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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:62 题号:21281111

Researchers from Aarhus University and University of Gothenburg have produced new maps of mammals (哺乳动物) to date connecting all living and recently extinct mammal kinds-nearly 6,000 in total.

Earlier similar studies always left out one key group of mammals: species driven to extinction by humans.

Scientists often use these maps to predict how climate change will affect species. And because the new ones show species’ footprints, they help scientists better see many species have had their numbers greatly reduced by humans, for example, through over hunting and the destroying of their habitats.

“Brown bears may lead us to think of Alaska or Russia today but they used to cover all the way from Mexico to Northern Africa before they were widely hunted by humans.” said Faurby.

We usually think large mammals like elephants and lions live in Africa today, but for most of the last 30 million years, big animals traveled all over the Earth. It was only recently that humans drove many of these large mammals extinct, leaving a world depauperate of large mammals.

“Even some huge species that we think of as prehistoric, lived up to the time the Great Pyramid was being built,” Davis said.

Making a database that included every species of mammal was no easy task. It took the research team at Aarhus University months just to piece together existing datasets and fill in missing holes in the data.

Marking footprints on the map for them was even harder. The scientists used both DNA information and data from some dig sites around the world with a powerful new computer algorithm (算法) to predict where the extinct species fit in with mammals that are alive today.

1. What’s the writer’s attitude towards the maps?
2. What do we know about large animals?
A.Elephants and lions are all over the world now.
B.They died out long before the Pyramids were built.
C.Brown bears were once limited to Alaska or Russia.
D.They have been greatly affected by human activities.
3. What does the underlined phrase “depauperate of” mean in paragraph 5?
A.Short of.B.Full of.C.Famous for.D.Suitable for.
4. What’s the main idea of the last two paragraphs?
A.The computer algorithm is of great use.
B.It took ages to find DNA evidence.
C.Missing holes are pieced together.
D.It took a lot to complete the task.
【知识点】 动物 科普知识 说明文


阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Wonderful Benefîts Having a Family Pet You Need to Know

Family pets come in all shapes and sizes. Typically, a family pet can range from dogs and cats to birds, turtles, and many more.     1     However, the payback measures boundless. In this brief article, we’ll take a closer look at the positive effects and benefits that a family pet brings to any household.

Pets can help keep you fit. All dogs need daily, regular walks to stay healthy and happy, and so do people!    2    And if that sounds like you, a dog might be the perfect cure. So, rest assured that your dog will drag you out in front of the door and make you run around the park every morning.

Pets make sure you never feel alone. The beauty of owning a family pet means you’ll never be alone!    3     Cats and dogs make excellent companions, always waiting for you to arrive home patiently.

    4    Owning a pet can also help you make more friends. For example, dogs are naturally curious about their environment, including other people and dogs. They can also undoubtedly be the fuel for social interactions.

Having a family pet at home can lower your stress levels.As you probably know, the modern way of living causes high levels of anxiety. And it can lead to countless health problems. Fortunately, pets can help us relax.For example, watching your fish swim can make your worries fade away.     5    

All in all, family pets make a great companion and positively impact your life.

A.Owning a family pet means lots of work.
B.A family pet can improve your social life.
C.Pet owners tend to have lower blood pressure.
D.It is also a good way to develop a new hobby.
E.Nevertheless, we sometimes tend to get a bit lazy.
F.Of course, this holds for any pet but especially dogs and cats.
G.Similarly, patting your cats or dogs can also has the same effect.
2023-07-01更新 | 69次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Scientists in Australia thought they had developed a new tracking device to help them monitor magpies, but these intelligent birds had other ideas.

Initially, researchers planned a pilot study to learn more about the movements and social dynamics of magpie. The study was also designed to test the effectiveness of a new tracking device that would fit on small birds. “Instead, the birds outsmarted us,” explained Dominique Potvin, a zoologist at the University of the Sunshine Coast.

Most trackers are too big to fit on small sized birds, and small trackers tend to be limited when it comes to data storage, battery life, and reusability. The new trackers, which weighed less than one gram, would charge and send data wirelessly without needing to recapture the birds. They were attached to a rigid belt that could only be released with a magnet. The design was meant to be durable, except for a weak point where the magnet needed to function. Once the trackers were on, researchers could attract the previously trained birds back to an outdoor ground “feeding station” where the trackers could charge, and the team could download the data.

The team placed trackers on five magpies using their special belt. However, just ten minutes after setting up the last magpie, they noticed something unusual: an adult female without a tracker was busy trying to remove the device from a younger bird, eventually succeeding. This pattern was repeated in the following hour, and by the third day all trackers had been removed.

Researchers are unsure if the same female magpie removed all the devices or if multiple birds cooperated. However, “what we have observed is the first documented case of rescue behaviour in magpies”, according to the paper — something the researchers hadn’t considered going into the project.

But that’s how science works sometimes. The team didn’t get the data they wanted, but their experiment still produced interesting results.

1. Which is one of the purposes of the research?
A.To test magpie’s intelligence.B.To design a creative device.
C.To compare different magpies.D.To try out a new tracker.
2. What do we know about the new device?
A.It is for single use.B.It is powered by the sun.
C.It is very convenient.D.It is attached to a magnet.
3. How did the five magpies get rid of the trackers?
A.By rubbing them on the ground.B.By getting help from other magpies.
C.By waiting for the belt to loosen.D.By going back to the feeding station.
4. Which word best describes the research outcome?
2022-05-10更新 | 90次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】As is known to all, sleep is very important to humans. But it’s important to animals, too. At night you hardly hear a bird.    1    Have you ever wondered how birds sleep?

    2    Birds often sleep with one eye open. Only half their brain rests at once and the other half of the brain is able to sense danger if needed. While the exact way birds control their sleep patterns has not been well studied, it has been shown that the more protected a bird feels when sleeping, the more likely it is to sleep deeper.

Sleeping together in large numbers is another way many birds use. By sleeping together, there are more birds to notice predators(捕食者).    3    In winter, many birds roost together in limited spaces to share body heat and survive lower night-time temperatures.

When birds sleep, they protect vulnerable(易受伤害的) body parts by burying themselves in their feathers.    4    By tucking(收拢) feet or the bill into the feathers, less body heat is lost. When a bird’s bill is buried deeply in its feathers, it is also able to breathe air warmed by its own body heat.

There is little data available about how long birds sleep once.     5    Some birds are not able to involve in other activities without enough light, and sleeping is the next natural item on their to-do lists.

A.A bird’s feathers help it keep warm.
B.Birds are rarely seen sleeping.
C.That’s because they’re sleeping at night, too.
D.It gives each bird a greater chance of survival.
E.A bird may be sleepy in the daytime for lack of sleep.
F.So the length of birds sleep per night is still unknown.
G.Unlike humans, birds can more carefully control their sleep.
2021-04-26更新 | 102次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般