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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:130 题号:21131562

In the movie “The Wrong Trousers”, a pair of futuristic trousers lets people walk on walls and ceilings. Inspired by the movie, researchers in England created “The Right Trousers”, a set of trousers embedded(嵌入) with electrical pumps to force air into tiny tubes that expand and can help elderly or disabled people with issues like getting up or improving blood flow.   Now, material scientists, computer programmers and fabric designers are working to advance robotic clothing.

In June, researchers in Australia created robotic fibers, which can make fabric move automatically. Last year, scientists at MIT built fiber batteries that could be embedded into clothes and power robotic clothing. In recent years, Google partnered with brands like Levi’s and Adidas to put sensors in jackets, backpacks and shoes, letting users access their phones instantly. Researchers said they could soon unlock an era where clothing will act more like a computer, sensing how your body feels and telling your clothes how to help.

At the University of New South Wales in Australia, researchers are creating fabrics that can shape-shift. Thanh Nho Do, a senior lecturer at the school, said his team has created tiny tubes that can weave into sheets of fabric. These tubes can make fabric take various preprogrammed shapes. But challenges still remain for Do’s team, notably around making these robotic tubes smaller so they can weave easily with other fabrics.

Rebecca Kramer Bottiglio from Yale University agreed that many challenges remain before smart clothing “reaches their full potential.” It will be challenging to make these clothes, equipped with fibers and technology, strong enough to go through multiple cycles in the laundry, she said. Despite that, she says researchers will figure out a way forward. “Recent breakthroughs point toward a not-so-distant future where smart clothing will be a part of our everyday life.” she said.

1. What inspired the researchers to come up with “The Right Trousers”?
A.A film.
B.A blood issue.
C.The way electrical pumps work.
D.The way the elderly and disabled move.
2. What did scientists at MIT do last year?
A.They put sensors in clothes.
B.They created movable robotic fibers.
C.They made batteries for robotic clothing.
D.They released smart clothing connected to cellphones.
3. What does Do’s team find challenging?
A.Making robotic tubes smaller.
B.Keeping robotic tubes properly shaped.
C.Producing stronger robotic tubes.
D.Programming the shape of robotic tubes.
4. What is Rebecca’s attitude toward the future of smart clothing?


阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Roughly 8.5 billion plastic straws are used in the United Kingdom each year, but as a new ban took effect, that number will decrease to zero. One company is hoping to corner the market in alternative (可供替代的) straws using an unlikely material: pasta.

“It has all the function of a plastic straw that everyone has been using, ” says Maxim Gelmann, the founder of Stroodles, the company. The straws, made by an Italian company that also produces regular pasta, are the same shape and size as a standard plastic straw.

Unlike a paper straw, they don’t taste like wet paper; they don’t change the flavor of the drink.

They last at least an hour, and longer in colder drinks. If you’re nursing a drink for hours and the pasta straw eventually softens, you can choose to eat it. The raw straw is also eatable, and Gelmann says that some people snack on them.

A handful of other pasta-straw companies also exist, though Stroodles is hoping to differentiate itself with a smoother, more plastic-like material and its branding.

It’s more expensive to make than a plastic straw, but in mass production, it can compete with the cost of paper straws. Because of the ban, “No one really compares us with plastic anymore,” Gelmann says. “They compare us with paper straws’ prices, which makes my argument much easier and our future brighter.”

Other alternatives, like bamboo or stainless steel (不锈钢), are more expensive and a less elegant solution; some bars say that customers don’t trust the idea that stainless steel straws can be fully sanitized (消毒). Another option— a plastic-like eatable straw made from seaweed— may be more of a competitor.

1. What’s the company’s main purpose of producing the pasta straws?
A.To occupy the market.B.To reduce plastic pollution.
C.To answer the call for the ban.D.To promote the sale of pasta.
2. What disadvantage do paper straws have compared with pasta straws?
A.They are easily broken.B.They affect drinks’ taste.
C.They last a very short time.D.They are not very clean.
3. What’s Gelmann’s attitude towards the pasta straws’ future?
4. What’s the best title for the text?
A.Plastic straw alternative: one made from pasta
B.Pasta straws will bring great profits in the future
C.Which is better: pasta straws or paper straws?
D.Why are pasta straws welcomed by customers?
2023-10-13更新 | 46次组卷
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】In science, advances are a daily occurrence, but true breakthroughs are rare. What does it take to achieve world-changing scientific breakthroughs? Some are the result of a lucky accident, combined with curiosity. Scientists traveling down one road suddenly find reason to switch to another road, one they never planned to travel — a road that may well lead nowhere.

    1     One day, usually early in their career, they get an idea they can’t stop thinking about. It’s crazy, they say to themselves, but is it really impossible? They talk to respected colleagues who often remind them of all the reasons their idea might not work, and how damaging this could be for their career. Yet, the idea won’t die and they are determined to travel that road — a road that may well lead nowhere.     2    

Whichever road scientists who achieve lifesaving breakthroughs travel, they often endure disinterest, like Fleming, who discovered penicillin due to lucky accidents and curiosity, or repeated skepticism and rejection, like Karikó, who made all mRNA vaccines possible with 20 years of persistence and resilience. By bringing their dreams to life, they were rewarded with fame and wealth and something even more valuable.     3    

Of course, the obsession (执念) with an unlikely dream fails to pay off for many scientists.     4     Nature doesn’t turn out to operate the way they predicted. In the end, their beautiful theory is murdered by brutal facts. For those dreamers on the right track, they would have achieved their dream — if only they had done the experiment a little differently, if only they had persisted a little longer, or if only the support for their work had not run out.

Ultimately, scientific breakthroughs are possible only if a society is willing to invest in dreamers, recognizing that not all investments will lead to major breakthroughs.     5     More importantly, the investments prevent suffering and death and change the world.

A.Some scientists are addicted to their crazy ideas.
B.Their ideas, though brilliant, in the end are proved wrong.
C.But they refuse to give in and struggle to find more financial support.
D.Because of them, millions of people around the world never got sick or died.
E.Other major breakthroughs originate from scientists pursuing a specific idea.
F.But sometimes the road leads to major breakthroughs like X-ray and vaccines.
G.However, the investments leading to breakthroughs bring a greater economic return.
2022-07-09更新 | 267次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】The 21st-century doctor now carries a whole set of diagnostic tools in his briefcase, and yes, unfortunately, the iconic stethoscope (听诊器) is now a little outdated! So, exactly what are all these necessary devices for the 21st century doctor?

The stethoscope goes digital. The Eko Core is the new revolution of stethoscopes. It can amplify the sounds of the heart by 40 times when in digital mode. It can also stream the heartbeat data to the cloud, allowing the physician to see the heartbeat in wave form on a mobile device as well as hear the sound at an amplified level.

A palm-sized ECG device. If someone asks you to think about the electrocardiogram (心电图) device, you will probably imagine a huge machine with many wires that are connected to a screen giving someone’s heart activity. In today’s digital health era, this machine has been down-sized so it can fit in the palm of your hand. The KardiaMobile 6L is a 6-lead medical-grade pocket-sized ECG machine. It will send the readings directly to your smartphone.

High-tech eye tech. The Personal Vision Tracker and the EyeQue Insight are light, accurate, and inexpensive devices. They allow for eye tests to be performed remotely.

Ear tech in your pocket. Ear examination can be uncomfortable for the patient and challenging for physicians in case of small or partially obstructed ear canals. The pocketable WiscMed otoscope aims to overcome these issues with its built-in nano camera which gives clear images of the eardrum.

1. What is a feature of the Eko Core?
A.It is a palm-sized machine.
B.It can greatly amplify the heart.
C.It allows doctors to check data by cell phone.
D.It can show clearly the image of the ear drum.
2. Supported by the high-tech device, eye examination can be conducted ________.
A.randomlyB.automaticallyC.through mobile phoneD.from a distance
3. What do the four medical devices have in common?
2022-07-14更新 | 78次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般