组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与社会 > 公益行为 > 善行义举(个人)
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.65 引用次数:80 题号:20140226

The air was thick with humidity (潮湿) inside the swimming pool hall as Elisha paced nervously near the starting blocks. The chlorine (氯气) in the air stung (使刺痛) her eyes, but these were mild concerns compared to the matter which seemed largest in her mind: the result of the state semi-finals (半决赛). The young 16-year-old had trained hard and devoted her entire life so far to swimming. Almost as soon as she could walk, Elisha had taken like a fish to the water and gave her whole body, mind, and spirit to the sport.

She always loved being in the water, whether to cool off on a hot summer’s day or to forget about her troubles at school — the waves simply carried it all away. But for Elisha, swimming was not merely for recreation. Her father, a retired athlete-turned-coach, always pushed Elisha to find out the extent of her talents and abilities. Her whole family, in fact, were full of amateur and professional athletes, especially her older brothers and sisters who had gone on to play in the NCSA at university.

There was no way she could let them all down. Not here, and not now. Finally, the time had come: the 400-meter medley (混合泳) relay. In a team of four swimmers, she was the last one to go in the relay. It would be all on her to secure first place for her team. She had done well in the swimming meet so far, but this last relay would determine whether she and her team would move on to the state finals. It all came down to her to bring it home.

At the sound of the buzzer (蜂鸣器), the swimmers all dove into the water. Kayce e with the freestyle stroke, Lizzie with the breaststroke, and finally Susan with the backstroke. Elisha’s heart pounded as she readied herself for take-off.

Just as Susan was coming in close, a small child fell into the deep end of the pool.
Elisha, out of breath, pulled herself up out of the pool.


书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

After a long day of studying, I decided to take a walk on the streets to escape stress. Then I saw a hotel being built.The road in front of it was half blocked by the bricks and half by pits (坑) filled with water. I really had to think a lot to cross that messy road without getting my clothes dirty. When I was doing this struggle, my eyes fell on a little kid about 6 years old, who was smiling at me.She was playing with the water in a pit. That innocent (天真的) smile touched my heart so deeply that it made me forget everything, the study pressure, the lecture of teachers, the struggle to save my clothes. Unaware of troubles in her life, she was happy in playing in the dirty pit. I waved back to her in return for her magic smile and moved forward.

The next day, I felt the same stress. Again, I took a walk along the same street. My eyes searched a bit and then felt another pair of eyes watching me, as if waiting for me. When she recognized me, she gave me that smile for which I was waiting for 24 hours. After that again a wave in return.

I went into the shop near that hotel to buy a bottle of water, I asked the shop owner about the girl. He said, “She’s suffering from a disease and needs an operation. Her father is working hard in building the hotel to earn money. If only they could get enough money soon. The disease kept her from going to school. Every day, she plays alone, but she is never seen crying.”

I felt the desire to do something for the girl whose smile had cured me. I found out my favorite doll I had kept for many years and planned to give it to her. I even set about surfing the Internet to find ways to help the poor family. The next day, I was expecting to see her playing near the hotel and give her a surprise, but she was not there.


I stepped into the shop, trying to find out what had happened to the girl.


I started to help raise money for the girl’s operation through the social media.

2022-12-27更新 | 135次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

I work in a foreign capital company. Although the company is a little far from my home, I have my own car. So I drive myself to and from work every day. Tom is my good workmate. Sometimes we work overtime in the company and get off work together. He often goes home by bus.

One day, it was cold outside. It seemed that the snowstorm would be approaching. As usual, Tom and I worked overtime in the company. After finishing the work, we were ready to go home together. Tom went to wait for the bus, and I went to drive. But it snowed harder and harder, and the bus stopped. So I was going to give Tom a ride.

I was heading home after giving Tom a ride, and I took a shortcut to get home early as the snowstorm was approaching.

Then the snowstorm started and was coming down fast. Within minutes I was in a white out. The windows were frozen and getting covered with snow, so I slowed down and rolled down my driver’s side window, thinking I could better follow the road edge and keep to straight line. But really, I had no idea where I was. I was confused and didn’t know what to do.

At that time, I stopped and kept the car running to stay warm. I took a deep breath and was deep in thought. Later I called 911 and asked them for help. However, the operator told me that the weather was too bad to do me a favor and asked me to wait things out for the night.

The call made me feel afraid. Tom knew what happened to me. Suddenly, an idea occurred to him. “Maybe you could ask for help online and there must be some people living nearby your location and they can show you the right direction,” he told me on the phone.


I posted my location online and explained what I was searching for.


Then I saw a person wearing a long black coat in the dark.

7日内更新 | 10次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

Losing a parent is one of the most painful parts of life. No matter how old we are when our parents leave us, it can be a heartbroken experience. Our memories are all that are left of them and happy reminders of their love turn into our most valuable treasures. That’s how Mara Soriano feels about the teddy bear that she tragically (不幸地) lost during her recent move to a new apartment.

Diagnosed (诊断) with cancer, Mara Soriano’s mother, Marilyn, gave her daughter the bear as a gift. After her mother’s death last June, the gift became even more special. “That bear was basically the last reminder of my mom. It was her voice that accompanied me,” she said in an interview.

The toy didn’t cost a lot, but it contained a recording of her mother’s voice telling her that she loved her so much and was proud of her. The bear, called Mama Bear, was in the backpack that contained electronics like an iPad. When the bag was lost last week during the move, the 28-year-old was heartbroken — not for the devices (设备), but for Mama Bear.

Mara posted a photo of her and her Mama Bear on the Internet, explaining the importance of the bear. Millions of netizens were touched by the story. More and more people were talking about the bear, but there was no good news for Mara. So again and again she posted online about the item and the story behind it, hoping it could catch more viewers’ attention in a big way.

Actor Ryan Reynolds was moved by Mara’s story and then posted an appeal for Mama Bear’s safe return. “I think we all need this bear to come home,” he wrote. Along with the message, he also offered a reward for the people who found the bear.

1. 所续写短文的词数应为80词左右;
2. 续写部分的开头语已为你写好。

One day, here came a piece of good news from the Internet.

2024-03-05更新 | 38次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般