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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:152 题号:20759602

Marine life (海洋生物) in Florida Keys is negatively influenced by two forces: human activity and climate change. The former involves fishing, tourism and diving while the latter causes a large increase in intense hurricanes. Fortunately, when the researchers of Florida Museum of Natural History started looking for sea urchins (海胆) on the ocean floor off the coast of Florida Keys in the summer of 2020, they uncovered their population had relatively been stable since the 1960s.

The researchers visited 27 sites along a 20-mile stretch of coast near Florida Keys looking for tracks that reflected the presence of burrowing echinoids (穴居海胆类动物). “The findings that burrowing echinoids have been highly resilient (有适应力的) against climate change and environmental pollution over the last 60 years was a huge discovery for us.” said study co-author Tobias Grun.

Grun said, “However, we know little about their current distribution, population size, and health. The reason is not the lack of interest by the scientific community but lies in that fieldwork is very expensive.”

As the climate crisis progresses, it’s important to understand why some marine creatures are more resilient in bearing the impacts of a worsening environment than others. Grun said, “Evolution may be at play. Some marine animals are very opportunistic. They can tolerate a wide range of abiotic factors like pH, temperature, and salinity, to name a few.”

Grun added, “At this point, our data show that burrowing echinoids are more resilient than many other marine species and are doing comparatively well. That does not mean that we can push our luck and keep going the way we are right now. Our study provides some hope that these creatures are resilient, but much more work is needed to translate our findings into a larger scale. The reasons for their resilience are also widely unknown.”

1. Which has an effect on the marine life in Florida Keys?
2. What did Grun think of the findings?
3. What was a challenge for the research according to Grun?
A.The goal.B.The staffC.The costD.The usage
4. What does Grun tell us in the last paragraph?
A.It’s necessary to do further research.
B.It’s right to keep going the present way.
C.The reasons for sea urchins’ resilience are well known.
D.Fish are more resilient than other marine species.
【知识点】 动物 科普知识 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】You may have heard that bats are to blame for many disease outbreaks in recent years, including COVID-19 and SA RS. But how exactly does a disease spread from bats to humans? And with so many diseases coming from bats, you would think that bats would be sick all the time. It turns out this isn’t the case and it’s likely because of the way that bats’ immune (免疫)systems work.

Bats have very active immune systems to protect their cells from viruses. When a bat’s body notices a virus, a protein (蛋白质)is released (释放)that sends a signal to the bat’s cells to keep the virus out. In response, viruses reproduce very quickly to try to get into the cells before this immune reaction triggers (触发).Although the bats dont get sick, these rapidly increasing viruses can jump to animals with slower immune systems and can quickly cause serious infections.

At the same time, bats are great disease carriers. Bats live in large crowded places—a perfect setting for viruses to spread. In addition, the average bat lives for around 30 years, which is a long time that an infected bat can spread the disease around its environment.

The question remains: Why are so many diseases spreading from bats to humans? Put simply, that problem may be on us. As the number of humans on Earth has increased, there are more chances for bats and humans to have contact with each other. People have taken over large areas of bats’ natural habitats due to urban development and the cutting down of trees. This leaves the bats with no choice but to live closer to us.

Even though bats can harbor dangerous diseases, we can’t blame them for getting us sick. It is only because of bats’ strong immune systems that they can carry such deadly illnesses. By studying bats, we may find ways to develop new treatments. However, the only way to do that is to protect the natural habitats of these extraordinary creatures.

1. What do viruses do when faced with the bat’s immune system?
A.Release a protein.B.Increase quickly.
C.Send a signal to cells.D.Jump to other animals.
2. What causes diseases to spread from bats to humans?
A.Larger areas taken over by bats as habitats.
B.The rising population of bats living on Earth.
C.The trees used to support urban development.
D.Increased contact between bats and humans.
3. What suggestion does the author give in the last paragraph?
A.Stopping bats from getting sick.
B.Protecting bats natural habitats.
C.Studying those who get sick from bats.
D.Strengthening the human immune system.
2020-11-13更新 | 37次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】A rat may seem like an unlikely candidate to receive a gold medal for bravery and devotion to duty. However, six-year-old African rat Magawa, which was honored with Britain’s highest animal award on September 25, 2020, is no ordinary rat. Over the past five years, the “HeroRAT” has saved hundreds of lives by detecting 39 landmines and 28 unexploded items in Cambodia.

Landmines were used during wars to protect important areas such as borders, camps or bridges and to restrict the movement of opposing armies. But it became extremely difficult to remove the explosives once the conflicts ended. Today, over 60 million people in 59 countries live in daily fear of landmines.

Magawa is one of hundreds of HeroRATs that have been trained by an animal charity in Belgium to detect landmines since the 1990s. The charity, which teaches the animals by rewarding them with tasty food each time they smell out a landmine and send signals to the handlers, says the intelligent rats are ideal for the dangerous job. They are easy to train, and more importantly, light enough not to set off the hidden explosives even if they mistakenly walk over them. The rats, which use their sharp smelling skills to identify the chemicals in landmines, are also more efficient than human-held metal detectors.

Magawa, which has been working in Cambodia since 2016, is the charity’s most successful HeroRAT. In addition to being accurate, it can screen an area the size of a tennis court in 30 minutes. This task would take a human with a metal detector up to 4 days! Over the past 4 years, the powerful animal has helped clear over 141,000 square meters of land, equal to 20 football fields.

Every discovery made by Magawa has reduced the risk of injury or death for local people. Hopefully, with brave detection animals like Magawa hard at work, the threats will soon be all removed.

1. What makes the rats the best choice for the dangerous job?
A.The rats’ weight and sense of smell.B.The rats’ intelligence and experience.
C.The charity’s method of training the rats.D.The delicious food for rewarding the rats.
2. What are the numbers in paragraph 4 used for?
A.Presenting the charity’s success.B.Illustrating the rat’s natural talents.
C.Emphasizing the rat’s great efficiency.D.Showing the inability of metal detectors.
3. Which of the following is not mentioned in the text?
A.Where Magawa is working now.B.What the landmines were used for.
C.When Magawa began to be trained.D.How the HeroRATs detect landmines.
4. What is the main idea of the text?
A.Landmines are difficult to remove for human beings.
B.Rats are cleverer than humans at discovering dangers.
C.Landmines present deadly threat to Cambodian people.
D.A rat receives a gold medal for its life-saving contributions.
2021-02-04更新 | 106次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Madagascar, an island off the coast of Africa, is home to some of the world’s most exciting and unique animals. Recently, scientists have discovered a tiny chameleon (变色龙) from Madagascar that may be the world’s smallest reptile! The chameleon is small enough to easily sit on a fingertip. Only two have ever been discovered-one male and one female.

The new kind of chameleon was discovered in Northern Madagascar’s rainforests by a team led by Dr. Frank Glaw from Germany. The tiny animals are being called nano-chameleons. The male nano-chameleon, which measures 2.2 centimeters from head to tail, is the smallest among all the world’s known reptile species. The female nano-chameleon is larger in comparison to the male, measuring about 2.9 centimeters.

Unlike most other chameleons, the nano-chameleons don’t have the ability to change their colors. But the skin of the nano-chameleons is a mixture of brown colors which blends in (协调) well with the leaves and grasses on the forest floor where they live. They also prefer to live on the rainforest floor, spending their days hunting and their nights hiding in the tall grass.

The scientists are not sure how the nano-chameleons became so small. In most cases, tiny size is considered as the “island rule,” where animals on small islands are likely to get smaller. However, the nano-chameleons were found in the high-altitude rainforests, which have enough space for animals to grow.

The nano-chameleons family tree further deepens the size mystery. “The closest relative of the new chameleon is also not the similarly tiny Brookesia micra, but instead the nearly twice as large as B. karchei, which exists in the same mountains,” says study co-author, Jorn Kobler.

The researchers, who were unable to find any more nano-chameleons, believe their habitat is most likely limited to just a few acres. If right, the animals are likely to be endangered. “Unfortunately, the habitat of the nano-chameleon is threatened by deforestation (森林砍伐), but the area has recently become a protected area, and hopefully that will enable this new chameleon to survive,” says biologist Oliver Hawlitschek.

1. What does the author want to show by mentioning “fingertip” in Paragraph 1?
A.The ability of the chameleon.B.The shape of the chameleon.
C.The color of the chameleon.D.The size of the chameleon.
2. What is special about the nano-chameleons?
A.They hunt mainly at night.B.They do not change colors.
C.They do not live on the forest floor.D.They come in several different colors.
3. What is difficult to understand for the scientists?
A.Why the new chameleon is so small.
B.Why the new chameleon has special abilities
C.How the new chameleon left the small island.
D.How the new chameleon is different from its relatives.
4. What is the last paragraph mainly about?
A.The danger the new chameleon faces.
B.The environmental problems in Madagascar.
C.The unexpected survival of the new chameleon.
D.The influence of the new chameleon on Madagascar.
2023-05-28更新 | 21次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般