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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:17 题号:19738448

According to a team of researchers, an animal’s ability to perceive (感知) time is linked to their pace of life.

“Our results lend support to the importance of time perception in the animal kingdom where the ability to perceive time in a very short time may cause the difference between life and death for fast moving creatures,” commented the lead author Kevin Healy from Trinity College Dublin.

The study was conducted with a variety of animals using phenomena based on the maximum speed of flashes of light an individual can see before the light source is seen as a constant. Dogs, for example, have eyes with a refresh rate higher than humans.

“One example of this phenomenon at work,” the authors said, “is the housefly and its ability to avoid being hit.” The research showed “flies observe motion within a shorter time than our own eyes do”, which allows them to avoid being hit.

Professor Graeme Ruxton of the University of St Andrews in Scotland, who worked jointly on the research project, said in a statement, “Having eyes that send updates to the brain at much higher frequencies than our eyes do is of no value if the brain cannot process that information equally quickly. Thus, this work highlights the perceptual abilities of even the smallest animal brains. Flies might not be deep thinkers,   but they can make good decisions very quickly.”

In comparison, the tiger beetle (虎甲虫) runs faster than its eyes can keep up, basically becoming blind, which requires it to stop periodically to reevaluate its prey’s (猎物) position.

1. What is the research mentioned in the passage mainly about?
A.The pace of life of animals.
B.The impressive abilities of animals.
C.The lifetime of small animals.
D.The time perception of animals.
2. What does Kevin Healy’s comment mean in Paragraph 2?
A.The survival of fast moving animals relies on their ability to perceive time.
B.Animals with quicker pace of life have better perception of time.
C.The ability of animals to perceive time depends on their high moving speed.
D.Animals with the poor ability to perceive time have a shorter life.
3. Why can houseflies avoid being hit?
A.They can think very deeply before they act.
B.They can process the information as quickly as they receive it.
C.They can fly much faster than their eyes can keep up.
D.They can send information to the brain more quickly.
4. What will a tiger beetle have to do to catch a moving prey (猎物)?
A.Slow down to gain its time perception.
B.Prevent itself from becoming blind.
C.Stop occasionally to spot the prey again.
D.Try to run as fast as it can.
【知识点】 动物 科普知识 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】In nature, smaller animals often “take a ride” on larger ones to save energy on long-distance movements. In paper published in the journal Current Biology, researchers show how fine Caenorhabditis worms can use electric fields to “jump” across Petri plates or onto insects, allowing them to go through the air and attach themselves, for example, onto naturally charged bumblebees (大黄蜂).

“Pollinators(传粉昆虫), such as insects and hummingbirds, are known to be electrically charged, and it is believed that pollen (花粉) is attracted by the electric field formed by the pollinator and the plant,” says Takuma Sugi, a co-senior author on the study. “However, it was not completely clear whether electric fields are used for communications between different land animals.”

The researchers first began studying this project when they noticed that the worms they developed often ended up on the lids of Petri dishes. When the team attached a camera to observe this behaviour, they found that it was not just because worms were climbing up the walls of the dish. Instead, they were jumping from the floor of the plate to the top.

Next, the researchers rubbed flower pollen on a bumblebee. Once close to these bees, worms stood on their tails, then jumped aboard. Some worms even piled on top of each other and jumped in a single post, moving 80 worms at once across the gap.

“Worms stand on their tail to make it easier for themselves to attach to other passing objects,” Sugi says. “In a post, one worm lifts more worms, and this worm takes off to move across the electric field while carrying all the post worms.

Researchers observed jumping in other worm species closely related to C. elegans, and they noted that mutants (突变体) who are unable to sense electric fields jump less than their normal counterparts. However, more work is needed to determine exactly what genes join in making these jumps and whether other microorganisms like bacteria can use electricity to jump as well.

1. Which is certain according to the research?
A.Bacteria use electricity to jump.
B.Smaller animals are often free riders.
C.Electric fields are used for land animals.
D.Pollen genes lead to making these jumps.
2. Why did the researchers apply pollen to a bumblebee?
A.To form stronger posts.B.To increase the surface energy.
C.To get electricity and jump more.D.To show a natural electric charge.
3. What can we know about the worms in the experiment?
A.They are electrically charged.
B.They attach themselves to the walls.
C.They are equipped with team spirits.
D.They communicate with each other with tails.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Worms Use Electricity to Jump
B.Worms Takes off Carrying Others
C.Pollen Helps Worms Survive Longer
D.Smaller Animals Ride onto Bigger Ones
2023-10-23更新 | 36次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Much like the popular TikTok challenge where kids resist eating snacks, cuttlefish can do the same! Cuttlefish can delay gratification(满足)—wait for a better meal rather than be tempted by the one at hand—and those that can wait longest also do better in a learning test, scientists have discovered.

This fascinating report marks the first time a link between self-control and intelligence has been found in an animal other than humans and chimpanzees. It is published this week in Proceedings of the Royal Society B. The research was conducted by lead author Alexandra Schnell of University of Cambridge, at the Marine Biological Laboratory(MBL), Woods Hole.

“We used a slightly-changed version of the Stanford marshmallow(棉花糖) test in the 1970s, where children were given a choice of taking an immediate reward(1 marshmallow) or waiting to earn a delayed but better reward(2 marshmallows),” Schnell says. “Cuttlefish in the present study were all able to wait for the better reward and tolerated delays for up to 50—130 seconds, which is even comparable to what we see in large-brained vertebrates(脊椎动物) such as chimpanzees(黑猩猩), crows, and parrots.” Cuttlefish that could wait longer for a meal also showed better cognitive(认知的) performance in a learning task. In that experiment, cuttlefish were trained to associate a visual cue with a food reward. Then, the situation was the other way round, so the reward became associated with a different cue. “The cuttlefish that were quickest at learning both of those associations were better at keeping self-control.” Schnell says.

Why cuttlefish have evolved this capacity for self-control is a bit mysterious. Delayed gratification in humans is thought to strengthen social bonds between individuals—such as waiting to eat so a partner can eat first—which benefits the species as a whole. But whether it may also be a function of most animals still remains to be further explored.

1. How does the author lead to the topic?
A.By giving an example.B.By explaining a definition.
C.By quoting a famous saying.D.By introducing a research result.
2. What is mainly discussed in Paragraph 3?
A.The procedures and result of the experiment.
B.The amazing evolution of cuttlefish’s brain ability.
C.The background and the researchers in the experiment.
D.The comparison between the brains of human and cuttlefish.
3. What can we know about the experiment?
A.Cuttlefish’s delayed gratification is linked to better cognitive performance.
B.The researchers later adapted the experiment for a Stanford marshmallow test.
C.Previous link between self-control and intelligence has been found in animals.
D.Four sea species have been so far confirmed with the ability to delay gratification.
4. Which might be the best title of this passage?
A.Cuttlefish: The Impatient Waiter and Quick Hunter
B.A Test Challenging Kids: To Eat Now or To Eat Not?
C.Large-brained Vertebrates: Better Self Control Leads to More Rewards
D.Delayed Gratification: Quick-Learning Cuttlefish Pass “The Marshmallow Test”
2024-01-22更新 | 57次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约450词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Both honeybees and ants are social insects that live in groups called colonies. They survive by means of their collective intelligence. Their decision-making power is distributed throughout the group; that is, no one ant or bee makes decisions for the group. Instead, they work together. As Deborah M. Gordon, a biologist of Stanford University, says, “Ants aren’t smart. Ant colonies are.” The same is true for bee colonies. Although bees and ants are quite different physically, they have a lot in common in terms of their behavior. Specifically, honeybees and ants have similar roles within the colony, both have communication systems, and both have the capacity of learning.

Ants communicate by using chemicals called pheromones, which can alert others to danger or to a food source. For example, when worker ants find a promising source, they let the rest of colony know how to find it by leaving a trail of pheromones on the way back to the colony. The other ants pick up the message using their sense of smell. Bees, on the other hand, use movement to communicate with each other. Worker bees send message to each other by means of a “dance”. Different speeds and movements send different messages. For example, when worker bees called scouts go out to find a new hoe for the colony, they return and do a dance for the other worker bees that indicates the location of the new home and how suitable it is. The faster the scouts dance the better the new location is.

Honeybees and ants are both capable of learning. One Chinese study found that bees can be trained to learn and remember a route to a food source. The researchers also found that bees can be taught to recognize hidden objects and use the concepts of “sameness” and “difference” to accomplish certain tasks. Ants take this one step further. Recent America research has shown that ants not only have the ability to learn, but also can teach their foraging skills to other younger ants. They observed that older ants accompany young ants in search of food and teach them the route and how to avoid obstacles.

As we can see, the social behavior of honeybees and ants is quite similar. Both coordinate complex actions and accomplish crucial survival tasks by cooperating in groups consisting of many individuals. Unintelligent as they may be as individuals, as groups they often show amazing brilliance as they go about their everyday activities.

1. What do ants and bees have in common?
A.They make use of collective intelligence.
B.They live in similar-sized colonies.
C.They have small leadership groups that make all decisions.
D.They use the same method to communicate with each other.
2. What does the speed of a bee’s dance indicate?
A.The distance to a neighboring colony.
B.The quality of a new colony location.
C.The discovery of a new food source.
D.The direction to a potential food source.
3. In paragraph 3, how does the author demonstrate the idea that Honeybees and ants are both capable of learning?
A.By using statistics.B.By explaining reason.
C.By presenting study findings.D.By stating opinions.
4. What does the underlined part “foraging skills” refer to in the third Paragraph?
A.The skills of communicating.B.The skills of sacking food.
C.The skills of leaning.D.The skills of finding a new home.
2019-04-29更新 | 245次组卷
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