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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:176 题号:20752126

For teenagers, is a sense of comfort more commonly found in sports or arts? And how might this relate to their reported depressive symptoms? A new research published by the American Psychological Association suggests that teenagers participating in after-school art activities like music, drama, and painting are more likely to report depressive symptoms than their non-participating peers.

“This is not to say that depression is a necessary condition for either a teen or an adult to become an artist, nor are we showing that participating in the arts leads to mental illness,” said lead author Laura N. Young. MA. of Boston College. “However, previous research has revealed higher rates of mental illness symptoms in adult artists. We were interested in whether this association is present earlier in development.”

Interestingly, teens who engaged exclusively in sports and didn’t involve themselves in any other extracurricular activities were reported the least depressive symptoms. The researchers found no significant difference in depressive symptoms between teens involved in the arts who also did sports and those who didn’t, suggesting that arts participation, rather than a lack of sports participation, was associated with depression.

The researchers used data from the U. S. Survey of Youth collected from 2, 482 students 15 to 16 years old. The survey asked teens about their frequency of participation in arts or sports activities after school, and their experience of various moods or problems related to depression.

One theory the researchers proposed for the seeming link between the arts and mental illness symptoms is that people attracted to the arts might possess certain cognitive (认知的) qualities, such as absorbing a higher level of information from their surroundings. This could lead to general unhappiness and depression, yet also enhance creativity and artistic expression. The authors suggested that personality qualities linked to depression, like introversion (内向), might guide teens towards more individual activities like the arts.

“When positive behaviors such as being involved in the arts are associated with symptoms of mental illness, it’s essential that we understand why,” said Young. “Further research can address the question of whether possible psychological shortcomings can be transformed into benefits through the practice of the arts.”

1. What can we learn from the research findings?
A.Art activities directly lead to teen mental illness.
B.Art participation can be related to teen depression.
C.Sports are likely to increase depression rates in teens.
D.Being depressed is necessary to become an artist later.
2. Which has the closest meaning with the underlined word “exclusively” in Paragraph 3?
3. What is Paragraph 5 of the text mainly about?
A.The overall framework of the research project
B.The direct cause of the observed phenomenon.
C.The theoretical basis of the possible connection.
D.The methods applied in conducting the research.
4. According to Young, what should follow-up researches focus on?
A.How to reduce depressive symptoms through sports.
B.How to identify the positive impacts of the association.
C.How to prove the link between creativity and depression.
D.How to turn potential mental weaknesses into strengths.
【知识点】 科普知识 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约260词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Have you ever had a stressful day? And on these high-pressure days, many people might find themselves reaching for a sugary snack. Perhaps this is part of their daily routine. Or perhaps on this particular day, heir self-control is a bit low and they want to take a sugar hit.

Stress is natural. That feeling of pressure is a biological response, and under the right circumstances can be a great source of motivation. However, too much stress, has been linked to sleep disruption, heart-attack, ulcer or depression, among other things. But why should stress make a person comfort eat?

When we become stressed, our bodies enter “fight or flight” mode. Because our body believes it’s under attack, it releases glucose (葡萄糖) into the blood to provide energy for muscles. However, if we don’t use that energy, our body then releases insulin (胰岛素) to make the blood sugar levels drop. This drop causes a hunger response: you want to eat. And what you particularly want is sugary food, which rapidly refills the energy you have lost. If this happens repeatedly, over a long enough period, these high-calorie foods can lead to obesity.

So what can we do to fight the stress? Dr Michael Mosley recommends exercise, gardening, mindfulness or other activities you enjoy. But his strongest recommendation is trying to get a goodnight’s sleep. So, try sleeping to decrease stress.

1. What can we know about stress from the passage?
A.It is always negative.B.It can make people angry.
C.It is a natural response.D.It can make people sleep.
2. Why do we want to eat sugary food in particular when stressed?
A.Our self-control is too low to refuse sugary food.
B.Sugary food rapidly refills the energy we have lost.
C.Insulin in our body makes the blood sugar levels rise.
D.Sugary food releases insulin to provide energy for muscles.
3. How can we best fight stress according to Dr. Michael Mosley?
A.By getting a good night’s sleep.B.By taking up gardening.
C.By eating much sugary foods.D.By doing something your enjoy.
4. What is the best title for the passage?
A.What causes stress?B.How to reduce stress?
C.When to take sugary snacks?D.Why stress makes you fat?
2022-07-15更新 | 40次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约440词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】You watch a sad film and get caught up in your emotions. You cry your eyes out at the dramatic plot — you feel sad for the characters if they suffer, or happy for them when they are successful. It is only when the movie is over that you realize that what you were watching is not real.

But why couldn’t you accept that when you were so absorbed in the movie? It was reported in Science Daily this week that scientists at Case Western Reserve University, US, discovered that people simply cannot think emotionally and logically at the same time.

It has long been known that something different goes on in our brain when we use logic, rather than responding to something emotionally. Thinking logically is a step-by-step process, in which people make decisions through reasoning and find answers rationally. When we think emotionally or empathize (有同感), we look at things from someone else’s point of view and try to feel their pain.

Now scientists have found that thinking logically and emotionally are like the two ends of a seesaw (跷跷板). When we’re busy empathizing, the part of the brain used for cold, hard analysis is suppressed. And it’s also true the other way round.

To come to this conclusion, scientists gathered 45 people — men and women — to take brain scans as they solved different kinds of puzzles. Some of the puzzles were tough and involved math and physics and others were social problems that required participants to put themselves in other people’s shoes.

Scientists found that when participants were doing a math problem, the region in their brain that is associated with logical thinking lit up, and when asked to make emotional decisions, the region for emotional thinking lit up. But the most interesting part is that when asked to solve problems that required both logical and emotional responses, the participants always used one of the regions at a time while the other one went dark.

“Empathetic and analytic thinking are mutually exclusive (排斥的) in the brain,” said Anthony Jack, leader of the study. “You don’t have to favor one, but cycle efficiently between them, and employ the right network at the right time.”

However, people sometimes ended up using the wrong one. This explains why some people are good at solving complex math problems but have poor social skills. And why even the smartest people get taken in by fake but touching stories.

1. Why does the author mention watching movies at the beginning of the article?
A.To prove emotional thinking is powerful.
B.To show that sometimes we only use emotional thinking.
C.To show that we are easily moved by things that are not real.
D.To introduce the research based on this kind of experiences.
2. The underlined word “suppressed” in Paragraph 4 means ________.
A.starting to react actively
B.being completely damaged
C.to prevent something from working effectively
D.to obtain an opposite function
3. Through their recent tests, scientists at Case Western Reserve University, US proved ________.
A.emotional thinking works differently from logical thinking
B.logical thinking is much more efficient than emotional thinking
C.logical thinking and emotional thinking take turns to function independently
D.people who have a crack hand at solving complex math problems have poor social skills
4. What is probably the best title for the passage?
A.Movies and Your EmotionsB.Your Heart vs Your Mind
C.Math and PhysicsD.Logical Thinking
2022-07-18更新 | 53次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】A new study published Monday in an American Heart Association journal Hypertension, examined 360,000 participants who provided blood, urine and saliva (唾液) samples, as well as detailed information about their lifestyles. Researchers found that adults who napped often were more likely to develop high blood pressure and have a stroke. But that doesn’t mean the napping causes these health issues — instead, napping may be due to unhealthy behaviors. The researchers found that a high percentage of frequent nappers reported cigarette smoking, daily drinking, insomnia (失眠症) and other factors that could contribute to health-related issues.

Dr. Margaret Blattner, clinical instructor, from the department of neurology at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, tells PEOPLE that frequent or long daytime naps can disturb healthy nighttime sleep. Napping during the day may make it harder to fall asleep at night or cause nighttime sleep to become fragmented and that missing out on night time sleep can cause severe daytime sleepiness.

“Often, naps continuing long are less restorative than more brief daytime naps; people often wake up unrefreshed after a long nap,” she adds. “Additionally, long day time naps take away time from other healthy things that people enjoy during the day: spending time with family, enjoying hobbies, and exercise.”

When napping during the day becomes unpredictable, uncontrollable, or prevents an individual from accomplishing what they need or want to do, it could indicate a possible sleep disorder.

But Blattner assures that taking naps can also be beneficial. ”Napping is not always a cause for concern. Taking a nap can be refreshing and enjoyable,” she says. “The key is, are you missing out on things that you enjoy because you are too sleepy to stay awake — that can indicate a problem -or does the nap help you get more out of your day?”

“Taking a brief nap can feel restorative, reduce stress, and improve focus. Early afternoon is a good time to nap, as this agrees with a physical circle dip in energy,“ Blattner continues.” However, napping too late into the afternoon or evening may impact night time sleep quality and make it harder to fall asleep.”

1. Why are adults often taking daytime napping more at risk of high blood pressure and strokes?
A.Because the frequent daytime napping causes these health issues.
B.Because the daytime napping is less restorative than nighttime sleep.
C.Because you can’t get more out of the daytime napping.
D.Because the frequent daytime napping is more likely caused by some unhealthy behaviors.
2. What does the underlined word in paragraph 2 mean?
3. When will you be in the minimum energy interval generally?
A.At 9 AM.B.At 1 PM.C.At 4 PM.D.At 10 PM.
4. What is Dr. Margaret Blattner’s attitude towards the daytime napping?
2022-09-24更新 | 597次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般