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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:19 题号:19620181

Unlike well-trained dogs that are able to distinguish (辨别) between common orders like “sit” and “stay”, some “Gifted Word Learner” dogs can associate objects with words.

One year ago, Shany Dror and her colleagues at Eötvös Loránd University in Hungary discovered that some dogs have an obviously excellent natural ability to acquire object names. To study this further — how many words they can learn in a certain period of time and whether they can still remember the words after an extended period — they looked for more “Gifted Word Learner” dogs online and, in the end, they found six qualified dogs.

The researchers sent each dog’s owner six new toys. Owners then had six days to teach their dogs the names of the toys with their usual methods. These generally involved playing with the dog and each toy, often for just half an hour a day. At the end of the six-day learning period, the research team used online video conferencing to test the dogs’ abilities to pick out each toy by name from a number of old and new toys. Each owner sat with their dog in one room and told them to fetch a given toy from a second room. All the dogs successfully brought back at least five of the six new toys. The team then sent another 12 new toys and repeated the process. All the dogs successfully brought back at least 11 of the toys.

Afterwards, half the new toys were stored for one month, and the other half for two months, and the dogs were tested again after each storage period. Five of the dogs remembered all the toy names after one month, and four dogs remembered all or almost all of them after two months.

Dror says these dogs which are raised in the home like human children, provide an excellent animal model (模式) for studying the way humans acquire language. An animal model offers a basis of comparison for understanding which language-learning skills are specific to humans, and which aren’t. “We want to understand what makes humans different,” says Dror.

1. What is the research mainly about?
A.Dogs’ daily behaviors.
B.Dog training methods.
C.Dog-human relationship.
D.Dogs’ learning ability.
2. What is the reason the six dogs were chosen for the research?
A.Their talent for learning object names.
B.Their ability to recognize human voice.
C.Their tendency to follow human orders.
D.Their intelligence to interact with human.
3. The six dogs learned the toy names through ________.
A.video games
B.continuous training
C.counting toys
D.playing outdoors
【知识点】 动物 科普知识 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Honeybees are in trouble. While they’ re crucial for promoting biodiversity and producing food for healthy human diets, honeybees face many threats, including habitat loss, climate change, air pollution and disease-causing organisms.

But now, there’s hope for helping honeybees fight back against one of the many stressors they face, a deadly infectious disease known as American foulbrood. To fight the disease, the U.S. Department of Agriculture approved for use the world’s first honeybee vaccine (疫苗), developed by Dalan Animal Health.

Bacteria called Paenibacillus larvae cause American foulbrood, which kills honeybees while they are in the pupal (蛹的) or pre-pupal stage. Until now, there was no “safe and sustainable” way to prevent American foulbrood. The only treatment involved antibiotics (抗生素), which are expensive, have limited effectiveness and take lots of time and energy for beekeepers to apply. To stop the spread, beekeepers are often forced to burn infected bees. That makes the vaccine a game changer.

“Our vaccine is a breakthrough in protecting honeybees,” says Annette Kleiser, CEO of Dalan Animal Health. “We are ready to change how we care for insects, impacting food production on a global level.”

Beekeepers will mix the vaccine, which contains dead P. larvae bacteria cells, into the food that worker bees eat. Then, when the worker bees produce their milky royal jelly (蜂王浆), the queen will eat it and the vaccine. Then, the vaccine will protect her developing offspring from the disease.

Under a conditional license from the USDA, Dalan Animal Health now plans to distribute limited amounts of the vaccine to commercial beekeepers. From there, they hope to offer it for sale throughout the U.S. sometime this year.

The federal agriculture agency awards conditional licenses to products that meet an emergency, situation, limited market, local situation or special circumstance. The USDA requires products that receive these types of licenses to be pure and safe, and have a reasonable expectation of effectiveness. Generally, conditional licenses come with restrictions and cover a limited period of time. Once that period ends, the agency evaluates the product’s effectiveness to determine whether to renew the conditional license or award a regular product license.

1. What’s the function of the first paragraph?
A.To stress the importance of honeybees.
B.To lead to the topic of the passage.
C.To list the threats honeybees face.
D.To arouse readers’ interest.
2. Why is the vaccine called a game changer?
A.Because it has changed the way we care for insects.
B.Because it’s the only treatment for American foulbrood.
C.Because it breaks through the limitations of the former treatment.
D.Because the previous treatment has no effectiveness.
3. What does the “developing offspring” refer to in Paragraph 5?
A.Queen bees.B.Worker bees.
C.Adult bees.D.Young bees.
4. What do we know about “conditional licenses” in the last two paragraphs?
A.They promote the commercial success of honeybee vaccine.
B.They guarantee the full effectiveness of products.
C.They can be renewed with no strings attached.
D.They are in effect within a period of time.
2023-07-10更新 | 43次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Scientists have been surprised and impressed with the long-distance travel of a bird recently, a common cuckoo (布谷鸟) which flew from southern Africa to Mongolia.

Onon is a common cuckoo. It’s one of 5 cuckoos who were tagged last summer in Mongolia, far to the north of China. Though cuckoos originally came from Africa, until recently scientists weren’t sure that cuckoos from Mongolia flew to Africa for the winter.

In June, 2019, scientists attached tiny trackers to five cuckoos. These satellite tags allowed the scientists to follow the movements of the birds on a map. Sure enough, Onon spent the winter in southern Africa — in Zambia.

This spring, Onon returned to Mongolia, amazing scientists once again with his long-distance flying. In just a couple of months, Onon flew more than 12,000 kilometers. It crossed 16 countries, flying at an average speed of 60 kilometers per hour.

Long migrations are common among sea birds, but cuckoos are land birds. “It was one of the longest animal migrations which has been recorded for a land bird,” said Chris Hewson, one of the project’s lead scientists.

At times, Onon stopped for a few hours or a few days. But some of the long stretches, like crossing the Indian Ocean, had to be done without stopping. The birds have to travel through strong winds and storms, make sure they find enough to eat, and avoid being eaten themselves.

Luckily, cuckoos seem to have a good sense of weather patterns, allowing them to fatten up as much as possible right before they leave. They also seem to be good at finding helpful winds that allow them to travel long distances without getting too tired. Still, flying such long distances isn’t easy. Onon is the only one of the five tagged cuckoos who made it all the way back to Mongolia.

1. Why were satellite tags attached to five cuckoos?
A.To make them safe.B.To position the birds.
C.To draw a detailed map.D.To observe them in winter.
2. How did scientists feel when knowing Onon returned to Mongolia?
3. Why is crossing the Indian Ocean mentioned?
A.Because it is very dangerous.B.Because it is well-known.
C.Because it is a place to go.D.Because it is rich in food.
4. What’s the last paragraph mainly about?
A.Cuckoos’ advantages.B.Cuckoos’ senses.
C.Cuckoos’ habits.D.Cuckoos’ will.
2024-03-26更新 | 147次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】To have the once-in-a-lifetime chance to see rare Black Sea dolphins(海豚),people in the landlocked Russian town of Kaluga don't have to leave their city.In the parking lot of a large shopping mall is a white aquarium(水族馆):the Moscow Traveling Dolphinarium.

Russia's dozen or so traveling aquariums are seen as a way to bring native wild animals to people who might never see the ocean.Owners and operators of wildlife tourism attractions say their animals live longer than wild animals,and the animals under their care are with them for life.They’re family.

Alla Azovtseva,a longtime dolphin trainer in Russia,shakes her head.

“I don't see any sense in this work.My conscience bites me.I look at my animals and want to cry,”says Azovtseva.She has spent 20 years training dolphins to do tricks.But along the way she’s grown heartsick from the forcing highly intelligent, social creatures to live a lonely life in small tanks.“Dolphins have evolved to swim great distances and live in complex social groups-conditions that can't be reproduced in a pool,”she says.

“I would compare the dolphin situation with making a physicist sweep the street,”she says.“When they’re not engaged in performance or training,they just hang in the water facing down.It's the deepest depression.”

What people don't know about aquarium shows in Russia,Azovtseva says,is that the animals often die soon after being put in captivity(囚养),especially those in traveling shows.And Azovtseva,making clear she’s referring to the industry at large in Russia,says she knows many aquariums quietly and illegally replace their animals with new ones.

It's illegal to catch Black Sea dolphins in the wild for entertainment purposes,but aquarium owners who want to increase their dolphin numbers quickly and cheaply buy dolphins caught there.Because these dolphins are acquired illegally,they're missing the microchips that captive dolphins in Russia are usually tagged with as a form of required identification.

Some aquariums get around that,Azovtseva says,by cutting out dead dolphins’microchips and putting them into replacement dolphins.

1. What can be inferred about the town of Kaluga?
A.It is a seaside town.
B.It is a long way from the ocean.
C.It is full of traveling aquariums.
D.It is well known for dolphins.
2. What does Azovtseva really mean by shaking her head?
A.Dolphins in aquariums are actually treated badly.
B.Her work as a dolphin trainer is really boring.
C.Dolphins are more intelligent than people think.
D.People know little about how dolphins live.
3. What is the use of the microchips?
A.To show the dolphins are used legally.
B.To show the dolphins can be replaced.
C.To prove the dolphins are still alive.
D.To prove the dolphins are from the Black Sea.
4. What is the purpose of the text?
A.To give an account of how an aquarium works.
B.To draw people's attention to dolphin society.
C.To uncover the dark truth behind aquarium shows.
D.To report the dolphin situation in the world.
2020-08-26更新 | 74次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般