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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:35 题号:19814413

Richard Browning has been attracted by flight ever since his father took him into the hills to fly gliders (滑翔机). He has certainly been an adventurer. Richard took it upon himself to develop his own jet suit and began to experiment with some of his friends. He made quick progress. In 2017, he felt confident enough to start a company called Gravity Industries that could make jet suits. It took 15 months to develop the very first one.

Five very small jet engines are built into the jet suit. These are powered by kerosene (煤油). Two engines are located on the pilot’s arms and one is placed on the back. Each engine weighs less than two kilos and can produce22 kilos of thrust(推力).

The pilot is able to control the direction and speed of the flight. He does this by small movements of the arms which require hours of practice. One wrong move and you could end up falling to the ground.

        Richard is not only in charge of his company; he is also the chief test pilot. He has spent hours and hours perfecting the correct moves to create a perfect flight. He was able to enter the Guinness Book of World Records in 2017 when he became the fastest man in a jet suit and flew at 51 kilometres per hour. Since then, he has presented his jet suit at 60 events in 20 different countries around the world. More recently, he flew alongside Brighton Pier on the south coast of England at 136 kilometres per hour!

The objective of Richard’s company has been to build a suit which members of the public can buy. The first went on sale in a department store in 2018 for f 340, 000. If you want to jet around your own hometown, it’s time to start saving—or to work for Richard Browning.

1. What do we know about Richard?
A.He was absorbed in flight.B.He is no stranger to misfortune.
C.He is slow in making up his mind.D.He started his company with his father.
2. What can be inferred about Richard’s jet suit?
A.It is easy to control.B.It is quite lightweight.
C.It consists of two engines.D.It leads the world in its field.
3. What does Richard expect of the jet suit according to the last paragraph?
A.It’ll be much faster.B.It’ll save more energy.
C.It’ll reach ordinary customers soon.D.It’ll ease his hometown’s heavy traffic.
4. What can we learn from Richard’s story?
A.Being good is different from being great.
B.He who makes no mistakes makes nothing.
C.One cannot succeed without time and practice.
D.Luck, talent and friendship help to achieve success.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】In mid-2019, an Indonesian design team submitted a plan to an international design competition for a new type of submarine (潜艇). It wasn't designed for military purposes or for exploring the ocean. The main purpose of this submarine was to create ice blocks to replace sea ice in the Polar Regions.

In the summer months of 2019, a massive heat wave shocked Europe and broke a number of high temperature records. As the hot air moved north over the Arctic, the ice sheet covering Greenland melted at an unexpected rate. Ice melt at the poles is normal in the summer months. Lost ice is often regained by refreezing in winter. But the fast melting rate could mean a permanent loss of polar ice, which would have global consequences.

Dealing with such a large-scale problem requires large-scale solutions. While many solutions look at reducing the greenhouse gases, few are aimed at repairing the effects of climate change. The ice-making submarine proposed to do just that.

The ice-making submarine's basic design involves forming a large hexagonal (六边形的) ice block of roughly 25 meters across and 5 meters thick. A large container in the submarine would be filled when submerged under water. Then the slow process of desalination (脱盐) and freezing would begin. After about a month, the submarine would discharge (卸下) the ice block and begin the process all over again. The overall vision would be to have multiple submarines working together, so that the hexagonal blocks could be pushed together to form a single large ice sheet.

The design was beautifully presented and won second place. However, the science behind the design came under criticism. One criticism was how the massive amounts of energy needed to desalinate and freeze the water would be provided. Another was that the amount of heat generated by the freezing process would result in a net warming effect. Additionally, the ice would be too thin to stay frozen for a significant amount of time. The designers couldn't sufficiently answer many of the scientific criticisms. Their inventive idea does, however, indicate the need for creative solutions in repairing the loss of polar ice.

1. The ice-making submarine was designed to ________.
A.explore the oceanB.achieve military purposes
C.record rates of melting polar iceD.make up for the decrease of polar ice
2. The 4th paragraph is mainly about ________.
A.the limitation of the new designB.the process of making ice blocks
C.the features of the ice-making submarinesD.the challenges that the designers encountered
3. What can we learn from the passage?
A.The design introduces a unique angle for dealing with climate crisis.
B.The designers are confident about the effectiveness of the submarine.
C.The lost ice can be regained by refreezing in spite of fast melting rate.
D.The ice-making submarine is one of the solutions to reduce greenhouse gases.
4. As for the design of ice-making submarine, the author is ________.
2022-01-25更新 | 129次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Conventional chemical fertilizers (化肥) aren’t among the most eco-friendly substances in the world. Not only do they pollute the environment if they get into waterways, but they also reduce nutrients in the soil over time. What’s more, they’re relatively expensive.

Seeking a greener and more sustainable alternative, some farmers have started applying nitrogen-fixing bacteria (固氮细菌) to their crops. These bacteria absorb nitrogen gas from the atmosphere and turn it into ammonia in the soil. That ammonia provides the plants with nutrients, restores poor soil, and boosts the plants’ natural defenses against pest insects.

One problem with the bacteria, however, is the fact that they are very sensitive to heat and humidity (湿度). This means they don’t stand up well to being shipped out to farms from a central source.

With these drawbacks in mind, Asst. Prof. Ariel Furst and her colleagues at MIT have created a method of coating the bacteria in tiny “metal-phenol network” (MPN) shells (外壳). The shells contained organic compounds called phenols, which are generally regarded as safe by the Food and Drug Administration.

This new coating technology could make such bacteria more widely available than ever before. On one hand, these coatings don’t block the bacteria’s growth or functions. On the other hand, they do provide protection from heat and humidity. The coated bacteria can even be freeze-dried, then shipped and applied to crops.

Furst’s team created 12 different MPNs which comprised metals such as iron, manganese, aluminum and zinc, all of which are considered safe for use as food additives. When these MPNs were used on nitrogen-fixing bacteria, all of them were found to protect the bacteria from temperatures of up to 50℃ and from relative humidity of up to 48%.

Furst is now commercializing the technology through a company she founded, called Seia Bio. “When we think about developing technology, we need to intentionally design it to be inexpensive and accessible, and that’s what this technology is.” she said.

1. Why are conventional chemical fertilizers mentioned in the first paragraph?
A.To lead in the topic.B.To show their advantages.
C.To provide an example.D.To explain how to use them.
2. What can we learn about nitrogen-fixing bacteria?
A.They prefer high temperatures.B.They are insensitive to humidity.
C.They reduce nutrients in the soil.D.They are environmentally friendly.
3. What does the underlined word “they” in paragraph 5 refer to?
A.MPN shells.B.The plants.
C.Chemical fertilizers.D.The coated bacteria.
4. What does Furst expect of the new coating technology?
A.It may help farmers to ship crops.
B.It can be widely applied.
C.It might be accessible to more companies.
D.It will limit the growth of bacteria.
昨日更新 | 19次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】For most people, the thought of having to watch themselves work out is not an attractive one. Yet as any gym-goer knows, there are always some people who like to enjoy their reflection in the floor-length mirrors. It is perhaps these particular keep-fit lovers who are most excited about the latest trend in home exercise-smart fitness mirrors.

These are 180cm or so tall, high-tech mirrors that have a computer which is connected to the Internet, and also work as a video screen. The idea is that people contact an online trainer, who then appears in the mirror along with their reflection.

On the more advanced devices the mirror is equipped with cameras, speakers and numerous sensors (传感器) connected to AI, so the trainer can watch people’s movements, and provide improvements and changes. On the simpler mirrors the video and sound are just one-way- people can see and hear the trainer, but not the other way around. Lessons are typically not live; instead, people just get into a library of online workout videos.

But is there any actual advantage in being able to watch yourself work out? Colleen Logan, the US owner of both Nordic Track and ProForm, says, “Seeing themselves in the mirror allows the users to correct their form or position, so they get the best possible benefits of strength exercises and reduce mistakes that could lead to injuries”.

However, Dr Anthony Papathomas, a sports and fitness psychologist says there is value to this argument, but that he also has some concerns. He said,“How people who are not confident about their body image feel about the mirror gets me in a fret. It may be a problem for those new to exercise and looking to make a lifestyle change. Even for regular exercisers, there are many who experience body dysmorphia (变形) or eating disorders, and for them, seeing a reflection throughout their exercise might be troubling.”

1. What does paragraph 2 mainly tell us about smart fitness mirrors?
A.Their target users.
B.Their wide popularity.
C.Their basic functions.
D.Their complex structure.
2. What can be the benefit for exercisers from simpler fitness mirrors?
A.Having live workout lessons.
B.Exercising with other partners.
C.Taking advantage of workout videos.
D.Learning from some trainers at once.
3. What does Logan think of the mirror?
A.It makes mistakes sometimes.
B.It could bring injuries to its users.
C.It is necessary for strength exercises.
D.It helps users exercise more properly.
4. Which of the following best explains “in a fret” underlined in the last paragraph?
2023-07-07更新 | 51次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般