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题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:175 题号:20970303

Everyone wants to keep their kitchen clean and have a healthy pantry(食品储藏室)that offers healthy food options year-round. You already do so much for your family’s health.     1    

You can smarten up your storage. Whenever possible, you can store pepper, grains, and other pantry foods in glass containers.    2     Plastic food storage containers are a good second best, though plastics are always less desirable from an environmental angle.

It’s time to sharpen your knife skills. Grocery stores offer pre-cut vegetables, which is a wonderful innovation for the short-on-time among us. But if you are able, buying a whole vegetable will save you some money-and your produce will last longer if you don’t cook it immediately.

    3     Some foods, like tomatoes, should never be refrigerated, while others, like cucumbers, stay fresh longer if they’re stored in cold conditions. Knowing where each food is happy will help you use your cooling equipment to maximum benefit.

Clean up your cleaning products. Most kitchen cleaning work can be handled without products that have powerful but damaging chemicals which come in plastic containers and put eco-unfriendly substances into the air and near your food.    4     You can use baking soda(小苏打)to clean counters, sinks, and stovetops. Lemon juice, essential oils, and even large pieces of sea salt for cleaning can also help with your cleaning routine.

Share with your local food pantry. A quick online search or phone call can put you in touch with your local food pantry. Learn what they need most and seek out items in your pantry that are not yet past their best-before date or that you aren’t likely to use in the near future.    5     Both sides will get a benefit.

A.You should manage storage temperatures.
B.Then how can you keep just what you need?
C.Extend your foods’ shelf life as long as you can.
D.Seek out some simple and mild solution “recipes”.
E.You’ll be reducing your waste and feeding your neighbors at one go.
F.The see-through material will show you when things are running low
G.But could you also pay some attention to keeping an eco-friendly pantry?
【知识点】 方法/策略


阅读理解-七选五(约180词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Things work out best for those who make the best of how things work out.

——John Wooden

Things aren’t always going to work out as you planned.     1     During these times, it can be easy to give up and drown yourself in self pity.

    2     When it happens, you really have two choices. One is to blame your circumstances on other people. The other is to figure out how to use your situation to your advantage.

Say you just got laid off. One reaction is to curse the economy and sink into a depression.     3     Let’s say you’ve done what you could and after a year, you still haven’t landed anything. In this case, what would you do?

This isn’t to say that trying to make the best out of how things turn out will always result in the best outcome but at least you’ll have some control over your situation.     4     Most people who are living their dream life got there by doing things to improve their situation.     5     However, the more you try, the higher the chances you’ll get the outcome you were aiming for.

A.The important thing is to get started.
B.The fact is, bad times falls on all of us.
C.You could also start looking for another job.
D.Some things worked and many things didn’t.
E.The other would be to fill your days with meaningless tasks.
F.Very few people who have the life they want got it by sitting around.
G.You’ll have periods when it seems like things are constantly going wrong.
2022-05-31更新 | 76次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Today, we will get you started with the basics to help your houseplants live their best life.

Find your light

    1     Different light levels are described as low, medium and bright. If you’re wondering what light level you have in your home, here’s a quick test: Hold your hand about a foot above where you want to put your plant. If it casts a shadow with clear lines, you’re working with bright light. If the lines of your hand look a little fuzzy (模糊), that’s medium light.     2     Overall, most houseplants are going to do well in medium or bright indirect light.

Pick a pot

When you bring a new plant home, it is much better to let it settle in the original pot. Over time, you might notice roots growing out of that drainage (排水) holes.     3    . When you are upsizing your pot, a good rule is to increase the diameter (半径) by 2 inches each time. In addition, make sure the new container has a drainage hole in the bottom. Proper drainage is important. Otherwise, their roots will rot.


Overwatering is one of the most common ways people kill their houseplants. So, how do you know when to give it a drink?

One of the simplest ways is the finger test. Stick your finger a few inches into the soil and feel if it’s still wet different houseplants have different needs, but a general guideline is to water when the top 2 inches of soil are dry.

Never stick to “Every Sunday I water my plants”.     5    

A.Water your plant properly.
B.Check the roots occasionally.
C.Low light is just enough light for you to read a book.
D.It should be whenever the soil itself needs to be watered.
E.Then it is time to find a bigger pot so its roots can expand.
F.The first thing you need to do is figure out the type of lighting you have.
G.Such measures will invite them to stay longer and help the plants grow better.
2022-03-14更新 | 112次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】When thinking about what you can do to help the planet, do you support regenerative (再生) agriculture? Do you even know what it means? While it sounds like something that is up to farmers, there are ways that the rest of us can support it; one way is to practice soil-friendly eating.     1    .

Eat a variety of foods

A group of different foods can be good for getting a variety of nutrients, and by eating different types of foods, you’ll help create demand for a wide variety of agricultural products, which is better for soil.     2    .

Embrace the pulses (豆类)

The pulses are cheap and great alternative to meat.     3    . Pulse crops are able to pull nitrogen from the atmosphere into the soil. This process is called nitrogen fixation and provides a natural fertilizer, which is available for subsequent crops.

Make sure meat is sustainably produced

    4    . However, if you do shop for meat, look for the meat which has been produced sustainably. For example, animals feeding on pasture (牧草) rather than grain are better because grain requires a lot of land, water and agrichemicals. Animals take a lot from the soil, so it’s important to support owners of pasture who work to keep their soil healthy.

Reduce food waste

Reducing food waste has been getting much attention recently. By some accounts, it is one of the most important things we can do to fight the climate.     5    .

A.We generally recommend eating less meat or none at all
B.It also helps ease the strain on soil since it reduces its workload
C.Almost everyone mentions the need for regenerative agriculture
D.It turns out that they are also a top choice for soil-friendly eating
E.Here are some steps for how to eat in ways that are harmonious with soil
F.If we don’t take care of the soil, the soil will lose its ability to take care of us
G.Food diversity helps with soil fertility when land is used to grow multiple crops
2023-12-19更新 | 48次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般