组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与社会 > 公益行为 > 善行义举(个人)
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.4 引用次数:119 题号:20809359

About a month ago, my husband and I found kindness in an unlikely place: standing in line at a Subway sandwich shop to pick up a quick dinner.

It was extremely busy on this particular night, and I noticed a dad behind us with his little girl, who looked to be around four. The man seemed as tired as my husband, but the little girl was cheerful and excited as she waited for her sandwich and cookie.

I watched as the man behind us got closer to the front of the line. He started to look worried. Right before we checked out, I heard the man say to the woman who had made his sandwiches that he was sorry to just leave his out because he didn’t have enough money to pay for them all. He looked very embarrassed. His little girl continued jumping around excitedly.

I quietly asked the cashier to add the man’s whole order to ours. I paid the $ 87.73, and we got out of there before the man behind us knew what had happened.

Like many others since COVID-19 hit, our family of five was living on one income. I was holding our debit card (借记卡) and knew that we only had $ 90.16 in our account. That was all we would have until payday three days later. But still, it felt great to be able to help that family, even though we would be out of money for a few days.

What happened next was amazing. My husband went back to that Subway the next week to pick up five sandwiches that I thought would cost $ 44.58. There was $ 47 in our account.

But it turned out that the dinner cost more than we had on the card. My husband told them to put his sandwich back because he couldn’t afford it. Then he paid for the four sandwiches and headed to our car.


As he opened the door, one of the female workers ran to him.


The two men nodded at one another and went on their way.



书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

A third-grade class knows exactly what will brighten an older neighbor's holiday meal — and it isn't a roast turkey. In October, I told the eight-year-olds I taught in Pompton Lakes, New Jersey, about my Thanksgiving plan. "I'd like all of you to do extra jobs around the house to earn some money," I said. "Then we'll buy food for a Thanksgiving dinner for someone who might not have a nice dinner otherwise."

I wanted the children to experience that it's more blessed to give than to receive. I wanted them to understand that love of society and love of life is not just lip service; that people somehow have to make it come alive.

Early in Thanksgiving week, the boys and the girls arrived in class with their hard-earned pocket money and couldn't wait to go shopping. After pacing up and down in the supermarket, we put a turkey and decorations in the shopping cart (购物车). At last we headed toward the checkout, and then someone found a "necessity" — flowers. It was more reasonable to use any extra money to buy food. I pronounced, "You can't eat flowers." "But Mrs. Sherlock," the group replied, "we want flowers." I was defeated, and the children put a bunch of pink roses into the cart.

An organization had given us the name and address of Maria, a needy grandmother who had lived alone for many years. Soon we were driving along a rough road to her house. We finally pulled up in front of a small house in the woods. A thin woman with a tired face came to the door to welcome us.

My little group hurried to get the food. As each box was carried in, the old woman kept saying "Thanks" — much to the visitors' pleasure. When kids put the pink roses on the table, the woman seemed surprised. "She was wishing it was a bag of flour (面粉)", I thought. Having talked for a while, we returned to the car.


As we fastened (系上) our seat belts, we could see the kitchen window.


Upon seeing the moving scene, the children became quiet.

2024-05-13更新 | 21次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

Many years ago, there lived a wealthy man in a big city who wanted to do something good. Raised in a small village, he made up his mind to help the people in his town. But before doing so, he wanted to do an experiment to find out who had the qualification for his help. So secretly he put a very large stone in the middle of the main road which led to the town. Then he stood behind a tree waiting and watching.

Several minutes later, an old man came along with his cow, “Who put the stone in the center of the road?” said the old man, but he didn’t try to move the stone away. He passed around the stone with some difficulties and continued on his way. Another man came along and did the same thing; then another came, and another. All of them complained about the stone in the center of the road but nobody tried to move it. Though the rich man was a little disappointed with what he had seen, he still chose to wait longer. In his heart, he wouldn’t like to believe that no one would do something with the stone. Therefore, he went on waiting and watching.

Later in the afternoon, a young man came along. He saw the stone and said, “It will be dark at night. Some people who will come along later in the dark are more likely to fall over the stone and get hurt.” Then the young man began to move the stone. Obviously, it was a big and heavy stone. In spite of this, he pushed and pulled and tried everything he could to move it out of the road. Finally, his hard work paid off. But to his surprise, under the stone, he found a bag full of money, along with a piece of paper reading, “This money is for the person who moves the stone from the road. The person deserves my help.”


The young man was surprised to see the money.


Following the young man, the rich man came into a house.

2022-07-03更新 | 80次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

One Good Deed Deserves Another

When I was young, I lived in a small village in Melaka. The spirit of neighborliness was very strong then. The village had a variety of trades to serve the needs of the villagers. There was a barber, a tailor, a coffee shop owner, a grocer (食品杂货商), and so on. All of us were quite poor but we got by. However, one family which could be considered as living a marginal existence was the Lim family living in the bicycle shop opposite our dwelling.

Mr. Lim, the bicycle mechanic, had a large brood of children — six to be exact. My mother was a kind-hearted soul. Often, she would remark that his children were dressed in ragged (破旧的) clothes and looked malnourished (营养不良的). My family was relatively better off so my parents would take over whatever food we could spare to the Lim family.

I remember one particular year when times were very hard. Even my family had to make do with just two meals a day, so we stopped giving food to Mr. Lim. One day, I noticed my mother looking troubled. She had learned that the Lim family had not been eating for the past two days. She decided to sacrifice a portion of our meals to the family, despite the protests from my brothers that were too hungry. Fortunately, the lean spell did not last long, and the children started to get our three meals a day again.

As time went by, the number of customers using Lim’s shop increased rapidly, which was delightful. Business took off like a rocket because Japanese bikes were very useful and popular for transport. The Lim family was much better off than before.

It was at this time that my father’s health started to get worse. We were confused by the mysterious illness he was suffering from. He paid less attention to his shop and business got worse. My father had to sell our family car to pay off the mounting bills. My brothers and I had to stop schooling because we could not afford the fees.

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They say that one good deed deserves another.


With the help of Mr. Lim, the situation in my family took a turn for the better.

2024-01-11更新 | 29次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般