组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与社会 > 科普与现代技术 > 发明与创造
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.4 引用次数:224 题号:20422413

Electronic timing is older than most people imagine and was used for the first time more than a hundred years ago at the 1912 Stockholm Olympics. Initially, the well-known company Ericsson was tasked with developing the technology, but it was the Swedish inventor Ragnar Carlstedt who eventually created the final product.

At the same time, Carlstedt introduced another invention: the finish line camera. The 1, 500-meter Olympic final was extremely close with Arnold Jackson from Great Britain winning by only 0.1 seconds. But it was impossible to decide on the silver medal since the two Americans Abel Kiviat and Norman Taber finished side by side. For the first time in history, the outcome of an Olympic event had to be settled based on a photo finish when Kiviat was judged to be “slightly ahead”.

The significance of these two inventions led a major newspaper to write: “Electronic timing at the Olympic Games. Simultaneous (同时发生的) timing and photography of contestants. A brilliant idea!”

The next step in timekeeping was the photo-finish camera with a time stamp imprinted on each picture, which was introduced at the 1932 Olympics in Los Angeles. The 1948 Olympics saw the introduction of another invention with the continuous slit camera (狭缝摄影机), where a film behind a narrow slit rolls (滚动) with the same speed as the runners. Four years later the clocks were connected to the slit camera giving a solution of 1/100 s. But it was not until 1972 that official times were recorded to the 100th of a second.

The next big step in the eighties was to make the camera digital to speed up the feedback (反馈). But the idea behind the slit camera was kept and is still the basis of all timing systems for athletics used today. The only difference is that now there is a very narrow sensor array ( 阵列传感器) instead of the moving film.

After a century technology has reached the point where the whole timing system can be stored in a smartphone. So in a way, the circle was closed when SprintTimer, a sports timer and photo finish app, was developed in the same place and precisely a hundred years after Ragnar Carlstedt.

1. What do we know about electronic timing?
A.It was created in recent years.
B.It was first introduced at the Olympics.
C.It was developed by the well-known company Ericsson.
D.It was perfected by the Swedish inventor Ragnar Carlstedt.
2. What does paragraph 2 focus on?
A.The increasing need for a finish line camera.
B.The excellent performance of Arnold Jackson.
C.The significant role of Carlstedt's another invention.
D.The intense competition of the 1,500-meter Olympic final.
3. How was the digital camera in the eighties different from the slit camera?
A.It avoided the use of a moving film.
B.It rolled with the same speed as the runners.
C.It made a 100th-of-a-second record possible.
D.It adopted a new idea for all timing systems used today.
4. What does the underlined part “the circle was closed” in the last paragraph mean?
A.Further improvement was discontinued.
B.The problem was back to the origin.
C.A new invention was created.
D.The issue was resolved.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐1】One day your pocket might power your smartphone. Soon you may never have to worry about your smartphone running out of juice. Your clothing will simply power it back up for you. That's the word from scientists at China's Chongqing and Jinan Universities in a study just published in the journal ACS Nano.

Researchers have been hard at work during the last few years trying to create wearable energy, or clothes that can charge things. The assumption is simple. People today rely heavily upon devices such as smartphones and tablets. And they're looking for ways to recharge these devices on the go. So if you could design clothing fabric that could make use of solar power--one of the most widely available and inexhaustible(用不完的)renewable energy sources-you'd be able to charge your various devices with ease.

Scientists have had some past success creating energy-harvesting fibers. But there was always one problem when they tried to fashion these threads into self-powered smart clothes: The fibers they designed got damaged during the clothing manufacturing process, namely during the weaving and cutting. The Chongqing and Jinan University scientists say they've solved this problem because the energy-collecting and energy-storing threads they created are highly flexible--each individual thread is easily bendable, and not simply the fabric as a whole.

The team's sample textile can be fully charge to volts in 17 seconds by exposure to sunlight—enough voltage that your future smart T-shirt or smart dress might be able to power small electronics. I's durable, too; their research showed there was no decrease in the fabric after 60 days. But don't worry that this means the fabric is similar to rough cloth. The scientists note their textile can be fashioned into numerous different patterns, and tailored into any designed shape, without affecting performance.

1. What does the underlined phrase "running out of juice" in Paragraph I mean?.
A.Being lacking in energy.B.Wanting to have some juice.
C.Being picked out of a drink.D.Having some water running out.
2. What is the scientists' attitude towards the scientific technology?               
3. This passage is written to            .
A.persuade readers to buy new clothes
B.inform readers of the ways to use their devices
C.introduce new wearable energy to readers
D.remind readers to wear smart clothes
2021-01-16更新 | 77次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐2】Imagine a cat that does not need someone to clean up after it keeps an older people company and helps them remember to take their medicine. That is the shared dream of the toy maker Hasbro and scientists at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island. The researchers received a $ 3-million-dollar from the National Science Foundation for a special project. They want to find ways to add artificial intelligence, or AI, to Hasbro’s “Joy for All” robotic cat.

The cat has already been for sale for two years. Though priced at over 1,000 dollars, it sold quite well. It was meant to act as a “companion”(陪伴) for older people. Now the project is aimed at developing additional abilities for the cat. Researchers are working to decide which activities older adults may need the most. They hope to make the cat perform a small number of activities very well. Such activities include finding lost objects and reminding the older people to take medicine or visit their doctor. They also want to keep the cost down to just a few hundred dollars.

It is an idea that has appealed (有吸引力) to Jeanne Elliott. Her 93-year-old mother Mary Derr lives with her in South Kingstown. Derr has dementia (痴呆). The Joy for All cat that Elliot bought this year has become a true companion for Derr. The cat stays with Derr and keeps her relaxed while Elliott is at work. Elliot said a robotic cat that helps her mother to remember to take her medicine and be careful when she walks would be greater.

The researchers are trying to learn how the improved cats will complete helpful activities and how they will communicate. They say that they do not want a talking cat, however. Instead they are trying to design a cat that can move its head in a special way to successfully communicate its message. In the end, they hope to create an exchange between the human and the cat in which the human feels the cat needs them. By doing so, the researchers hope they can even help prevent feelings of loneliness and sadness among elderly people.

1. What’s the purpose of the project?
A.To reduce the pain of the elderly.
B.To increase the sales of a medicine.
C.To help make the robotic cat smarter.
D.To invent a robotic cat for the elderly.
2. What can we know about the cat?
A.It will be on sale in two years.
B.It may be cheaper in the future.
C.Its abilities will be made simpler for the elderly.
D.It can tell the activities that older adults need the most.
3. What does the example in Paragraph 3 show?
A.The cat gives much help to the elderly.
B.The cat works well to talk with the patient.
C.The cat can make the dementia patient less painful.
D.The cat should be designed to satisfy patients’ need.
4. What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.Each family can afford such a cat in the future.
B.A talking cat is quite popular among the elderly.
C.Feelings of sadness among the elderly are unavoidable.
D.The feeling of being needed is important to the elderly.
2019-12-15更新 | 281次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐3】Oh, the places you’ll go!

When it comes to habitat, human beings are creatures of habit. It has been known for a long time that, whether his habitat is a village, a city or, for real globe-trotters (周游世界者), the planet itself, an individual person generally visits the same places regularly. The details, though, have been surprisingly obscure. Now, thanks to an analysis of data collected from 40,000 smartphone users around the world, a new property of humanity’s locomotive (移动的) habits has been revealed.

It turns out that someone’s “location capacity”, the number of places which he or she visits regularly, remains constant over periods of months and years. What constitutes a “place” depends on what distance between two places makes them separate. But analyzing movement patterns helps illuminate the distinction and the researchers found that the average location capacity was 25. If a new location does make its way into the set of places an individual tends to visit, an old one drops out in response. People do not, in other words, gather places like collector cards. Rather, they cycle through them. Their geographical behavior is limited and predictable, not fancy-free.

The study demonstrating this, just published in Nature Human Behavior, does not offer any explanation for the limited location capacity it measures. But a statistical analysis carried out by the authors shows that it cannot be explained solely by constraints on time. Some other factor is at work. One of the researchers draws an analogy. He suggests that people’s cognitive capacity limits the number of places they can visit routinely, just as it limits the number of other people an individual can routinely socialize with. That socialization figure, about 150 for most people, is known as the Dunbar number, after its discoverer, Robin Dunbar.

Lehmann says his group is now in search of similar data from other primates (灵长目动物), in an attempt to work out where human patterns of mobility have their roots. For those, though, they will have to rely on old-fashioned methods of zoological observation unless they can work out a way to get chimpanzees to carry smartphones.

1. The underlined word “obscure” in paragraph 1 can be replaced by .
A.clearB.little known
C.accurateD.long forgotten
2. How can the researchers get similar data from other primates?
A.Observe the primates or let them carry smartphones.
B.Work together with Robin Dunbar.
C.Carry out statistical analysis.
D.Publish essays in Nature Human Behavior.
2018-10-26更新 | 85次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般