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题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:136 题号:20075565

While the road to success may differ for each individual, there are certain suggestions that can guide you along the way.

    1     The first step towards success is to establish clear and specific goals. Take the time to identify your passions, interests, and long-term aspirations (志向). Set both short-term and long-term goals that are realistic, measurable and achievable. Having a clear sense of direction will keep you focused and positive.

Create a plan. Once you have set your goals, create a well-organized plan. Break down your goals into small, manageable tasks.     2     Put your tasks in order of importance, set deadlines, and regularly review and adjust your plan as needed. Consistency and discipline (自制力) are key to staying on track.

Continuous learning. Never stop learning and improving.     3     Whether it’s through formal education, workshops, or self-study, invest in acquiring new knowledge and skills. Stay updated with industry trends and advancements, and adapt accordingly. A commitment to lifelong learning will enhance your expertise and open doors to new opportunities.

Embrace challenges and take risks. Success often comes with taking calculated risks and stepping out of your comfort zone. Be willing to embrace new challenges, as they provide opportunities for growth and innovation. Overcoming obstacles (阻碍) will develop resilience and build character. Remember, failure is not final.     4    

Build a support network. Surround yourself with a supportive and like minded network of individuals who inspire and motivate you.     5     Their guidance, advice, and experiences can provide valuable insights for you and help you get through challenges.

In conclusion, success is a personal definition that varies for each individual. With some proper strategies, you can improve your potential and achieve success. .

A.Set clear goals.
B.Keep your own character.
C.It’s what you are looking for.
D.It’s a stepping stone towards success.
E.Create a timeline to track your progress.
F.Stay curious and seek opportunities for your growth.
G.Seek teachers who have achieved success in your desired field.


阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】If you want to do well in class, studying is one of the best things you can do to boost your grade. The following tips will help you do your best in class.

·Study in 1-hour blocks.

    1     Set aside an hour for each of your subjects so you have time to review them thoroughly. During each block, only focus on one subject at a time, so you don’t get information mixed up between classes.

·Plan regular breaks.

Step away for a few minutes every hour so you don’t feel overworked. Since studying takes up a lot of energy and brainpower, schedule in 5-10 minutes every hour when you just relax.     2     Otherwise, you won’t feel as alert as you normally would.

·    3    

Work on difficult concepts when you have the most energy. It might sound like a good idea to save tough subjects for later, but you won’t feel as motivated to learn about them. Instead, choose the class or subject you have the most trouble with and work on it right away when you sit down to study.

·Rewrite your notes in your own words.

Organizing your notes helps you keep information a lot easier. Go through all of the notes you’ve taken and pick out the information you think is most important. Rewrite the notes on a separate page or in a different notebook.     4    

•Reward yourself when you finish.

Treat yourself to something small when you reach your study goals.     5     You could have a sweet snack, or buy yourself a small gift to celebrate.

A.Focus on hard topics first.
B.Schedule time to study every day.
C.Avoid working through the breaks you’ve scheduled.
D.Keep your study sessions shorter so you don’t get worn out.
E.In this way, all of the similar information is organized and easy to read.
F.Find a place where you won’t have trouble concentrating on the material.
G.Give yourself something to look forward to when you finish your studies.
2024-02-23更新 | 37次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约460词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】This Cafe Is Designed for Writers with Deadlines

When you’re a writer with a looming deadline, putting words on the page becomes incredibly difficult. Making yourself focus is easier said than done. But one cafe is here to help you do the work: Manuscript Writing Cafe. Located in Koenji, a district of Tokyo, this co-working space helps writers with deadlines using rules and a minder who will check up on your word count progress. It’s only open to people who are writing.

Manuscript Writing Cafe’s premise sounds perfect. If you’ve tried writing at home or at your local coffee shop with little success, it’s the next step. The cafe’s structure builts in external accountability. When you arrive, you let the staff know how many words you need to or want to write during your session at the cafe. You’ll note that work goal on a card. Then a manager will check up on your progress every hour. As the cafe’s site says:

· Upon entering the store, write down at the reception desk how many words and by what time you are going to write your manuscript.

· The manager asks you every hour how your manuscript is coming along.

· You are not allowed to leave the store until you have finished writing your manuscript or writing project.

· Customers can choose different “courses” in terms of how rigorously staff check up on your progress. For instance, an “S” course sees them hurry you along pretty aggressively, and “M” course has them do it a more mildly.

· The “manuscript writing” at the store includes “translation work”, “proposal writing”, “layout work”, “image processing”, etc., indicating that the store caters to a wide range of people.

You pay to use the space, and if you don’t finish the work you put on your card, the staff won’t let you pay. Thus, you can’t leave without breaking the law. This kind of pressure may not work for everyone, but some folks will thrive.

Since this business primarily functions as a recording and broadcasting studio with Manuscript Writing Cafe operating during the studio’s off hours, it’s not so much about the cafe part. They offer hot beverages, and guests can bring their own snacks or have meals delivered to the cafe. For the rental of your seat, you’ll get Wi-Fi, an outlet, a USB charger, a laptop cooling stand, and access to the “free drink corner” to get coffee or to make hot tea.

All I know is my town needs a Manuscript Writing Cafe.

1. Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A.Professionals in the cafe will offer help to ease customers’ writing burden.
B.Customers should complete the writing task on their own in given time.
C.Guests are not allowed to bring their own snacks or meals to the cafe.
D.Guests should pay rentals for their reserved seat as well as Wi-Fi service and an outlet.
2. The underlined word “premise” in Paragraph 2 is the closest in meaning to “____________”.
A.a highlight that meets the needs of coffee lovers
B.a reminder that cautions bad guys against illegal temptations
C.a condition that requires customers to be self-disciplined
D.an ecosystem where shop owners and customers can interact together
3. Who will be the most potential customer in the Manuscript Writing Cafe?
A.David, who feels lonely and wants to be sociable.
B.Johnson, who is writing non-fiction for newspaper.
C.Stella, who is an audio-book retailer.
D.Miranda, who is going to write a letter to her friend.
2023-06-15更新 | 11次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】With New Year approaching, year-end reviews dominate the airwaves.    1    . Lose ten pounds? Read a book a month? However, I’ve never given much thought to New Year’s resolutions. I make intentions instead. It means setting one’s purpose toward a path instead of action toward specific behaviors. And more than that, I’m setting them in a framework (框架) that will give them wings.

Set time, not goals

A wise friend once told me “Do not set a result as the goal. Set the time in which you do the things you want to do.” For example, I usually tell myself I should write more.    2    . Then, I realize it would be better to set my intention to write and the time to write, say, from 8:30 a.m. to 11 :30 a. m.

Take advantage of the Premack Principle

The Premack principle is a behavioral strategy that states that the presence of a high-probability behavior can make a low-probability behavior more likely.    3     . So, now that I’ve set my intention to write and the time to write, I can link it to a high-probability behavior, such as dropping my kids off at school in the morning. The point is that it gets the action rolling without much thought or self-motivating talk.    4     .


Let’s face it, no matter how much you set an intention, if there’s no enjoyment once you start, it will likely fall by the wayside. So, find a path you enjoy that will bring the same results. In truth, I hate exercising, but, luckily, I walk my dog. A lovely way to exercise, go out in nature, enjoy companionship, and meet people !

A.Face your intention directly
B.One intention, multiple paths
C.Over time, it becomes routine as well
D.But the result proves far from satisfactory
E.Perhaps most are also making new year resolutions
F.Resolutions seem to hold people prisoners rather than free them
G.In other words, to enact a new behavior, attach it to a well-established behavior
2023-02-15更新 | 288次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般