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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:1130 题号:20652269

In 1959, Handler changed how toy dolls were made when she introduced “Barbie” to the world. With her mature figure, Barbie was one of the first “grown-up” dolls to hit the retail market.

Handler wanted to create a toy that was different from the baby dolls that dominated little girls’ toy boxes. She wanted a doll that girls could project their future dreams upon and allowed for limitless clothing and career choices. Inspired by paper dolls of the time, Handler, to much disagreement, made sure Barbie had the body of a grown woman.

“My own philosophy of Barbie,” Handler wrote in her autobiography, “was that through the doll, the little girl could be anything she wanted to be. Barbie always represented the fact that a woman had choices.”

There’s even a Barbie for cancer patients — Brave Barbie — a partnership between Mattel and CureSearch that sends a bald (光头的) Barbie to families affected by cancer. “Gifting my daughter a Barbie who suffered from cancer was tremendous,” Michelle, a cancer survivor said, “We would play with that Barbie together and I’d heartbreakingly watch her pretend to take the doll to the hospital for chemo (化疗), or place its long wig on top of its head and tell the doll ‘It’s time to be beautiful again.’”

Bald Barbie was super brave and went on awesome adventures after chemo. Sometimes she felt sick and needed to sleep, but would feel much better after a rest. Bald Barbie always beat the cancer and went on to live a long and happy life with her family. That Barbie became so much more than a plastic doll — she was a means of communication and a coping mechanism during an extremely distressing time for little families.

1. Why did Handler create Barbie?
A.To make a hit in the retail market.B.To appeal to girls with her diverse outfits.
C.To do a project on women’s career choices.D.To inspire girls to make choices as they wish.
2. How might Michelle feel when watching her daughter with Brave Barbie?
A.Sad yet comforted.B.Envious yet proud.
C.Overwhelmed and ashamed.D.Heartbroken and regretful.
3. What does Brave Barbie mean to Michelle’s family?
A.A reliable emotional support.B.A glue for broken relationships.
C.An effective practical treatment.D.A secret medium of negotiation.
4. Where is the text probably taken from?
A.A medical journal.B.A charity brochure.
C.A financial report.D.A story collection.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】As a mother and a professional working full time, I spent all of my 30s saying yes. Saying yes to things I wanted to do, but a lot of the time saying yes to things I disliked. This was a people-pleasing technique that would affect people’s opinion of me: the woman who could do it all, so that I can obtain a nice fame in their mind.

Little did I know that I was also developing an autoimmune(自身免疫的) disease, which I have to believe was my body’s way of telling me to slow down. I had severely swollen joints and brain fog but I pushed through so that I could look in the mirror at the end of the day and feel “accomplished”. The only things I was accomplishing were bad health and bed habits.

And then a series of events changed everything: serious medical issues and losing my job. It took all that to help me see how intensely burnt out I was. I spent a lot of time thinking about where I had to be next instead of being present in the moment. But now, I wake up each day knowing that everything on my schedule has been purposefully agreed to.

Looking back, I had the capability to suffer the pressure to say yes. I also felt it necessary to say yes, from driving people to the airport to seeing family every Friday night. I always wanted to solve everyone’s problems and offered sound and immediate solutions. It was one big “yes” to everything.

I was everyone’s cheerleader, but forgot how to cheer for myself along the way. But saying no is being my own cheerleader. And it’s not saying no to caring for family and friends. Instead, it’s a minor change in mindset, taking a pause before automatically agreeing. I take a breath, do a quick count of my energy and ability before jumping in.

1. Why did the author say yes to things she disliked?
A.To please her boss.B.To prove her profession.
C.To push herself to the limit.D.To earn herself a good reputation.
2. How did the author deal with the changes in her body?
A.She got rid of bad habits.B.She thought little of them.
C.She slowed down her life pace.D.She paid more attention to her health.
3. Which word can best describe the author?
4. What will the author do before saying yes?
A.Find a cheerleader.B.Evaluate her situation.
C.Breathe in some fresh air.D.Seek help from her friends.
2023-07-20更新 | 56次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了73岁的Catia Lattouf de Arida作为一名自学成才的蜂鸟看护者,她将大部分空闲时间和资源投入到照顾这些小鸟恢复健康上。

【推荐2】Gently holding a baby hummingbird, Catia Lattou f says, “Hello, cute little guy. Are you hungry?” It’s the newest patient at her apartment in Mexico City, where she has nursed hundreds of the tiny birds back to health over the past ten years. Under Catia’s gentle touch, the bird relaxes little by little, allowing her to examine it. This is often how Catia’s days have gone since she turned her apartment into a home for sick, injured or baby hummingbirds.

Catia began caring for hummingbirds a year after surviving colon cancer in 2011. It started with one hummingbird that had an eye injured by another bird. A friend encouraged her to try to help it. She named it Warrior after the brand (品牌) of the glasses case she kept it in. The bird became her inseparable companion, resting on her computer screen while she worked. “It wrote me a new life,” she said of the nine months the bird stayed with her. It helped pull Catia out of the sadness and loneliness she had experienced after her husband’s death followed by her cancer.

Later, friends began bringing her more hummingbirds, and the need for her services has jumped since last year. She began studying how to better care for the tiny birds that are native to the Americans. Someone put a video about her work on the social platform TikTok, which has been viewed more than 1.5 million times.

Catia says she never turns away a bird. She cares for the birds from 5 a. m. into the night. Most of the hummingbirds stay in Catia’s bedroom until they are strong enough to fly and feed themselves before they are finally freed.

The city is filled with menace to hummingbirds. There are other birds that attack them and destroy (毁掉) their home as well as modern building projects that replace flower gardens. But Catia remains positive and is certain that other bird lovers will plant more flowers to feed the birds. “Nothing is ensured,” she said. “But we do everything possible.”

1. What can be learned about Warrior?
A.It survived for only nine months.
B.It made Catia’s cancer disappear.
C.It became well-known for its name.
D.It helped Catia through tough times.
2. What does the underlined word in the last paragraph probably mean?
3. How can people help improve hummingbirds’ living conditions?
A.By growing more flowers.B.By introducing more birds.
C.By freeing the injured ones.D.By putting up more buildings.
4. Which best describes Catia?
A.Selfless and honest.
B.Kind and hard-working.
C.Sociable and humorous.
D.Knowledgeable and frank.
2024-01-29更新 | 59次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了大四学生Zoe Bross帮助她所在的大学正式获得蜜蜂校园认证的故事。

【推荐3】On April 10, the University of Utah became officially Bee Campus certificated. This process was started by senior Zoē Bross in her second year on campus. Bee Campus USA hopes to protect the native pollinators (传粉者) on college campuses by increasing the number of native plants, providing nest sites, reducing the use of pesticides, and offering educational opportunities that help with pollinator conservation.

After first hearing her school wasn’t certificated a Bee Campus and finding becoming Bee Campus certificated would give the University more point s on the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System (STARS) program, which decides ratings to campuses according to their sustainable efforts, Bross wanted to help.

There are many requirements to become Bee Campus certificated. The first major step for Bross was to create a standing Bee Campus committee with a mix of students and staff. Bross tried to reach out to professors and people specializing in this field. After many efforts, the program was finally passed through and a garden for it was created.

Over 100 people showed up to help plant in the garden. After the planting was done, Grounds, responsible for planting the pollinator gardens, set up their hydroseeder (水力播种机) and let attendees take turns spraying the hill, with a mixture of water and wildflower seeds, making the area more pollinator-friendly. Rocky, the school robot, even made an appearance, taking turns spraying.

Certificated by Bee Campus USA, Bee Campuses are expected to continue maintaining or improving pollinator habitats on campuses, as well as maintaining an educational online presence. “I see the campus continuing to be very interested,” Bross stated.

Future plans for the campus include more pollinator gardens, native wildflowers, and even bee sculptures to provide new habitats. As for Bross? She pictures herself somewhere warm and sunny in the near future, working in environmental communications and doing something for the change she wants to see in the world.

1. What is the purpose of Bee Campus USA?
A.To offer some advice on sustainable development.
B.To find educational opportunities to rate the college.
C.To protect native pollinators on college campuses.
D.To increase the number of college campuses.
2. What did Bross need to do first?
A.Form a committee.B.Buy a hydroseeder.
C.Create a garden.D.Join a student organization.
3. Why did Rocky appear in the garden?
A.To scare the pollinators away.B.To help spray the hill.
C.To plant wildflower seeds.D.To welcome people.
4. What can we know about Bross from the last paragraph?
A.She is fond of drawing.B.She will look for some new habitats.
C.She owns pollinator gardens.D.She has an environment-related work plan.
2024-01-11更新 | 43次组卷
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