

The truth of the matter is, however, that anything good rarely happens quickly.    2     You have to develop your patience over time by taking real action. This applies to a number of things: launching a business, waiting to go to an event, or striving to achieve your personal goals.

Here are a few tips to help you become more patient:

Make yourself wait on things. This can include eating, purchasing items, or taking any sort of action.    3     It will help you increase your current patience levels and become less anxious moving forward. Try it.

    4     Sometimes pause actually means there is hope. Perhaps you’ll meet a lot of wonderful people while waiting in line, or you will find that something put off is actually better in the future.

Understand that life is full of delays.    5     If there were delays, we would all have to accept. Ups and downs are what build character, and often, the longer we wait, the more we enjoy it. So wait it out with the best of them.

A.It usually takes a lot of work and a long wait.
B.The more patient you are, the luckier you become.
C.Teach yourself to look on the bright side of delays.
D.There is no one straight path to happiness or success.
E.Being patient is a must if you want to achieve success.
F.As a result, being patient has become increasingly difficult for most of us.
G.Work to overcome whatever makes you anxious and force yourself to wait.
2023-09-06更新 | 186次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般