组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自然 > 自然 > 人与动植物
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:69 题号:20259555

For 20 years, two brothers living in the dirty neighborhood of Wazirabad in India’s capital, Delhi, have been treating wounded black kites (鸢) that fall from the city’s skies.

Mohammad Saud and Nadeem Shehzad rescue birds of prey — mostly injured by paper kite strings — and carry them to a basement garage at home. Here, they begin nursing them to health: cleaning and bandaging wounds, fixing wings and broken bones.

Small miracles happen in the basement. Here lives are saved, a living is made and there’s some happiness too. “You don’t care for things because they share the same country, religion or politics,” say the brothers. “Life itself is relationship. That’s why we can’t abandon the birds.”

The brothers talk about how a neighborhood bird hospital refused to treat the first kite they rescued because it was a “non-vegetarian bird”. At that time, they, were teenage bodybuilders and that’s how they “came to know about flesh and muscles”. They figured out ways to bandage the kites. They became passionate about birds. “We’d lie on the ground, watching the elegant flights in the sky,” they say. “The head would spin. Have you ever felt dizzy looking into the sky?”

The street outside the brothers’ home becomes a smelly pool of sewage water which comes into the basement during the rainy season. Pigs wander in a muddy channel. Air quality reaches dangerous peaks. Yet there’s life and hope. Monkeys climb playfully over some electric wires that hang unsteadily over narrow streets. An airplane in the sky is reflected in a pool of quiet water.

When the weather clears, skies are filled with paper kites. And then the birds begin dropping, and the brothers are back at their job. Sometimes the birds fall after bumping against buildings in the smog or getting entangled (缠住) in overhead wires. At one point, there were more than 100 wounded birds in the basement. The brothers once swam across the river to rescue a bird with a broken wing.

1. Why do the brothers treat wounded kites?
A.They believe they are interconnected.B.They like to see miracles happen.
C.They are deeply religious people.D.They do it for political reasons.
2. Why did the hospital refuse to treat the wounded kite?
A.Kites are not protected birds.B.Kites feed on other creatures.
C.Kites keep their heads spinning.D.Kites are dangerous to human beings.
3. How does the author develop paragraph 5?
A.By listing some statistics.B.By depicting a miserable scene.
C.By making an analysis.D.By making comparisons.
4. What can we learn from the two brothers?
A.Look at the positive side of a thing.B.Start a great cause with small deeds.
C.Live in harmony with creatures around.D.Lend a helping hand to people in need.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Raising a baby takes a lot of work, especially when that baby is a king penguin. Now, it looks like climate change will make life even harder for these birds.

Most king penguins live on the Crozet Archipelago, a group of islands in the Indian Ocean, about 1,000 miles north of Antarctica. After the penguin chicks are born in November,which is summer in the Southern Hemisphere,both parents spend 4 months collecting fish to feed their offspring (后代).

When the fish move to deeper waters in March, the adults swim hundreds of miles south.   There, near the Antarctic ice, they spend the winter eating seafood to add to their own energy stores. In October, the parents return to their babies and finish raising them.

Scientists from France have been studying king penguins for a decade. Starting in 1998,Yvon Le Maho and his colleagues put electronic ID tags under the skin of hundreds of penguins. These are the same types of tags you might put in your dog or cat so that you can track them if they're lost. The tags have allowed researchers to get everything about penguins, such as how long they live, whether they return from their winter trips, and if their babies manage to survive the winter.

To see whether water temperatures affect the penguins, Le Maho compared his data with temperature records.   Ocean surface temperatures vary from year to year. And previous research had shown that fewer fish and other creatures grow when the water is warmer. Le Maho suspected that this drop would make it harder for adult penguins to survive the hard times ahead. Indeed, his results showed that fewer adults survived during winters when the water was especially warm.

King penguins can live for up to 30 years. And for now, the population still appears healthy. But a warming trend could spell big trouble for a bird that depends on cold and ice.

1. What do adult penguins do in March?
A.They swim south to find food for their offspring.
B.They leave their offspring alone for months.
C.They take their offspring elsewhere to search for food.
D.They teach their offspring some living skills.
2. In the research, electronic ID tags were used to________.
A.help penguins recognize each other
B.help researchers tell one penguin from another
C.keep track of the details of the penguins
D.help researchers find the lost penguins
3. What attitude does the author hold towards the future of penguins?
4. What is the purpose of the passage?
A.To call on people to fight against global warming.
B.To call on people to protect the endangered penguins.
C.To tell global warming is threatening the survival of penguins.
D.To explain how global warming affects the life of sea animals.
2017-09-26更新 | 180次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约440词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】My 18-month-old son, Adam, called from the front door. “Look, Mama! Doggie!” I dropped what I was doing and stuck my head out of the door. Brandy, our next-door neighbour’s 11-year-old dog, was over again. “Go away!” I shouted.

Brandy’s owner had died about a month earlier. The woman’s family had emptied the house and stuck a “For Sale” sign in the front yard, but the family had left old Brandy behind. For weeks, she’d been wandering around the neighbourhood.

It wasn’t that I disliked dogs or anything like that. I just didn’t think about them very much. I never had a dog growing up and had never thought to get one.

Brandy went away and I stayed outside with Adam. Then the phone rang. I went inside to take the call. When I came back, Adam was gone. I searched the yard, front and back, then the basketball court and public pool. No trace of him. I was so nervous that I ran home and called the police, then my husband.

Police searched the neighbourhood. Suddenly I heard another sound: a dog barking. “It’s coming from the woods,” one of my neighbours said. We followed the barking to a wooded cliff(悬崖).There we found my son, and he was just inches away from the edges of the cliff, fast asleep. Brandy was beside him, leaning(斜靠着)against him to keep him away from the edge(边缘). When I picked Adam up, Brandy sank down on her side, breathing quickly. She must have been holding Adam there for hours!

I thanked the police and brought Adam and Brandy back to our house. She hesitated a moment on our doorstep, no doubt remembering the time I’d driven her away.

“Come on, girl,” I said. “This is your home now.” Brandy stepped in and once she saw she was really welcome, she relaxed and lay down on the floor just inside the door. She’d done a great thing, and I wondered if she knew it. She’d certainly touched me in a way that no animal ever had. What a pity a dog like Brandy had been left behind!

1. What is the correct order for the events in the story about Brandy?
a. She was left behind by her owner’s family.
b. She stepped into the woman’s house.
c. She appeared at the woman’s front door
d. She stayed beside the woman’s son for hours
A.d, c, b, aB.a, c, b, dC.c, d, b, aD.a, c, d, b
2. What did the author do when she first saw Brandy?
A.She gave her some food.B.She took her home.
C.She drove her away.D.She said thanks to her.
3. How were they able to be aware that the author’s son was near the cliff?
A.By searching the neighbourhood.B.By hearing a dog barking.
C.By following a dog’s footsteps.D.By hearing her son’s crying.
4. What’s the author’s attitude towards Brandy at the end of the story?
2023-05-24更新 | 47次组卷
阅读理解-任务型阅读(约590词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】For thousands of years, the Yangtze River Basin has nurtured (哺育) countless generations of people in China. With towering mountains, dense (茂密的) forests and beautiful wetlands, the basin is also home to many kinds of wild animals and plants.

According to the World Wildlife Fund, it boasts about 350 types of fish, 762 kinds of bird, 280 mammals and over 14,000 different plants.

One of the most famous creatures is the baiji, or Yangtze River dolphin, which is described as the “Goddess of the Yangtze” in the Erya (《尔雅》), a Chinese dictionary dating back to 200 BC.

The light grey, long-nosed river dolphin first lived in the oceans before settling in the Yangtze River around 20 million years ago. Despite having eyes, it relies on its sonar (声呐) abilities to navigate (导航) through water, according to China Daily.

It’s also a shy creature. That’s why Wang Ding, an expert from the Institute of Hydrobiology at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, compared it to the “girl next door”. “The baiji is very beautiful but difficult to get close to,” Wang told the Guardian.

However, the baiji’s cousin, the Yangtze finless porpoise (江豚), seems to have a more lively character. Known for its “mischievous” (淘气的) smile and friendliness with humans, the finless porpoise is nicknamed the “water elf (精灵)”.

Compared to the friendly porpoise, the snow leopard (雪豹), known as the “king of the snowy mountains”, couldn’t be more different. With sharp teeth, the white-coated big cat has strong limbs (四肢), which help the animal to cover about 10 meters in a single leap.

Despite the biodiversity in the Yangtze River Basin, however, its creatures are under threat. For example, the baiji was declared “functionally extinct” in 2006. This means that even if there are some of a species still alive, it still may not survive. The finless porpoise was categorized as “critically endangered” by the International Union for Conservation of Nature in 2013, while the snow leopard was listed as “vulnerable (易危的)” in 2017.

A major reason for the drop in the number of these creatures is human activity, such as hunting and pollution, according to China Daily.

“In the past, many people relied on fish farming to make a living,” Huang Zehua, an official from Jingzhou, Hubei, told Beijing Review. “Fish farming then was mostly chaotic and disorderly.”

Luckily, measures have been taken to protect the Yangtze River Basin. In 2016, China announced the creation of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, involving nine provinces and two municipalities (直辖市). Environmental protection and green development are considered first in the development of the economic belt, according to China Daily.

“The Yangtze River is China’s mother river, and it’s our duty to protect it,” said Chinese President Xi Jinping during an inspection tour of Hubei in April, 2017.

Saving     1     wildlife

China’s mother riverWith rich natural     2    , the Yangtze River Basin is home to     3     of wild animals and plants.
The animals living in or along the riverBaiji came from the oceans 20 million years ago, using its sonar to     4     the directions through water. It is shy and beautiful. It is now very     5     to extinction.
The Yangtze finless porpoise might have the same     6     with baiji but is more friendly to humans. It is under great threat now.
The snow leopard is     7     at racing with strong limbs, which was listed as “vulnerable” in 2017.
A major factor     8     to the drop in the number of these creaturesThe     9     human activity, such as hunting and pollution, has caused great harm to the living chances of these animals.
Measures taken to protect the Yangtze River Basin.Nine provinces and two municipalities have joined the Yangtze River Economic Belt and agreed that environmental protection and green development are a     10     in the development of the economic belt.
2018-10-27更新 | 109次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般