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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:201 题号:20568368

Waterways are important for every country around the world. They provide not only water for everyday use but also routes for transport. However, due to industrial activity, many of them are now polluted.

Dakota Perry from the US has experienced water pollution firsthand. The 15-year-old high school girl told Alabama Local News that she spends a lot of time going on boat rides with her dad on the river behind their house. However, the river has become littered with plastic bags, bottles and cups.

Perry wanted to clean up the water so she could continue to enjoy the river. So, with the help of her father, she designed a system to collect and remove trash in waterways.

In May, Perry put forward her solution al the Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair held in Gcorgia, US, and received a Judge’s Award from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration for her project.

According to the Science News for Students website, her system was inspired by the Dutch Great Bubble Barrier in Amsterdam, which creates a flow of bubbles that trap waste and directs it to a catchment (集水) system. But Perry tried to challenge herself and make her system more environment-friendly.

She planned to create a curtain of bubbles that spanned the river diagonally (对角地).The curtain would stop the floating trash and then push it toward the shore. Once there, a conveying belt run by a solar-powered battery would carry the waste to trash bins.

In her backyard pool, Perry used an air compressor (压缩机) to send air through a pipe full of holes to create a stream of bubbles. She experimented with different amounts of pressure to make sure there would be enough bubbles to form a full curtain. “For the bubble system to actually work and actually collect the trash,” she explained to Science News for Students, “I have to know how much pressure the air compressor is supposed to push out.”

After she tested her system for collecting trash, Perry found that it worked better than expected. Next, she plans to work out how to use the power of the river to run the air compressor.

1. What drove Perry to design a trash-collecting system?
A.Her father’s encouragement.B.A science and engineering fair.
C.Her desire to protect a nearby river.D.A study ou waterway pollution.
2. What do we know about the trash-collecting system?
A.It was designed partly by Perry’s father.B.It was inspired by a UK invention.
C.It creates a bubble curtain to block the trash.D.It uses water power to run the air compressor.
3. What is the second-to-last paragraph mainly about?
A.The way Perry tested her system.B.Difficulties Perry didn’t overcome.
C.Perry’s view on her system.D.Advantages of the system.
4. Which of the following best describes Perry?
A.Responsible and creative.B.Easy-going and hardworking.
C.Smart and honest.D.Patient and modest.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】The Roman Colosseum( 罗马圆形大剧场), built around two thousand years ago, survived a 14th century earthquake and most of the 150-some foot high building is still standing. It has seen the rise and fall of enormous structures as well as the Roman Empire. Why could the ancient structure stand the test of time while many modern constructions fall apart after a few decades? Scientists believe the ancient Romans used a specific concrete which may account for its super-long existence.

Previous discoveries have confirmed the components of the Roman concrete: volcanic material, limestone (石灰石) and water. Architects suppose the volcanic material is what makes the building strong—which it does. But this is not enough to explain the architecture’s durability. A team of researchers recently discovered a magical power of the Roman concrete: self-healing. And the key actually lies in the tiny pieces of limestone. Worth mentioning is that researchers had taken them as impurities (杂质) due to the limitation of ancient technology. But it turned out that ancient Romans seemed to have discovered the secret.

When the Romans made the mixture, they heated up the limestone to turn it into quicklime, a very reactive chemical. Quicklime reacted with water and produced heat that set up a chemical foundation to strengthen the building material. Meanwhile, it would “wear” a hard “shell”, forming limestone pieces. It was these pieces that stopped the cracks (裂缝) from becoming bigger. When there was rain, the pieces reacted with water again, quickly filling the cracks.

For material scientist Ainissa Ramirez, this new understanding of ancient Roman concrete is a welcome discovery. “This is one way that the material can be greener,” says Ramirez, “The Romans made the material. We had to kind of figure out how they did it so that we can make better materials—and then, you know, in turn, be better guards of our environment.”

1. Why could Roman Colosseum still exist according to the text?
A.It was rebuilt constantly.B.It met few natural disasters.
C.It contained a special material.D.Its shape increased the stability.
2. What is the function of the limestone pieces?
A.To purify the concrete.B.To react with volcanic material.
C.To make the structure water-proof.D.To enable the building to repair itself.
3. What does the underlined word “it” in paragraph 3 refer to?
A.The rainwater.B.The foundation.C.The quicklimeD.The limestone.
4. What can be inferred from Ainissa Ramirez’s words?
A.Architects can get inspiration from ancient structures.
B.The Romans’ building method remains a secret till now.
C.Romans’ wisdom throws light on eco-friendly architecture.
D.Scientists are exploring how to guard the ancient civilization.
2023-04-23更新 | 166次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】“ The moment before they called my name, I was really nervous because the other finalists’ presentations are really good and I thought they would win, ” Kara Fan, 14, who has won America’ s Top Young Scientist, told Yahoo Finance. “ When they announced my name, I was really surprised actually. ”

To win that claim, Fan’ s nano-particle liquid bandage had to surpass the experiments of hundreds of fifth to eighth graders as well as nine other finalists. Fan started developing her liquid bandage in April 2019 to fight the overuse of antibiotics(抗生素).

According to the CDC, roughly 2 million people every year suffer a bacterial infection in the U. S. and about 23, 000 passed away as a result. If left alone, a UN study reported, drug- resistant diseases or the “ superbug” could lead to 10 million deaths across the globe by 2050. When Fan’ s sprayable bandage dries on a person’ s skin, it creates a thin layer that protects the wounded area while breaking the cell wall and killing the bacteria on the skin. After experimenting with copper nitrate(硝酸铜) to fight bacteria, switching to the silver nitrate ended up being the major catalyst (催化剂) to seeing results for her award-winning project.

“ Thousands of years ago, ancient people would use copper and silver to eat with and they would drink water from like copper bowls to kill bacteria, ” Fan explained. “ I found out that it didn’t work. So I used nano silver. ”

Sir Alexander Fleming’ s discovery of penicillin— a type of antibiotic— is Fan’ s favorite scientific discovery. That said, she doesn’ t think humans should rely too heavily on penicillin.

Following her years at Westview High School, Fan hopes to continue her biology track at Stanford University. Along with the $ 25, 000 cash prize she won on October 29, becoming Amer-ica’ s Top Young Scientist may help get the private university’ s attention.

1. How did Kara Fan feel about her winning the prize?
2. For what purpose did Fan develop her liquid bandage?
A.To fight overuse of antibiotics.B.To enter a national contest.
C.To reduce deaths from injuries.D.To get into a good university.
3. Which of the following does Fan use to kill bacteria?
A.Copper nitrate.B.Copper.
C.Silver.D.Nano silver.
4. What might be Fan’ s opinion about penicillin?
2020-05-15更新 | 154次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】As the electric vehicle (EV) increases, drivers may start to find queues adding to their more time at charging stations. One potential solution to this is to swap out the run-down battery pack for a new one, and a company has just revealed that it’s managed to do so in just five minutes.

Since the company launched its first-generation battery swap station back in 2021, the company reports that stations have been built across the San Francisco Bay Area to support fleet (车队) partners in testing the quick-swap solution. The company has also been in consultation with a delivery services to get a better understanding of their needs.

“When working with these fleets, we continuously heard that despite efforts to electrify fleets, drivers could spend up to 10-12 hours at a charging station.” said the company in a blog post. “There is a lack of reliable EV charging for city residents who don’t have access to garages and the option of overnight charging, and our new solution seeks to fix that.”

The latest station is designed to support EVs of all sizes—from small passenger cars to mid-sized delivery vans. EVs fitted with modular batteries could roll onto the platform and have its spent modules automatically removed and replaced with fully charged ones within 10 minutes. The removed battery units are then recharged, ready for the next customer.

The shoebox-sized battery modules have been developed to improve their safety, and can be fit for any modern EV. The new stations have been redesigned for easier building at a site in just three days, and have also been made more durable to suit different local conditions as the company expands. They can also be remotely monitored 24 hours for enhanced safety and customer support.

The company is now calling for more EV manufacturers, fleet operators and municipalities to join them in the quest to electrify.

1. What is the problem that EV drivers are worried about?
A.Driving EVs takes up their too much time.
B.They have to wait long to charge their EVs.
C.They have to buy new batteries to replace the old ones.
D.EVs are in bad quality despite increasing development.
2. Why does the company work with partners?
A.To build charging stations.
B.To deliver the last-mile goods.
C.To obtain some related information.
D.To give a helping hand in fixing vehicles.
3. What is the feature of modular batteries?
A.Time-saving and safe.B.Universal and pricey.
C.Heavy and complicated.D.Convenient and durable.
4. Which can be the best title for the text?
A.A Company Is Developing a New and Safe EV
B.A Company Strengthens the Cooperation with Its Partners
C.A Company Has Expanded Its Charging Stations Across the World
D.A Company Makes the Replacement of EV Batteries Safe and Fast
2024-01-16更新 | 87次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般