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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:80 题号:21305099

Confessions of an annoying Mosquito

If you’re reading my confessions (自白), congratulations! You’ll have a safe and healthy summer.

We love when you work up a sweat. It’s really the carbon dioxide you breathe out that makes us beeline to ward you, not the fragrance of your “sweet blood.”

Love beer? So do some of us. They can tell when you’ve been drinking because your skin chemistry changes, and it attracts them

Pregnant? Yum. If you’re having a baby, you emit more carbon dioxide and your belly has a higher temperature, drawing some of us right to you. Sorry, baby.

Hate getting bitten up? Blame the ladies. Males do not eat human blood: They get all their nutrition from plants. After we have a blood meal, we can lay anywhere from 100 to 400 eggs

Smelly feet are simply delicious. Scientists have shown we find your toes ten times more inviting than Limburger cheese.

If your home’s landscaping is well tended, we won’t like it as much. We like to hang out in thick, overgrown vegetation. The darker and more damp, the better. And puddles (水沟) of smelly water is where we like to lay our eggs.

Got those CO2-emitting traps in your yard? Great! You may think you’re outsmarting us with these devices, which emit carbon dioxide to lure (引诱) us into a trap. But they may attract more of us than they are able to trap, increasing our presence in your yard.

When it comes to West Nile, end-of-summer bites may do more harm. It’s simple logic: We bite birds with West Nile virus; then we bite humans and spread it. By summer’s end, we’ve had more chances to bite infected birds.

1. What can we know from the confessions?
A.Mosquitoes love smelly toes most.
B.All the mosquitoes suck drinking people.
C.The mosquito making the confessions is female.
D.Mosquito bites in early summer are more harmful.
2. Which of the following is least likely to attract “WE” according to the text?
A.A woman who is expecting.B.A yard with traps emitting oxygen.
C.A man who has just finished jogging.D.A house surrounded with smelly puddles.
3. What is the tone of the text?
【知识点】 动物 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Ant queens are famously long-lived, even though they shouldn’t be. Generally, animals that put lots of energy into reproduction sacrifice some time off their life. But ant queens produce millions of eggs and live an extraordinarily long time compared with worker ants that don’t reproduce.

Now, researchers have shown how one ant species pulls off this anti-aging technique. When queens and hopeful queens of the species Harpegnathos saltator speed up to reproduce, a part of what’s called the insulin (胰岛素) signaling pathway gets blocked, slowing aging, the researchers report in the Sept. 2 Science. That molecular pathway has long been connected with aging in mammals, including humans.

“There’s been a nced to understand why queens, or reproductives, in social insects can live for so amazingly long,” says Marc Tatar, a biologist at Brown University in Providence,R. L, who was not involved with the study. Some ant species have queens that survive 30 times as long as their workers.

In a rare behavior for ants, when a queen H. saltator dies, some female workers begin competing in fights for the chance to replace her. These hopeful royals develop ovaries (卵巢), start laying eggs and transition into queenlike forms called gamergates. When a worker transitions to a gamergate, her life span becomes five times as long as it was. But if she doesn’t end up becoming queen and returns to a worker, her life span shortens again.

The researchers exploited this behavior to investigate the molecular strengthening of anti-aging in these ants. H. saltator gamergates, it turns out, extend their life spans by taking advantage of a split in the insulin signaling pathway, the chain of chemical reactions that drive insulin’s effects on the body. One branch of this pathway is involved with reproduction, while the other is connected with aging.

1. What do you know from Paragraph 1?
A.Ant queens live unexpectedly longer.
B.Worker ants live longer than other ants.
C.Female animals live longer than male ones.
D.Animals in reproduction live longer than others.
2. What’s the key to ant queens’ slowing age?
A.They speed up to reproduce.
B.The molecular pathway contributes to it.
C.The insulin signaling pathway gets blocked.
D.They’ve invented advanced anti-aging techniqucs.
3. What will happen after an ant queen dies?
A.The ant group will be dismissed.
B.A gamergate will finally replace it.
C.The hopeful royals will surely become queens.
D.The female workers use thcir own ovaries to lay eggs.
4. What’s the passage mainly about?
A.The secret of anti-aging.
B.The life span of an ant queen.
C.The ant queen’s secret of long life.
D.The process of a gamergate to become a queen.
2023-11-08更新 | 36次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】The victims were carried in one by one, their paws burned and fur burnt, suffering from dehydration (脱水) and fear. Their caretakers bandaged (用绷带包扎) their wounds and laid them in baskets with the only thing that was familiar — the leaves of a eucalyptus (桉树) tree. As fires have burned more than two million acres in Australia, dozens of koalas have been rescued from burned trees and pale ground. The animals are being treated in rescue centers, and at least one private home, along the country’s east coast.

The difficult situation of the koala — a national symbol of Australia — has raised questions among environmentalists and scientists about what it will take to protect biodiversity (生物多样性) in a country with intense fire, extreme heat and lack of water. Australia has already been among the highest rates of species extinction in the world.

The bad situation goes beyond koalas. Recently, tens of thousands of bats fell from the sky in temperatures over 107 degrees Fahrenheit in northern Australia. Kangaroos destroyed the grapes in Canberra because of drought.

“Climate change and other human impacts have so changed the situation that the government needs to rethink its way to protect at once,” Dr. Bowman said, suggesting interventions (干预) like irrigating, feeding and moving animals to new places.

Koalas, unlike kangaroos, birds or snakes, do not escape from fires. Therefore, though the fires are still burning, a rescue team began to search the area carefully. Walking in a human chain, they looked up to the tree top, searching for survivors.

1. What do the victims in the first paragraph refer to?
A.Animals injured in fires.
B.Kangaroos driven by drought.
C.Bats that fell from the sky.
D.Koalas rescued from the fire.
2. Which of the following may cause the extinction of wildlife?
A.Wildfires that seldom happened.
B.Extreme hot weather in Australia.
C.The never-changing climate in Australia.
D.Not having enough money to take measures in Australia.
3. What can we draw from Dr. Bowman?
A.Human activities have little influence on animals.
B.The government should take immediate action.
C.The government does not care about the wild animals.
D.Scientists are concerned about the bad situation of wildlife.
4. What’s the best title for the text?
A.Saving the Fire Victims Who Cannot Escape: Australia’s Koalas
B.Saving the Endangered Wild Animals in Australia
C.Actions Needed to Protect Habitat for Koalas
D.National Symbol of Australia Needs Rescue
2020-03-17更新 | 282次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Bumblebee (大黄蜂) populations have declined (下降) by 90 percent in the past 20 years. The decline of the bumblebees is highly concerning as they are significant for ecosystems. They pollinate (授粉) flowers and crops. If their populations were to continue to decline, crops would not be able to produce fruits and vegetables. Despite being small, they are important to nature’s balance.

And now, a new study published in the Frontiers in Bee Science has found that the rising heat caused by global warming might be a reason for the decrease in numbers across the globe. “The decline in populations and ranges of several species of bumblebees may be explained by issues of overheating of the nests,” Peter Kevan of the University of Guelph in Canada and lead author of the study said in a statement.

Kevan and his colleagues decided to take a closer look at the facts relating to bumblebee populations across the world. Kevan and the colleagues looked at 180 years of literature on the species and found one common reason across all bumblebee species that they can survive in temperatures up to 36 degrees Celsius, but the perfect temperature for nests is between 28 to 32 degrees Celsius. They are unlikely to be able to adjust themselves to the extent that rising temperatures due to climate change require, the study reports. While individual bees may be able to deal with increased heat better than others, the study notes that if nests are too hot, the groups will not survive.

“The effect of high nest temperatures has not been studied very much, which is surprising,” Kevan said. Similar studies have been done on honeybees (蜜蜂), another threatened yet highly important species. This suggests further that heat stress is a major factor in bees’ overall decline.

Although the studies led by Kevan have limitations, the potential effects for bumblebee health and conversation are large and long-term.

1. What do we know about bumblebees from paragraph 1?
A.They have been extinct within decades in America.
B.Their populations have decreased a lot in the last two decades.
C.Americans are concerned about their living environment.
D.They tend to depend on flowers and crops to survive.
2. How did Kevan and his coworkers carry out the study?
A.They raised bumblebees to observe them.
B.They focused on studying individual bumblebees.
C.They conducted experiments on bumblebees.
D.They studied literature on bumblebees.
3. What is the author’s attitude toward Kevan’s studies?
4. Which can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Big Results for Small Bumblebees
B.Bumblebees Protection Inspires Scientists
C.The Impact of Climate Change on Honeybees
D.Research Shows the Main Reason of Bumblebee Decline
2024-07-13更新 | 43次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般