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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:28 题号:21333672

A digital footprint is a record of a person’s online activity, and it’s becoming more common for companies to perform social media checks before hiring people, Business News Daily reported.

When posting on social media platforms, some students don’t think enough about how it could affect them in the future. Sometimes students post reckless (鲁莽的) content to their social media profiles without considering the potential consequences: They could be creating a damaging digital footprint that may prevent them from getting hired.

Before determining who to hire, 70 percent of companies screen potential applicants and look at their social media, with 18 percent of employees losing their job due to their social media posts, according to a September 2022 study by CareerBuilder, a company that helps employers hire in the United States. “Sometimes some people’s social media tell a lot more about somebody than an interview,” said Rithika Mothukuri, a senior media studies and production major.

A 17-year-old lost out on a job opportunity after the company performed a background check and saw her videos on TikTok, Buzzfeed reported. Many of the videos shared overly personal stories, which was enough to cost her a job.

Therefore, students should ensure a search for their name doesn’t surface inappropriate content because even one unprofessional post could potentially ruin job opportunities. They should perform a digital declutter if there is such content though it may be very challenging to do that. So the most important is to refrain (避免) from posting content that contributes to a negative image in the first place.

“I never had anything controversial or something that could get me fired from a workplace or school or something, but there are many cases of that happening and we should be learning from their mistakes,” said Kieran Mc Carney, a junior social work major.

While having a clean digital is important, it’s also important that students avoid doing anything that can be considered inappropriate in their real life. In this way, even others cannot post inappropriate images or videos of them on social media.

1. What problem is discussed in the second paragraph?
A.Students have too many reckless behaviors in life.
B.Social media platforms could harm students’ future
C.Too much inappropriate content is present on social media.
D.What students post online may damage their images.
2. Why does the author mention that September 2022 study conducted by CareerBuilder?
A.To recommend a way of understanding people.
B.To show interviews have become less important.
C.To show most companies consider social media content.
D.To prove companies are cautious when hiring people.
3. What does the underlined word “declutter” in Para-graph 5 mean?
4. Which of the following statements shows the author’s opinion?
A.Content founded on social media platforms is very reliable.
B.Students should avoid inappropriate behavior in life.
C.Companies shouldn’t care about people’s personal life.
D.Students should stop posting anything on social media.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了一款能将猫叫翻译成普通英语的手机应用MeowTalk Cat Translator (喵星人翻译软件),尽管有的翻译并不准确,但是它能帮助人们与他们的猫建立更好、更牢固的关系。

【推荐1】My cat, Momo, will meow (喵喵叫) when she is hungry and when she is full, or sometimes for what appears to be no real reason at all.

The moment I downloaded MeowTalk Cat Translator, a mobile app that could change Momo’s meows into plain English, she shut up right away. For two days I failed to appeal a sound. On Day 3, out of hopelessness, I decided to pick her up while she was eating. Momo screamed. The app gave a translation: “I’m happy!”I was doubtful. But MeowTalk provided a more reasonable translation about a week later, when I returned from a four-day trip. Upon seeing me, Momo meowed. “Nice to see you,” the app translated. Then: “Let me rest.”

MeowTalk is the product of a growing interest in joining additional intelligence to explain animal communication. Machine-learning systems, which are able to extract patterns from large data sets, can tell the difference between the sounds that cats make when they are happy and those that they give off when they are in pain. “We’re trying to understand what cats are saying and give them a voice,” said Javier Sanchez, a founder of MeowTalk. “We want to use this to help people build better and stronger relationships with their cats.”

MeowTalk uses algorithms (演算法) to identify cat sounds made in a variety of contexts. The app analyzes cat sounds in real-time, to know the intention of cats. It then displays a conversational, plain English “translation” of whatever intention it discovers, such as Momo’s annoyed “Let me rest”. MeowTalk uses the sounds it collects to improve its algorithms and its performance.

The world can be a lonely place, especially so in the last few years. Finding new ways to connect with other creatures can be a much needed comfort. Personally, I would pay at least two figures for an app that could help me know whether my dog truly needs to go outside or just wants to see if the neighbor has put bread out for birds.

1. What does the author want to prove by telling her story of Momo?
A.Technology is helping Momo to shut up.
B.MeowTalk doesn’t always work correctly.
C.The translation app for pets is fashionable.
D.It is really hard to meet the needs of Momo.
2. What is the app MeowTalk expected to do?
A.Collect the data of animals’ voice.
B.Make animals communicate with each other.
C.Help people have a close relationship with pets.
D.Inspire people’s interest in machine-learning.
3. What is the fourth paragraph mainly about?
A.How the app works actually.
B.How pet owners react to the app.
C.How pets express their intentions.
D.How the app knows the need of pets.
4. What’s the attitude of the author toward translation apps?
2023-05-17更新 | 71次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Apps play tricks on you to turn an activity into a habit. It’s not necessarily a bad thing to encourage healthy behaviors such as exercising with the help of apps or playing word games.     1     Here’s how to recognize when your tech habit might be an unwelcome addiction, and practical steps for you to take back control.

Do a cost-benefit analysis (分析).

It’s hard to be mindful of why you start a habit or do what you do.     2     A promise of a reward for exercising more with an app could motivate you when you feel lazy. But if you’re so motivated by the reward that you ignore signs your body needs a rest, then it might be an unhealthy habit.

Trick yourself.

    3     Then a small device that cuts off your home internet connection at 10 o’clock every night can be of help. You could have pulled yourself out of bed to turn the Wi-Fi back on, but this extra effort may be enough to break unwanted bedtime scrolling (刷屏).


It can be helpful to plan in advance activities that might be a distraction. If your teen knows he’s allowed one hour on YouTube at 7 p.m., then he can relax without wasting time thinking about when he’ll be able to have access to his favorite app.

Make it a joint effort.

If we just leave the job of controlling tech overuse to individuals or parents, that’s crazy. Tech companies, schools, and governments all have a responsibility. A few schools lock up students’ phones so they can’t use them during the school day.     5    

A.Make full use of a digital timer.
B.Schedule some time especially for your habit.
C.But even a good habit can cross the line into overuse.
D.However, we can reward ourselves with something we like.
E.Are you so addicted to your phone that it is ruining your sleep at night?
F.That’s why you need consider whether a habit is benefiting or hurting you.
G.Governments can also limit the time young people spend playing video games.
2023-05-31更新 | 118次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Internet communication is having a positive influence on education in and out of the classroom. The Internet provides the opportunity for people anywhere in the world to access quality educational services from the comfort of their home. The Internet allows you to have access to educational opportunities on your schedule, and at your own pace.

Classroom usage of computers in the United States began in the early 1980s, with applications limited to software packages that provided drill and practice by students. By the early 1990s, most classrooms in the United States had a computer the teacher could use to aid in the presentation of academic material. By the late 1990s Internet usage became widespread, becoming a significant factor in classroom instruction. The late 1990s also saw the rise of Internet based post-secondary educational programs that allow students to earn a college degree without attending a class in a traditional institution.

Internet usage opens the entire world of information and communication to students. Students can access libraries from any city of the world at any time day or night. Students can have 24 hour access to all materials needed to complete an assignment.

Students using computer technology and communication tools to research, develop and publish school projects develop critical thinking skills that are essential in decision making processes. Teachers need to equip students with a new set of skills which will enable them to locate, analyze, evaluate, and synthesize the vast amounts of information available. Students must become information managers.

Students who learn to use computers and the Internet proficiently (熟练地) develop competencies that are required in the 21st century workplace. Internet usage allows students and workers to communicate efficiently, increasing productively and facilitating creative thinking. The pace of technological change is forcing students to continue learning new skills and responsibilities. The reality of rapid change will challenge established instructional methods, and will transform schools into technological training centers.

1. What can computer technology and communication tools benefit students?
A.Entering libraries freely.
B.Making essential decisions.
C.Being information managers.
D.Gaining important thinking skills.
2. What makes students pursue new skills continuously?
A.The high pace of modem society.
B.The rapid change of technology.
C.The tendency of classroom teaching.
D.The development of teaching methods.
3. Which of the following can replace the underlined word “competencies”?
4. What would be the best title for the text?
A.The influence of the Internet on education
B.How to improve classroom teaching online?
C.The relationship between Internet and education
D.Why Internet communication is so important?
2018-03-11更新 | 100次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般