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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:41 题号:20414758

Some people say that city living in the 21st century is stressful and offers no advantages, but I don’t agree with them completely.

With the development of high-tech and the improvement of living qualities, more and more people crowd into the city, which leads to the uncontrollable urbanization(城市化). Because of this, some of the largest cities must be fairly oppressive(压抑的)places to live in if you are short of money or unemployed. However, for those with much income, a city provides colorful environment which enables people to enjoy their modern life. In that case, I believe the advantages of urban living far outweigh its shortcomings.

Regarding shopping, as for me, rather than click on the Internet to get what I want, I prefer to window shop. All kinds of shopping malls and supermarkets located in the city centre really content me. What’s more, a large city’s service even covers numbers of the surrounding towns and benefits many people.

In terms of entertainment, city residents are usually spoiled for choice, from amusement parks to sport stadiums; whoever you are will find exactly what you need. Maybe go to a concert tonight and visit museums tomorrow. City always contains various activities and is full of energy.

City also provides better opportunities with so many choices and challenges. Cities with universities offer high-standard education so that graduates from these places always get ideal jobs with considerable salary. Every day in the business district, you can see a fierce competition among those large companies, while there are exactly places that may give birth to talents.

Many people may complain about the traffic jam or pollution in the city, but I think with some useful measures to take, our city will be more habitable rather than stressful.

1. What does the author intend to tell us in the passage?
A.City living in the 21st century is stressful.
B.City provides more conveniences and pleasures.
C.City living brings great trouble to the youth.
D.City is gradually dying out as a matter of fact
2. The advantages of urban living are        .
A.disposable income and colorful environment
B.quantities of population and shopping centers
C.great entertainments and better education
D.strong measures and fresh air
3. City residents are usually spoiled for choice         .
A.because there are no more choices for amusements
B.because they can hardly find what they like to do
C.because there are so many kinds of entertainments
D.because they will spend more money in a way
【知识点】 议论文 城市


阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】It’s not easy to feel like you’re always under the spotlight being judged for each little mistake you make. Your mind is in an endless circle playing what you said and did over and over again. And you wish you had a time capsule (胶囊) to go back and make things change if you find mistakes. You fear what others will think about you and that they will dislike you. You want to be socially perfect.

Academically, you work long endless hours just to make those excellent marks. Although most would say “it’s good to have high standards (标准)”, they have no idea about the internal bell you put yourself through to achieve perfection. If you come up to less than your desired goal, you will feel as though you have failed, but you’re far from failing; you just don’t see it that way. So instead you are telling yourself that you’re stupid, and not smart. The pressure you place on yourself weighs you down and you wear the “not good enough” label each and every day.

You not only have high standards for yourself but you also have them for others. If people don’t perform up to your expectations then you will think them not good enough. This causes a lot of frustration because you can’t trust anyone to get things right. So instead of being a team player you fly solo and try to do two or three jobs at once. Your unrealistic expectations cause you to criticize and judge others and that leads to problems in other aspects of your life.

The attempt to be perfect is called perfectionism and it’s damaging our emotional and mental health. We fight for perfection of our body, our performance, and our relationships. In a society that overstates mistakes, is it any wonder that so many young people attempt the impossible task of being perfect?

We all have fears and make mistakes, and that’s perfectly OK. It’s our imperfections that makes life interesting and they help us grow into a stronger and more adaptable person. We don’t have to achieve the impossible. We are designed to be perfectly imperfect.

1. Where is the text most likely from?
A.A diary.B.A novel.C.A magazine.D.A guidebook.
2. Which of the following is a perfectionist most likely to agree?
A.Nobody is perfect.B.Be generous with praise.
C.There is no best, only better.D.A contented mind is an everlasting feast.
3. What can we infer from Paragraph 4?
A.The society plays a role in perfectionism.
B.More and more people are making mistakes.
C.Many young people find it impossible to be perfect.
D.It’s unusual for a society to seek perfectionism nowadays.
4. What does the author think of the imperfection?
A.It’s unbearable.B.It`s part of our life.
C.It has to be overcome.D.It does harm to our mental health.
2023-10-22更新 | 71次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】In the days before the internet, critical thinking was the most important skill that informed citizens could have. But in the digital age, according to Anastasia Kozyreva, a German psychologist, an even more important skill is “critical ignoring.” With such an overabundance of information, we need to first decide what’s worth our attention and time, and what’s not.

The first strategy is self-nudging. This involves avoiding low-quality information so that we have more quality time for ourselves. It also involves the removal of distracting things from the environment around you. Of course, we need to stay informed of world events, so we can’t just ignore the internet altogether. When you do go into social media, Kozyreva recommends setting time limits, which prevents you from losing track of time as you click on one attractive link after another.

The next strategy is lateral (横向的) reading. Its purpose is to improve judgments about the reliability of information, and to protect you from false and misleading information. The strategy involves opening a new web page to find out more about the source of the information. Likewise, it’s also good to check the source of the information in an internet post. Headlines are often cheating. They’re designed to attract attention, not provide information. The main idea of the article may be completely contrary to the implication in the headline. A sensational claim may provide a link with a headline that seems to support it, but a careful reading of the original source shows it doesn’t.

We live in a digital age in which we’re overwhelmed with information, much of it of poor quality. Train our critical ignoring skills and we can get the benefits of the internet while we avoid falling victim to those who try to control our attention.

1. Which of the following saying can best describe “critical ignoring”?
A.Rob Peter to pay Paul.B.Make something out of nothing.
C.Birds of a feather flock together.D.Separate the sheep from the goats.
2. What does the author suggest for applying self-nudging strategy?
A.Improving study equipment.B.Managing our own time well.
C.Avoiding access to social media.D.Staying informed of what happened.
3. How can we get the reliable information of an article?
A.By focusing on headlines.B.By reading posts at random.
C.By searching for original sources.D.By consulting authorities for advice.
4. What is the purpose of writing the text?
A.To clarify a concept.B.To promote an app.C.To describe a scene.D.To make a proposal.
2023-11-21更新 | 130次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Richard Branson has had great global success. He is best known as the founder of Virgin Group, which consists of more than 400 companies.

So what, I asked, is his most important secret to success? His answer was simple: Look for the best in other people. Throughout his life he's never thought ill of other people. He looks for the best and praises them. Branson at time seems almost not human. He's too good at what he does. No, great, Nearly perfect. When he starts something, he is very likely to succeed. He has fallen out with others though, like anyone else. He is only human. He told me, "Life is short and the world is much smaller than one realizes. You are going to come across people time and time again in the most surprising places. As a leader it's even more important to be out there praising and encouraging people. If you do fall out with somebody in life, even if you think it was their mistake, give them a call. Befriend them. Go out to lunch with them."

The greatest leaders in the world have taught forgiveness. Perhaps the most extreme example is Nelson Mandela, who invited his former prison guard to his inauguration(就职典礼)and even had lunch with a man who in the past wanted him to be sentenced to death.

Life is too short. We are humans and sometimes we make mistakes and anger people. What defines us is not those who are able to avoid confrontation(对抗), but those who are able to deal with it. The human body is able to self-heal(自愈)when we are cut. In that same manner, we must heal our past relationships.

Branson wins respect from those around him. A natural-born leader, he is always deep in thought and hungry for more; always one step ahead. And it was Richard Branson who taught me about forgiveness.

1. Richard Branson's success lies in his       .
A.of fortsB.generosity
2. The example of Nelson Mandela is mentioned to show         .
A.he suffered a lot in prison
B.he was one of the greatest leaders
C.the power of forgiveness is really magical
D.great people set a good example of forgiveness
3. In the author's view, the most important thing for us humans is to         .
A.live in peace with othersB.be respected by our enemies
C.make a difference to othersD.make as few mistakes as possible
4. What would be the best title for the text?
A.The key to successB.What is forgiveness?
C.Invite your enemies to lunchD.Richard Branson's success story
2021-01-19更新 | 39次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般