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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:129 题号:20278455

Since the days of Charles Darwin, the long necks of giraffes have been a textbook example of evolution. The theory goes that as giraffe ancestors competed for food, those with longer necks were able to reach higher leaves, getting a leg-up or neck-up over shorter animals.

But a very unusual prehistoric giraffe relative reveals that, in addition to finding food, fighting may have driven early neck evolution. In a study published Thursday in Science, a team of paleontologists described the Discokeryx(獬豸盘角鹿), a giraffe ancestor, as having a helmet-like head and large neck vertebrae(脊椎).The Discokeryx evolved like this to absorb and deliver skull-cracking collisions to seek mates and defeat competitors.

“It shows that giraffe evolution is not just lengthening the neck,” said Jin Meng,a paleontologist at the American Museum of Natural History and co-author of the new study.

Head-butting is an ancient and widespread form of conflict solution. Dinosaurs like Pachycephalosaurs have firm skulls(头骨), and knocking heads remain common in bighorn sheep, chameleons and even whales.

But the researchers suggested that the Discokeryx was uniquely expert at head-to-head fight. The team estimated that collisions between Discokeryxes were likely twice as forceful as head-butting muskoxen, which strike each other at nearly 25 mph.

The series of interlocking neck joints haven’t been discovered in any other vertebrate(脊椎动物),living or dead,giving the Discokeryx the greatest head-bashing equipment yet discovered, according to the researchers. “This animal is an extreme example of using head-butting as a fighting tool,” Meng said.

1. What do we know about the Discokeryx?
A.Its evolution helps make and bear crashes.
B.It has tiny neck vertebrae.
C.Its thin neck can stretch to find mates.
D.It has a horn-like head.
2. What does the research find?
A.Whales move at the speed of 25 mph.
B.Muskoxen are good at giving a side attack.
C.Many vertebrates have amazing neck joints.
D.Discokeryxes hit opponents with big power.
3. What is the text mainly about?
A.How Jin Meng completed a research paper.
B.Why giraffes’ necks evolve so long.
C.How the impact force between Discokeryxes is measured.
D.Why giraffes’ development goes against Charles Darwin’s theory.
4. Where can the text be found?
A.In a:history book.
B.In a story collection.
C.In a science magazine.
D.In a celebrity biography.
【知识点】 动物 科普知识 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐1】We all know that some animals adapt to living in very cold environment, like polar bears in the frozen Arctic. But what about the opposite situation? How do animals become adapted to the life in very hot places? A great example of animals beating heat is the camel living in deserts.

A major problem for camels in deserts is the temperature. It’s hot and dry during the day and can be very cold at night. So their fur can not only protect them from the burning sun at daytime, but also help keep warm at night. Another thing is that camels have long necks and legs, so they have large surface area to lose heat easily. They can stand body temperature above41℃, which would be really damaging to living creatures like us humans. And how can they manage to travel a long distance without water at all in deserts? They have large flat feet to spread their weight on the shifting sand. They store fat in their humps to keep them from getting hungry or dehydrated. This helps when they’re not able to find food or water for long periods of time.

In addition to these, camels have other ways to adapt to their environment. In a desert, it can sometimes get very dusty. However, camels don’t mind since they have extremely thick and long eyelashes which protect their eyes from blowing sand. Sand up the nose can be a problem, but not for camels. They can shut their nostrils during sandstorms.

1. What do we know about camels living in deserts?
A.Their fur can help keep cool at night.
B.They have long necks to protect them from blowing sand.
C.They have large flat feet to walk on the sand.
D.They can stand body temperature up to 41℃.
2. What does the underlined word “dehydrated” in paragraph 2 probably mean?
A.Being lack of water.B.Being lack of food.
C.Being lack of fat.D.Being lack of direction.
3. What could be the best title for the passage?
A.The Camel —the Best Traveller in DesertsB.The Camel Needs More Water
C.The Harder, the BetterD.Be the Best in Deserts
2023-12-10更新 | 18次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐2】A change to organic dairy farming around the nature reserves could significantly reduce damage done to the areas by nitrogen produced by solid waste from cows, according to a research.

Concentrated animal farming near Natura 2000 areas was banned in 2002. However, 800 farms still remain in the outer edge of these protected areas, some of which are particularly damaging to the environment.

Researchers looked at 34 organic farms to see how organic farming practices compared with those large-scale factory farms. They found that cows at organic farms produced 22% less nitrogen in their waste, while the amount of emissions per hectare(公顷)was 53% lower.

“The reason why organic farming is less polluting is that farms generally have fewer cows and don’t use fertilizer,” said researchers. Organic cows are also put out to grassland more often and aren’t given concentrates(精饲料)to the same degree, which also limits emissions.

While organic dairy farms would make a good protective barrier against nitrogen around the nature reserves, this doesn’t hold true for organic chicken and pig farms, the research showed.

“Despite the good it would do, not many dairy farmers are likely to make the change,” researcher Gerard Migchels said. “The organic sector is currently relatively small. Growth is only possible if there is enough market demand. That would make it possible to come to a realistic price for organic milk,” he said.

In 2019, some 40,000 cows in the Netherlands were farmed organically, accounting for just 1% of the Dutch herd of 3.8 million.

According to a government report, 46% of nitrogen compound(复合物)pollution around nature reserves is down to agriculture, to which dairy farming contributes 60%. The new law on nitrogen emissions aims to reduce pollution by 40% by 2025 and 74% by 2035.

1. What can we infer about organic dairy farming around nature reserves from the text?
A.It helps dairy farmers collect nitrogen.B.It is relatively environmentally friendly.
C.It has replaced traditional dairy farming.D.It saves dairy farmers a great deal of trouble.
2. What is special about organic cows?
A.They eat less grass.B.They are often larger in size.
C.Their waste contains less nitrogen.D.Their waste can also serve as fertilizer.
3. How might Gerard Migchels feel about the current situation of organic dairy farming?
A.Rather hopeless.B.Fairly content.
C.Particularly surprised.D.Kind of sad.
4. What’s the author’s main purpose of writing this text?
A.To introduce the benefit of organic dairy farming.
B.To compare different types of farming practices.
C.To seek financial support for organic dairy farming.
D.To encourage people to drink more organic milk.
2023-02-03更新 | 111次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐3】Pets should not be left alone for too long during the day. But our busy lifestyles will sometimes tear us away.     1     Here are some tips to keep your pets content.

Cats don’t simply curl up and sleep when you leave.     2     If they have a friend or sibling they will create games and comfort one another but if they are alone they will need more stimuli (刺激物). Leaving the TV or radio on can help, and while you work out their favorite channel, you can’t go far wrong with classical music.

    3     They will keep your cat physically and mentally busy, which will lessen the separation anxiety. Some of the toys are also practical for your home, such as scratching posts to prevent the furniture from being scratched.

It’s not just cats that suffer from separation anxiety. Dogs also dislike being left alone and unfortunately they can’t tell whether it’s been ten minutes or ten hours: the displeasure felt is very similar.

    4     Background noise from the TV or radio can help them to feel less alone. There is even a dog TV channel designed to create happy and calm thoughts in dogs, showing idyllic scenes of fields, beaches and other dogs.

You can also gradually lengthen the distance and time of your separation until your dogs can be left alone for 20 minutes without showing their usual symptoms of sadness and stress.     5    

A.A number of cat toys are also helpful.
B.Schedule daily play sessions with your cats.
C.But you can help ease the negative feeling at least.
D.That creates a lot of guilt and worry for their well-being.
E.In this way, they can disassociate your absence with negativity.
F.They need stimulation for the period when they will be left alone.
G.Over time, they will look forward to their separation to get a reward.
2023-05-18更新 | 581次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般