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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:171 题号:20295795

Children’s Sci-fi Art Predicts Extraordinary Future

More than 80 sci-fi artworks are on display at the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum, showing a beautiful yet puzzling future. The “Brave New Sci-Fi World” exhibition features paintings and art installations (设备) by students from Shanghai, Beijing, Chongqing and other cities. They imagine the future as a world where robots and human beings co-exist.

Ru Chen, from Shanghai New Putuo Primary School, has pictured a robot chameleon (变色龙) to be used in outer space to aid in the search and rescue of human beings in case of danger.

Li Jiaqi from Guangzhou Dongfeng East Road Primary School has painted a city where advanced technologies are everywhere, and even the city itself turns into a large robot.

Huang Yanrui from Beijing Shijingshan Gucheng No. 2 Primary School imagines his rubber, pencil box and such stationery (文具) becoming conscious robots, and beginning to design future human beings.

Wang Zhihan, from Shanghai Shangde Experimental School and her schoolmates, stick electronic components on stone faces as a metaphor (隐喻) for the increasingly unclear boundaries between the reality and virtual world. “We hope to remind people never lose yourself in a world with advanced technologies,” she said.

The exhibition will last till November 4.

Opening hours:

Tuesdays-Sundays 9: 00- 17: 15; legal holidays 8: 45- 18: 30.

Transportation Guide:

Metro: Metro Line 2: Shanghai Science and Technology Museum Station.

Metro Line 4, Metro Line 6 and Metro Line 9: change to Metro Line 2 at the Century Avenue Station.

Bus Routes: Bus 184, 640, 794, 983, 984, 987, 1023, 640 inter-zonal bus will take you there.

1. Whose artwork is related with space?
A.Ru Chen’s.B.Li Jiaqi’s.C.Huang Yanrui’s.D.Wang Zhihan’s.
2. Where does the student with an imagination of stationery robots come from?
3. Which line can directly take you to the museum?
A.Metro Line 2.B.Metro Line 4.C.Metro Line 6.D.Metro Line 9.


阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Designers are increasingly using different kinds of materials to produce products that do not harm the environment. Reused plastic bottles, wood, plant fiber, and even seaweed are being used in place of traditional materials for household goods and clothing.

Unusual materials

Nina Edwards Anker’s candleholder and ceiling lamp look like ancient pieces of paper placed around electronic lights known as LEDs. But a closer look shows that they are made of algae (藻类). Anker came up with the idea while working on a doctoral research project at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design.

A show for new materials in Germany

Heimtextil is an international trade show, or fair, for new textiles in Frankfurt, Germany. This year’ fair placed attention on making new products that came from reused materials.

“We’ll see companies demonstrating how inorganic materials like nylon, plastic and metal can be reused,” Olaf Schmidt, Heimtextil’s vice president of textiles and textile technology, said.

He added, “And there’s seaweed, used to produce sound pad and panels that provided great insulation (隔音), are fire-resistant and regulate humidity (湿度) well.”

Many companies using other materials

Patagonia, North Face and Timberland are among the companies now using natural materials to produce goods. Italian company Frumat has developed a plant-based leather made from the waste created by apple juice makers. Pinatex helps support farms in the Philippines by using waste from the pineapple harvest to create material that is sold to makers of shoes, clothing and other products.

1. Where is this text probably taken from?
A.A science report.
B.A personal diary.
C.An environment journal.
D.An academic article.
2. What is not the new function of seaweed as a new material?
A.Insulating the sound.
B.Making ceiling lamps.
C.Adjusting wetness.
D.Preventing fires.
3. How many companies now using waste to produce goods are mentioned?
2023-03-10更新 | 125次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Many countries are currently facing major problems related to waste collection, particularly in urban areas, due to the large amount of waste produced daily by the population. Technology could play a significant role in dealing with these issues, for example, through the development of more effective tools to gather and collect garbage.

With this in mind, researchers at Vishwakarma Government Engineering College have recently created a cheap and effective system, which they refer to as AGDC, for automatic garbage detection and collection. Their system uses AI algorithms (计算程序) to detect and locate waste in its surroundings, then picks it up with a robotic arm.

The system consists of a robotic body (i.e. a base, a robotic arm and a drawer) and several machine learning algorithms. It uses convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to detect garbage on the ground. Then, it calculates its position by analyzing pictures collected by an integrated camera (内置摄像头). Next, another algorithm judges the distance between the robot and the garbage, while also giving instructions to the robot to reach the target location. The position of the garbage and these instructions are then fed to a microcontroller, which controls the robot to move to where the garbage is resting. When the robot finally reaches the garbage detected by CNNs, it uses a robotic arm to collect it and drops it into a drawer that is attached to its body.

The researchers have already developed a prototype (原型) of their waste detection system, which can currently collect up to 100-200g of garbage. In their future work, they plan to expand on this prototype, so that it can collect two to three kilograms of garbage before emptying its drawer. In addition, the team is thinking of developing and training a new CNN model that would allow AGDC to detect various kinds of garbage at the same time.

1. What does the underlined word “this” in Paragraph 2 refer to?
A.Using technology to collect waste.
B.Making using of urban areas effectively.
C.Dealing with industrial pollution.
D.Reducing the amount of waste produced.
2. What is the microcontroller used to do?
A.Pick the garbage up.B.Detect and locate the garbage.
C.Empty the robot’s drawer.D.Direct the robot’s movements.
3. How does Paragraph 3 mainly develop?
A.By process.B.By classification.
C.By comparison.D.By example.
4. What will the researchers do next?
A.Build a prototype of AGDC.
B.Advertise the prototype of AGDC.
C.Improve the prototype of AGDC.
D.Mass-produce the prototype of AGDC.
2021-10-21更新 | 30次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Cell phones, tablets, laptops, smart-watches: the modern world is packed with a lot of devices that bring us connectivity, entertainment and information. Our hunger for the latest models leads to the “throwaway” culture, which means consumers often throw away old devices as soon as new ones come to the market, a habit that can have a significant effect on waste streams and the environment.

With concerns about e-waste growing, some companies are now turning to chemistry to develop solutions to recycle items like old cell phones, extracting value at the same time. One such example is the work being carried out by Mint Innovation, a clean tech firm based in Auckland, New Zealand. “We’ve developed a biological process for recovering valuable metals from electronic waste,” said Ollie Crush, the company’s chief scientific officer.

Crush explained that Mint Innovation’s system included grinding(磨碎)waste up into a powder. “The reason why we must do this is that we need to make sure that we’re exposing all the metal contained within to a chemical filtering(过滤)process,” he added.

When it comes to recovering a valuable material like gold, the technique used by Mint Innovation has a number of steps. According to a video, chemicals dissolve (溶解) the powdered waste into a solution, with any materials that haven’t dissolved filtered out. Microbes are then added to the mix. Gold atoms catch on to them in a process called “selective biosorption”. Next, the microbes coated gold are filtered, producing a paste which is then turned into a solid, “recycled” gold.

“Nearly 50% of the value of e-waste comes from the gold,” Cameron Weber, a senior lecturer at Chemical Sciences, said. “In fact, there’s actually more gold in e-waste as a concentration than there is in gold that’s been mined, which shows you the value of being able to take your e-waste and recycle and reuse some of the elements that are found in it,” he added.

Looking ahead, Crush, explained the process could potentially have a number of interesting applications. “The future for Mint Innovation is to prove that our technology works with a number of different materials,” he said. “So, we’ll just keep trying to see where our microbial process makes more sense.”

1. What is Mint Innovation trying to do?
A.To develop eco-friendly products.B.To change the “throwaway culture”.
C.To collect harmful things in e-waste.D.To get valuable things from e-waste.
2. What is an important step in Mint Innovation’s system?
A.Mixing e-waste with gold.B.Reusing elements of e-waste.
C.Turning e-waste into tiny pieces.D.Exposing e-waste to special chemicals.
3. What does Cameron Weber mainly want to express in the last but one paragraph?
A.The ways of dealing with e-waste.B.The necessity of reducing e-waste.
C.The difficulty of recycling e-waste.D.The meaning of recycling e-waste.
4. What is Crush’s attitude towards the company’s technology?
2024-02-22更新 | 54次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般