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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.4 引用次数:358 题号:20741252

A revolution has recently taken place in behavioural biology. Its consequences are far-reaching, both for our self-image as humans and for our relationship with animals. Just a few decades ago, behavioural science was guided by two key beliefs: animals cannot think, and no scientific statements can be made about their emotions. Today, the same discipline holds both ideas to be false and assumes the very opposite: animals of some species are capable of insight – they can recognize themselves in a mirror and exhibit at least a basic sense of self-awareness – and they have rich emotional lives that seem to be amazingly similar to those of humans.

Indeed, the transformation of the concept of the animal in modern behavioural biology has been fundamental. This has been confirmed by the death of a third belief: for decades, it was taught that animals behave for the good of their species. Today we know this is not the case. Rather, animals do everything to ensure that copies of their own genes are passed to the next generation with maximum efficiency and, when necessary, they will also kill conspecifics. Clearly, they are not, as Jane Goodall had once famously hoped, ‘like us, but better’.

The border between humans and animals is also beginning to blur in other areas. Certain aspects of the social environment can cause stress for both humans and animals, while other similar factors can relieve it. Indeed, animal behaviour does not develop in a fixed manner: environmental influences, socialisation, and learning can change an animal from the prenatal phase (胎儿期) through adulthood. Like humans, animals ultimately appear individualised upon closer inspection.

However, such similarities across genes, brain structure, and the endocrine (内分泌的) system do not automatically imply similarities concerning thoughts, feelings, and behaviour. To better understand these characteristics, we need to look at specific studies in both animals and humans. In the case of animals, such studies take place within the field of behavioural biology, which was properly defined by one of the fathers of the discipline, the Nobel Prize winner Nikolaas Tinbergen, as ‘the study of behaviour by biological methods’.

1. According to the new research, some animals___________.
A.possess rich emotions.B.can hardly recognize themselves.
C.can show little self-awareness.D.are incapable of understanding.
2. It can be inferred that animals’ behavioural actions are mainly driven by __________.
A.their desire to protect their species.
B.their ability to recognize themselves in mirrors.
C.their urge to guarantee the gene transmission.
D.their eagerness to be socially interacted.
3. Which of the following statements is true according to Paragraph 3?
A.There’s a clear distinction between humans and animals.
B.Social environment may have an impact on animal behavior.
C.Animals will eventually become standardized.
D.Learning alone can shape animal behaviour altogether.
4. Which of the following titles best summarizes the article?
A.Evolution of Views in Behavioral Biology: Typical Human, Typical Animal?
B.The Emotional Lives of Animals: A Study of Similarities and Differences with Humans
C.Understanding the Blurred Boundaries: The Human – Animal Connection in Modern Science
D.Past and Present: How Behavioral Biology Views Animals


阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 较难 (0.4)
【推荐1】Almost 80% of the Americans have stated their opposition to cloning pet animals such as cats and dogs, yet companies still try to make a business out of selling cloned pets. Pet cloning has been promoted as a way to “bring back” or “copy” a beloved companion animal. However, studies have shown that cloning remains an experimental technology with many failures.
Behind each lovely picture of a cloned cat or dog lie hundreds of animals that were kept in lab cages, receiving bad treatment to produce just that one cloned animal. For all that, you end up with a cloned animal who is unlikely to appear like the original physically or behaviorally and may experience serious health problems. Also, while pet cloning companies are charging customers up to $150,000 for a cloned pet, millions of homeless animals of the same species are available in US animal shelters for around $100. Unfortunately, most of these animals are killed for lack of adopting homes.
With No Pet Cloning campaign, the American Anti-Vivisection Society (AAVS) tries to protect both animals and people from harm. They campaigned until the US companies that sold cloned animals closed their doors. First it was Genetic Savings & Clone Inc. and then it was BioArts International.
When BioArts was closed, its owner, Lou Hawthorne, finally had to acknowledge the problems of pet cloning. According to Hawthorne, he has seen numerous failures during his pet cloning attempts, “One clone—which was supposed to be black and white—was born greenish-yellow where it should have been white (we still have no good explanation for how that happened).”
The AAVS is educating the public about the animal suffering and is seeking regulation of cloning activities. They will continue to take the lead in protecting animals from the threats of pet cloning.
1. From the passage, we know that ____.
A.pets are often deserted by their owners
B.more and more people have joined the AAVS
C.most American are against cloning pet animals
D.the American Anti-Vivisection Society is supported by the government
2. According to the passage, companies keep on selling cloned pets to ____.
A.carry on scientific studies
B.get economic interests
C.protect pet animals
D.comfort animal lovers
3. What does the author try to do by writing the second paragraph?
A.To tell the truth behind pet cloning.
B.To show the method of pet cloning.
C.To compare pet animals with homeless ones.
D.To save the animals kept in labs and shelters.
4. The underlined word “acknowledge” probably means "____".
5. According to the passage, the AAVS devotes itself to ____.
A.getting most countries to fight against pet cloning
B.improving the technology of pet cloning
C.saving lots of animals from bad situations
D.stopping US companies’ selling cloned animals
2016-12-13更新 | 234次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约290词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐2】The Upside to Being Outside

Research shows that being in nature makes people feel good, whether they’re roughing it in the wilderness for days or just hanging out at a local park for a while. One study was conducted in the city of Birmingham, Alabama. Researchers found that most participants’ mood and well-being improved significantly when they spent time in urban parks, even though the average visit was only around half an hour.

    1     For example, scientists in the United Kingdom studied the impact of the “30 Days Wild” campaign. It challenged people to interact with nature for 30 days by enjoying earthy activities like feeding birds and planting flowers. Participants were measurably happier and healthier throughout the challenge…and for months afterwards, too.    2    

How does nature boost people’s happiness? Scientists say that spending time in natural settings reduces stress and anxiety, which benefits mental and physical health. Research shows our brains are more relaxed in natural settings.

To most people, it’s not news that nature can be calming. But multiple studies have found that spending time in nature also has some more surprising benefits, like improving creativity and problem-solving.     3     Another found that exposure to nature helped people score better on tests. That’s more proof that going outside is a smart move!

What accounts for the connection with cognition and creativity? It could be that a good dose of nature acts as a cure to information overload. Everyday life involves a lot of multitasking. Some scientists theorize that spending time in nature enables our brains to rest and recover from mental tiredness.     4    

Naturally, scientific studies don’t cover everything that’s great about the great outdoors.     5     From recreation and exercise to happiness and creativity, there are lots of upsides to getting outside.

A.One study revealed that people were better at figuring out puzzles after a four-day camping trip.
B.According to many scientific studies, there’s a good chance it’ll make you happier, healthier, and more creative.
C.What’s more, the lift people get from nature is long lasting.
D.Lots of people enjoy fun activities outside, like swimming, riding bikes, or climbing trees.
E.When the only light you’ve seen all day is the glow of a screen, it might be a good idea to switch it off.
F.This means that whether you’re studying or playing video games, heading outside to give your brain a break might help you get to the next level.
G.So, kicking back in a park is a bit like treating your mind to a restful mini vacation.
2023-06-18更新 | 1047次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐3】A mysterious illness is turning some black bears friendly and unafraid of humans, among other strange symptoms.

Researchers believe the illness, which young bears around a year old appear to suffer from, is a kind of encephalitis (脑炎), according to a news report by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife late last month. Since 2014, a handful of bears in Nevada and Caledonia have shown signs of the condition, and four California bears were confirmed to have it last year. One of them walked into a school and entered a classroom where she sat down among the children, behaving very much like a friendly dog.

The encephalitis has other serious effects on the nervous system of the bears, including tremble, head tilts and seizures (癫痫). Affected bears also tend to be seriously underweight. One female bear, observed in February picking up an apple and eating it among humans in a yard, weighed only 21 pounds when she should have been around 80 pounds. She was also covered in ticks (扁虱), walked strangely and was ultimately euthanized (安乐死).

It’s still unclear exactly what's causing the brain illness. But in the course of studying the phenomenon, scientists have identified five previously unknown viruses in the affected bears.

Bears suffering from encephalitis typically have to be euthanized. Their symptoms make them unequipped to survive in the wild, and those placed in zoos or shelters can become a huge burden due to the lifelong medical care they need.

Two bears exhibiting neurological (神经系统的) issues in recent years, however, were able to find new homes. One, now named Elinor, was brought to the Orange County Zoo. The other bear, who has become famous after being caught on camera sniffing a snowboarder and is now named Benji, lives at the San Diego Humane Society’s Ramona Wildlife Center. Last month, Benji celebrated his third birthday there with a cake made out of fruit and potatoes. Details are as follows.

1. Which of the following is uninvolved in the symptoms of the bears’ disease?
A.Serious weight loss.B.Getting close to humans.
C.Some neurological issues.D.Desiring to learn knowledge.
2. What might cause the encephalitis of bears?
A.An environmental change.B.A severe shortage of food.
C.Some unknown kinds of viruses.D.The lack of necessary medical care.
3. What would the author probably discuss in the paragraph that follows?
A.Add some background knowledge.
B.Provide some advice for the readers.
C.Summarize the previous paragraphs.
D.Introduce some further information about Benji’s birthday.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Black Bears in Nevada and California
B.A Disease Making Bears Endangered
C.An Unknown Bear Species
D.Black Bears Getting Much Friendlier
2022-04-06更新 | 134次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般