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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:33 题号:21106286

In many parts of the world there may not be much rainfall, but there is a fair amount of water vapor (水蒸气) in the air — particularly at night. An experimental new device draws in that vapor, and uses it to water eatable plants.

Known as SmartFarm, the small device designed by a team at the National University of Singapore, led by assistant professor Tan Swee Ching aimed to help address two of the world’s biggest problems — water shortage and food shortage. It’s a transparent (透明的) box that has vegetable plants growing in soil on the bottom — on top, a hydrogel (水凝胶) panel lies beneath a solar-powered motorized cover.

The hydrogel is very absorbent, readily drawing water vapor from the cool night air while the cover is open. An integrated timer closes it at daybreak, with the sun’s rays subsequently heating the hydrogel through the clear cover material. The gel responds by releasing its stored water in the form of vapor, which turns into liquid on the inside of the cover. When that cover periodically slides open throughout the day, the liquid gets wiped off along the inside edges of the box and runs into the soil.

According to scientists, the gel can absorb up to 300 times its weight in water at night. During the day, it releases that water at an hourly rate of 2.24 grams of water per gram of gel. And what’s more, the released water meets World Health Organization standards for drinkability.

Tan said, “The SmartFarm concept greatly reduces farms’ demand for water and is suitable for urban farming techniques such as rooftop farming. This is a significant step forward in easing water and food shortage.” He believes the SmartFarm device can be further improved with additional functionalities before it moves to mass and commercial production. For example, it can include wireless networking capability to enable users to monitor and control the process using smartphones.

1. Why is the new device designed?
A.To make use of water in the air.B.To deal with water problems.
C.To collect rainwater for farms.D.To support the growth of plants.
2. What does paragraph 3 mainly talk about?
A.Why the hydrogel is used.B.What the hydrogel looks like.
C.How the SmartFarm device works.D.Where the SmartFarm device comes in.
3. Which words can best describe SmartFarm?
A.Complex but worthwhile.B.Self-contained and effective.
C.Practical but unproductive.D.Water-saving and sustainable.
4. What does Tan say about the device in the last paragraph?
A.It needs further testing.B.It has come on the market.
C.It shows great promise.D.It opens up urban farming.
2023·全国·模拟预测 查看更多[1]


阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:这是一篇说明文。主要介绍了以色列城市航空公司(Urban Aeronautics)宣布与哈卓拉航空公司(Hatzolah Air)达成协议,生产和开发“城市鹰”(CityHawk)飞机,作为紧急医疗服务。

【推荐1】If you are a fan of medical films, then you will know there are emergency helicopter services that will take badly injured patients to hospitals long distances away. You probably also know that in these films most ambulances (救护车) are on wheels and go across city streets where there are fewer traffic jams than in real life.

But now, Israel’s Urban Aeronautics, announced that it made an agreement to work with Hatzolah Air to produce and develop its CityHawk aircraft as an emergency medical service. The CityHawk is small and can fly anywhere and land anywhere, making it able to work in cities above the traffic jam. It has no wings outside and can work even in bad weather conditions.

“We are excited to work with Hatzolah Air on the development of our CityHawk vehicle,” said Rafi Yoeli, CEO of Urban Aeronautics. “Its small size will enable it to land in the middle of a busy city street, making it a perfect fit for medical tasks by greatly reducing the time it takes to arrive on-scene, treat and transport sick or injured patients to medical facilities.”

“One of Hatzolah’s most important goals is to be somewhere within minutes. Unlike helicopters, we can land anywhere within minutes,” Yoeli said. “We will be able to improve the care of patients. They want to be equipped with the best aircraft.” Hatzolah Air’s president Eli Rowe said that he foresees (预测) the possible need for 800 CityHawks since it is a six-passenger vehicle that can carry a pilot, a patient and a team of professionals.

Urban Aeronautics is working on certification (认证) for emergency use of its CityHawk aircraft. The development of the flying ambulance is expected to take up to five years but a model will be ready sooner. A flying ambulance may be coming to a city near you soon.

1. What is the function of the first paragraph?
A.To give an example of medical rescue.
B.To lead to the topic of the flying ambulance.
C.To show the future market for aircraft medical service.
D.To tell the advantages of emergency medical helicopters.
2. What do we know about the CityHawk?
A.It makes medical tasks in cities more convenient.
B.It will take the place of ambulances on city roads.
C.It is difficult to operate in bad weather conditions.
D.It can carry enough medical supplies immediately.
3. What’s Rafi Yoeli’s attitude towards the development of the CityHawk?
4. What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.The CityHawk has got certification from the government.
B.The CityHawk faces great difficulties to become a reality.
C.The CityHawk draws great attention of hospitals.
D.The CityHawk will come into use in the near future.
2023-01-28更新 | 189次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。这篇文章介绍了Jeyashree Haridoss创办的Sol平台,该平台可以立即将移民和难民与翻译者联系起来。同时文章描述了Sol网页应用程序的工作原理,以及Haridoss将如何将其发展成为移动应用程序,并为国际学生、海外学生和游客提供帮助。

【推荐2】Language is powerful. It’s that realization that led Poole College graduate Jeyashree Haridoss, to found Sol, a platform that instantly connects immigrants and refugees (难民) with translators. After recognizing that these communities often lack access to people who have the language skills and cultural knowledge to help them, Haridoss got to work creating an app that closes the gap.

“I have always loved the idea of using business as a force for good,” Haridoss says. “Through entrepreneurship (创办企业), I can make a difference to communities that need help in a sustainable (可持续的) way.” This passion for entrepreneurship, coupled with her interest in global cultures, first led Haridoss to NC State University. “NC State University has a great dual degree (双学位) program that allowed me to earn two degrees in four years while also giving me the opportunity to study abroad,” Haridoss says.

Born in Chennai, India, Haridoss moved to Cary, North Carolina at the age of three. She grew up speaking both English and Tamil, and often acted as a translator for her grandparents when they visited the United States. However, her experience translating didn’t end there — while studying abroad during her junior year in Argentina and Spain, Haridoss had opportunities to use her Spanish language skills to help others. “I was surrounded by other students who couldn’t speak Spanish,” Haridoss says. “I was able to help them order at restaurants, pay their cellphone bills, and even get haircuts. The role of language in connecting people began to inspire me.”

After returning to the United States, Haridoss’ eyes were opened to the need for translators among immigrant and refugee populations seeking resources — and Sol was born. The web app allows people in new places to enter the language they need help with and the amount of time they might need one. Within 60 seconds, the app connects a user with an interpreter who can help. “These communities already face so many barriers and we don’t want to put another one in their way,” Haridoss explains.

In the future, Haridoss hopes to turn the web app into a mobile app, and sees how it could provide help to international students, overseas students and tourists alike.

1. What did Haridoss want to achieve in NC State University?
A.Expanding her own business.
B.Improving her language skills.
C.Doing good by starting businesses.
D.Helping her community develop well.
2. What was Haridoss like while growing up?
A.She had a generous heart.
B.She was under great pressure.
C.She inspired lots of people around her.
D.She was determined to become a translator.
3. How does Sol work?
A.It focuses on language teaching.
B.It provides free machine translation.
C.It aims to remove language barriers.
D.It offers immigrants and refugees financial help.
4. What step does Haridoss intend to take next?
A.Build an overseas branch.
B.Change the app completely.
C.Seek resources from communities.
D.Make her app available on phones.
2023-08-29更新 | 79次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Unknown to most of us laymen(外行), there is quite a lot of interest in developing eatable tags for our food. These could perform the same role as today’s food labels but would also form a tasty snack after use — which would also do away with the information contained on the label.

Now, Japanese researchers have developed an approach to produce one such kind of unnoticeable, eatable tag, which can be safely embedded inside eatable products. So far, the team has been experimenting with tags that are baked into cookies. Known as “interiQR”, such tags can be read using a device without altering the food or its packaging and don’t have any impact on the taste of the product.

One enormous drawback of our labels as they are today is that, increasingly, they lead to amounts of extra material used for packaging — which translates to increased waste and pollution. Using a QR cookie as a tag would help cut down on packaging waste while not altering the items in any way. The information is contained in 3D-printed “infills”, around which the cookies are baked. Such a ‘label’ would also allow producers, retailers, or customers to read the information using a QR code reader and a backlight at any point in a product’s life.

“Our 3D printing method is a great example of the digital transformation of foods, which we hope will improve food traceability(可追溯性) and safety,” says senior author of the study, Kosuke Sato. “This technology can also be used to provide novel food experiences, which is an exciting new field in the food industry.”

The team is confident that their cookie tags could prove to be a great help in reducing packaging waste worldwide once they’re adopted on a wide scale. Needless to say, suddenly having a cookie available to chew on with every purchase is suggestive enough to adopt the use of these interiQR cookies.

1. What does “interiQR” refer to ?
A.A yummy snack.B.An eatable label.
C.A unique food experience.D.Information on a food tag.
2. What distinguish(es) interiQR from current labels?
A.Better traceability and security .
B.More packaging but less pollution.
C.Making use of 3D-printed methods.
D.Being eatable unnoticeable and eco-friendly.
3. What’s Kosuke Sato’s attitude towards using the 3D printing tags?
4. What’s the purpose of the text?
A.To advertise for QR cookies.
B.To report the findings of a research.
C.To explain how to make eatable tags.
D.To introduce a new kind of food labels.
2023-02-09更新 | 66次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般