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题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.65 引用次数:72 题号:20713604
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We were doing a house cleaning for the new year. Everything was going well. I cleaned the bottom of the sofa when I heard the scream (尖叫). It was so loud that I guessed someone had broken into our home. “A mouse! A mouse!” screamed my little sister. My younger cousin screamed just as loud, and pointed.

How could it be able to enter our house? I later learned from the Internet that mice enter homes through cracks and holes found in walls, floors and foundations. Due to their body shape, mice are able to fit through holes much smaller than appear likely. They may also enter the home through gaps in windows or ceilings, as well as through sewer (下水道) lines. Anyway, it seemed that we had a trouble.

My sister and cousin jumped up on the couch as the baby mouse ran to one side of our living room and then the other. Because of the screams, the mouse was frightened and at a loss. The little rodent (啮齿动物) had obviously found a home in our house. “Get the mouse!” my little sister and younger cousin screamed.

It was so tiny and quick that I wasn’t sure what to do. I tried catching its long gray tail, but it ran away and up a dining chair. I had an idea. “Get a shoebox,” I said. But my little sister and younger cousin shook their heads at the same time. They had no intention of moving from the couch. I ran to our bedroom and came back with an empty box. Then I held a fly swatter (苍蝇拍). My plan was to stun (打昏) the little mouse and put it in the box.

I was about to hit it with the swatter when my little sister shouted out, “Don’t kill it! It’s a baby and a little cute.” My younger cousin agreed with her, and I could tell by its frightened eyes that the little mouse did, too. The tiny mouse twitched (抽搐) its mouth. It seemed to be saying, “Listen to them. I don’t want to be killed. This is my first new year!” As I saw the fear in the mouse’s eyes, I gained some compassion (怜悯).

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I slowly walked toward it with a small towel.


I asked my sister and cousin if they wanted to say goodbye.

【知识点】 人与动植物 生活故事


书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

Chito Shedden was a simple fisherman and tour guide from Siquirres, Limon Province, Costa Rica. He had a broad range of interesting facts about nature, which helped his business quite a bit. The year was 1989, and Chito was walking along the bank of the Reventazon River when he happened upon something very strange. There was a dying male crocodile. When he stepped up to investigate the skinny reptile, he realized it had been shot through the head and the left eye.

He knew, dangerous as it was, he couldn’t leave the poor animal there, alone and helpless. Chito acted quickly, calling for the help of several brave friends to load the heavy reptile into his boat. He knew that if he could heal it, he would then release it back into the wild. He named the huge reptile “Pocho”, which means strength, and began to care for him in his own backyard.

The kind and helpful fisherman started to heal Pocho with medicine, food, and, more importantly, lots of care and attention. Chito fed the crocodile a steady diet of chicken and fish. He bought medicine to prevent infection and even slept by his side at night.

Affection was one of the most important factors. Chito gave him kisses and hugs; he talked to him and petted him. “The crocodile needed my love to regain the will to live,”he said. In time, Pocho improved enough to return to normal health. It was time for him to return to his own river in the wild. Chito and his friends loaded the crocodile back into his boat and released him in a nearby river. The two parted ways and Chito returned home alone.

Paragraph 1:

Chito awoke the next morning and walked outside.

Paragraph 2:

Pocho had bonded with his savior.

2022-08-11更新 | 70次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

Palm trees seemed to speed by the car window. Eight-year-old Katrina began to get nervous, the way she always did in new surroundings. She felt a thin shine of sweat above her lip in spite of the car’s cool air. “The aquarium won’t be crowded, I bet, and people are gonna notice me. I hate wearing this prosthesis leg (假肢).” She felt tears pinprick behind her eyes. “Not being normal is the worst.”

Entering the Clearwater Marine Aquarium, around a comer of a tank, she noticed an animal that looked unusual. “Is that a dolphin with stump (假肢) instead of a tail?” she asked an aquarium staff. He nodded. “Yes, that’s Winter. She’s a very special dolphin.” “What happened to her?” “This girl dolphin was found off the coast of Florida, caught in a crab trap. The ropes from the trap cut off the blood circulation to her tail. So she lost her tail,” Katrina caught her breath. “She’s just like me. She’s just like me.” “But she struggled to survive. Now she wears a prosthetic tail part of the day to help her swim like a dolphin’s supposed to swim.” the staff continued, “Every day, Winter shows us anything is possible if we believe.”

Katrina felt her heartstring was touched. She waved at Winter. Looking at Katrina, Winter raised her flipper (鳍), came to her and lifted her head. “She’s swimming right into my arms,” Katrina said tearfully. They made eye contact. She seemed to be speaking to Katrina: We’re the same.

Back home, all Katrina talked about was Winter. For two weeks, she cried and begged her mother to take her back to Clearwater.

Unfortunately, another blow hit Katrina. She fell on the hardwood floor at home and broke her other leg. Katrina was in constant leg nerve pain. After a through examination, the doctor explained bad news that she would need another surgery on her leg. Years of a living hell came back to her.

She started fearing surgery again and refused to take any.

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Katrina’s mom decided to take her back to Clearwater.


Finally came the day when Katrina was in the hospital again.

2023-02-24更新 | 320次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

One day in 1964, my mother came home from work and announced that she had found a pet for the family. My sister asked what it was. My mother said it was a poodle dog named Pepe.

I couldn’t believe my sister wanted a poodle dog — especially one with such a strange name. But she had made up her mind.

Pepe arrived the next night, his short tail bobbing (摆动) happily. I remained distant, thinking poodles should have stayed in France. My sister played with him until bedtime, and he begged for more attention. I ignored him.

He was a skilled digger, so our backyard fence wouldn’t hold him. We tied him; he pulled out of his collar (颈圈). We drove stakes (木桩) into the ground; he dug them up. We put a harness on him, staked the ground and tied him to the laundry pole; he was still waiting for me at the front door at the end of the day, smiling happily.

Every day, he asked me with his eyes to play with him or take him somewhere. At night, he would wait until I fell asleep, leave his bed by the wall heater and jump onto the end of my bed.

One night, I was in a half dream state. Suddenly, my throat and my eyes hurt, and some animal was whining (哀鸣) in my ear. I opened my eyes and saw fog in my room. I wondered who left the window open. Pepe whined and nibbled (咬) on my blouse. Then I woke up and realized that it wasn’t fog in my room — it was smoke.

I couldn’t breathe standing up, so I got down on the floor and crawled (爬行) beneath the smoke. Pepe followed my every move, his curly-haired stomach struggling on the ground. If I hadn’t been so scared, I would have laughed.

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We finally arrived in the kitchen, where the smoke was very thick.


I turned off the burner (炉子) and crawled to open the back door.

2024-01-27更新 | 55次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般