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题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:31 题号:20621242

Eco-Friendly Changes You Can Make to Your Home

As part of the move to save the environment and money, many people have made lots of changes to their homes over the past few years, and the trend (趋势) is set to continue in the years ahead.     1     .

Switch out your light bulbs (灯泡)

You might not think that this could make a big difference.     2    . With LED light bulbs being up to75% more efficient than standard light bulbs, it could save about. $7.75 per month to light your home if you made the switch to LED.

Turn to solar energy (太阳能)

Rising energy costs are forcing people to look for new methods of powering their homes.       3    . It’s also a clean, renewable energy source, meaning not only is it cheaper for you, but environmentally-friendly to power your home.

    4     ?

Wind power is more stable than solar, and it can be used to produce power. Like solar options (选择;选项) , using wind means that it won’t matter as you’ll have a continuous power source of your own.

Seal (密封) gaps around doors and windows

One very low-cost option to help your home be more efficient is to stop the air from leaving your home. If you have gaps around doors and windows, the air from your air conditioning system will be heading literally straight outside.     5    

A.Is wind power an option
B.The sun is one resource that isn’t going away
C.Is it a challenge to take advantage of wind power
D.So make the most of your air conditioning system
E.We’ve listed a few options to make your home more eco-friendly
F.This will increase your energy bill as your system will work harder
G.However, lighting accounts for around 9%of a typical home’s energy use
【知识点】 方法/策略 节约意识


阅读理解-七选五 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】A fruit basket is a basket that is filled with a variety of fruits.     1     It is usually tastefully arranged so that it is pleasing to the recipient’s (接受者) eye. Fruit baskets can be sent as get-well gifts, thank-you gifts, birthday gifts, or for any other occasion that requires a present to be sent.

    2     In that case, a person may choose to send a fruit basket in order to express sympathy and sadness. Sending such a gift shows the recipient that someone is thinking of him in his time of sadness.

A fruit basket is an ideal idea for those who aren’t sure what to send as a gift.     3     So sending a gift basket is a good way to take the guesswork out of choosing a gift for a hard-to-please person.

Do you know a person can make a fruit basket on his/her own?     4     First, the gift giver needs to locate an attractive basket large enough to hold a variety of fruits and other goodies. Wicker baskets can be found in discount stores and craft stores. Pretty ribbons (丝带) and tissue paper can be found in many stores as well.

Next people can fill it with a variety of fresh fruits from the local supermarket or fruit. They can then add chocolates and anything else they think the gift recipient would like.     5    

A.Making such a gift isn’t a difficult task.
B.Fruit baskets are traditionally given as gifts.
C.The shipping price will depend on the delivery location.
D.Some family members and friends are difficult to buy for.
E.A fruit basket may be sent when there is sorrow in one’s family.
F.You can order a fruit basket online to send to your friends or family.
G.Knowing about the gift recipient’s personality helps personalize the fruit basket.
2023-10-13更新 | 24次组卷
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】“There is nothing noble (高尚的) in being superior (优秀的) to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.” —— Ernest Hemingway

As Hemingway says, self-improvement is a noble process.     1     Much of who we are is determined by how we relate with others around us. When we seek to improve ourselves, we can also make our relationships with others better.

    2     If you have a good self-image, then others are likely to relate to you in a positive way. When people see a self-controlled and confident individual, they are likely to be affected in a positive way. And this can result in a more optimistic and constructive relationship.

Only when you have accepted who you are can you grow. If you continuously fight against yourself, you won’t have the emotional energy you need to better yourself. If you wish to get on with people better, then you may start by accepting yourself.     3    

If you are on a personal path that is going upwards, then you are likely to find a friend or partner who is also seeking to better themselves and their circumstances.     4    

Focusing on your good qualities and attempting to protect and improve these characteristics will help you become a better person.     5     When you stop damaging who you are, you are likely to avoid ruining relationships and this can lead to longer and more meaningful connections with others.

A.People with similar mind attract one another.
B.When you feel confident, you keep calm.
C.It will also stop you from damaging yourself.
D.The way you view yourself affects how others view you.
E.This will probably help you become a successful person.
F.People like to be around individuals who like and accept themselves.
G.It can help us learn about who we are and enable us to be better people.
2023-01-08更新 | 98次组卷
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】According to scientific research, willpower is not a talent that a lucky few are born with.     1    . Here are a few ways to increase your willpower.

Know yourself

You should identify your "willpower profile". Some people are introverts (性格内向) while others are extroverts (性格外向). Introverts tend to get engineered by thoughts and ideas.     2    . For extroverts, signing up for a group where everyone has a common goal can help.

Pick one goal at a time

    3    . What can you do about such conflicts? Don't work on multiple resolutions. Intentions are most effective when you work on one goal at a time. People trying to work on many intentions at once are less successful.


People who are not moving towards their goal are often afraid of something they imagine may happen. Researchers recommend paying attention to "physical responses", such as feeling mysteriously tired or queasy (感到恶心的), when faced with taking action on your goal. Chances are that you might be too anxious.

Find your motivation

Researchers found that study participants suddenly discovered extra self-control to do a task after they were told they would be paid for their effort or that their effort would benefit others. So knowing your "why" can help you get out of bed for a morning run.     5    .

A.Make a plan
B.Face your fears
C.It is a skill to be practised
D.Finding out what you are good at is especially important
E.Working out your "why" can help you find your willpower
F.For them, scheduling time to reflect on progress can be helpful
G.At work you have to deal with lots of tasks and an unusually demanding boss
2022-01-24更新 | 116次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般