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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:100 题号:20995024

NSE Summer School is suitable for those who are at, or are about to start university. It will begin accepting applications in January 2023.

Courses: Accounting and Finance; Economics; Management; Law; International Relations; Government and Society
Dates: Session 1:7 July~25 July   Session 2: 28 July-15 August
Rate: Standard Rate: One session: $1,400; Both sessions: $2,400

Reduced Student Rate: One session: $1,100; Both sessions: $1,875

The reduced student rate applies to full-time students registered at a university or college anywhere in the world.

Applicant requirements:

If you have studied in the USA, then you do not need any additional English qualifications. Students from other countries will generally not require a visa to study at the Summer School; however, you will enter the USA as a “Student Visitor”. You are permitted to change courses before the start of the program and within the first three days of the session.

Contact hours and teaching methods:

Summer School courses are full-time and normally consist of 48 contact hours over the three-week period, taking the form of 36 hours of lectures and 12 hours of classes. Lectures, attended by all students, take place in either the morning or afternoon supplemented (补充) by small one-hour classes, of about 15 students.

Assessment and examinations:

Assessment for Summer School is based upon the results of either two written examinations, or a final written examination and assessment work. Everyone is required to take the examinations and no exception can be made for any reason.

Summer School lecture series:

Famous economists—Tony Giddens and David Held—have agreed to give lectures to Summer School participants in July in 2023.

If any questions, please click here to see our Frequently Asked Questions/Contact Us Page.

1. What can we learn about the requirements for the students.
A.Students must take part in the exams unless there is a reason.
B.Students from abroad can enter the USA even without a visa.
C.None of the students are required of English qualifications.
D.Students can not change courses once the programme starts.
2. What does an American high school student have to pay for both sessions?
A.$ 2,400B.$ 1,400C.$ 1,100D.$ 1,875
3. Where is the text most probably taken?
A.An educational journal.B.A travel brochure.
C.A school website.D.A news section.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Resorts of every kind have sprung up to cater to the Englishman need to spend a part of the year, however briefly, by the seaside. No town in Britain is more than eighty miles from the sea and there are seaside resorts all round the coast. On a summer Sunday most of the roads that lead to the sea axe congested (拥挤) with cars full of people eager to get a breath of sea air. In the evening when everyone is full of food, ice-cream and lollipops, there is the long slow drive home on roads crowded with returning cars.


Brighton is one of the best-known south coast resorts and is very popular for day trip excursions. It is only fifty miles from London and can be reached by fast train in an hour. At the weekend the pebbled beaches are thronged with people sunbathing or picking their way to the water’s edge for a dip.


Located a hundred miles from London, the beaches are wide and sandy. White houses line the cliff tops and narrow valleys, densely wooded with pine trees, reach down to the shore. The area near to the town of Torquay on the Devon coast is sometimes called Britains Riviera and the climate is so mild that palm trees grow along the sea front.


On the north-west coast, a popular resort for the people in the industrial north, Blackpool is a gay, noisy town, famous for its amusement facilities and the magical lights. At night people travel from miles around to see the extravaganza of lights decorating the sea front.


On the east coast at the mouth of the Thames, Southend is, like Brighton, one of the favorite resorts of Londoners. The pier here is the longest in Britain and offers a great variety of differing entertainments.

1. Why do people often have a long slow drive home on roads in summer?
A.Because it is extremely far from the sea.
B.Because too many returning cars often make a traffic jam.
C.Because people are full of food, ice-cream and lollypops.
D.Because people are attracted in the resorts so they leave slowly.
2. Which resort is famous for its entertainments and grand lights?
3. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A.There are palm trees growing near Bournemouth.
B.Southend has the longest pier in Britain.
C.Southend is a better preferred resort than Brighton by London locals.
D.People crowded into the water’s edge at Brighton for a quick swim.
2019-05-24更新 | 148次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Short Story Contest

Want to see your story published in Writers’ Forum?

Three great prizes for every issue: 1st £ 300 2nd £150 3rd £100

All types of story are welcome, be it crime, comedy, romance, thriller, literary, horror, or science fiction.

• Stories must be between 1,000 and 3,000 words.

• Entry fee is £ 6 or just £ 3 for subscribers.

• If your story is placed you will be notified and we will ask you to send a photo of yourself and a brief biography via email.

Optimal feedback for just £ 5.

Our judge Lorraine Mace can provide a page of personalized critique to help you improve your writing. The fee is just £ 5. You will receive feedback by email if you enter online or please include a stamped addressed envelope if you are entering by post.

To enter online.

Entering online is the easiest and greenest option. Please choose one of the following links to be taken to the secure website to pay by card:

• Subscriber entry(£ 3)

• Subscriber entry with critique (£ 8)

• Non-subscriber entry (£ 6)

• Non-subscriber entry with critique (£ 11)

To enter, send an email with your story attached as a Word-compatible file C. doc or .docx or .rtf). At the start give your name, address, phone number, email address, story title and word count. The address to send your entry to is: storycomp@writers- forum.com. Your entry will be forwarded to the judges as soon as all fees have been paid and your subscriber status has been confirmed. To subscribe now, please click here.

Free workshop!

Each month Lorraine Mace selects illustrative examples to use in her workshop to show readers how to improve their writing. If you would like your story to be considered, please state this clearly in your email entry.

Rolling competition.

This is a rolling competition which means that entries received after one issue’s cutoff point are simply placed in the next contest.

1. How many words are required for writers’ Forum Short Story Contest?
A.Exactly 800 words.B.No more than 1,000 words.
C.No fewer than 3,000 words.D.From 1,000 to 3,000 words.
2. If a subscriber wants critique on his entry, he has to pay ________.
A.£3B.£6C.£8D.£ 11
3. Which of the following about the contest is TURE?
A.You can send your entry in a format of Excel.
B.Entries arriving too late for one issue go into the next.
C.You are supposed to submit your stories to the judges directly
D.Lorraine Mace will choose stories randomly as illustrative examples.
2020-11-07更新 | 202次组卷
阅读理解-信息匹配(约0词) | 适中 (0.65)
2016-12-12更新 | 516次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般