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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:42 题号:21364317

A small robot that can change its shape and produce heat shows potential in targeting cancer cells and preventing internal bleeding. It can also be used for delivering drugs directly to tumors (肿瘤) or inaccessible areas within the human body.

Researchers, led by Ren Hao Soon at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Stuttgart, Germany, developed a centimeter-sized robot inspired by pangolins (穿山甲). It is constructed with soft and magnetic (磁性的) materials, allowing the robot to change its shape. To enable movement, shape shifting, and heat generation, the researchers applied magnetic fields to the robot’s metal parts. By adjusting the frequency of these fields, the robot was able to heat up and give out heat into its surroundings. The team observed that the robot’s body temperature could be over 70℃.

In addition, the researchers used the robot’s heat to deliver substances within a simulated (模拟的) stomach environment. They attached something simulating medicine capsules onto the robot, which dissolved upon heating, thereby releasing the goods. This technique holds promise for targeted drug delivery inside the body.

Soon, his team also tested the robot’s ability to halt bleeding. They created wounds using a dead pig’s stomach. By pumping blood through a small incision using a syringe, they simulated bleeding. Subsequently, the robot extended and covered the area, giving out heat to help stop bleeding.

According to Jake Abbott from the University of Utah, the robot could potentially be employed for targeted destruction of tumor cells, reducing the need for exposing large amounts of tissue to radiation or chemicals. By raising the robot’s temperature to a level unsafe for normal cells and keeping it in place for a few minutes, cancer cells can be killed.

1. What can we know about the small robot from the text?
A.It was born out of inspiration from the natural world.
B.It can be applied to targeting cancer cells and goods delivery.
C.It can be used to deliver substances to inaccessible rural areas.
D.It can generate heat constructed with specially-selected materials.
2. How do the researchers make the robot deliver goods?
A.By using magnets.B.By using heat.
C.By using radiation.D.By using chemicals.
3. What does the underlined word “halt” in paragraph 5 mean?
4. Which can be the best title for the text?
A.Tiny Robots Will Be Used In Medicine.
B.Tiny Robots Will Be Made to Give Out Heat.
C.Small Robots Will Be Made To Deliver Goods.
D.Small Robots Have Been Used To Cure Tumors.
【知识点】 发明与创造 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Many got sleepless nights after Sora amazed the world with its remarkable ability of creating videos directly from text instructions. Discussions about what the artificial intelligence model can do and make a difference continue.

Some said it could give a huge blow to traditional industries such as film and television making, looking forward to the day when a movie can be created right after a novel is put into the model. But others remain skeptical about how powerful the model can be in changing the landscape of AI application.

Developed by a group of young talent from Microsoft-backed company OpenAI, the text-to-video model can generate videos up to a minute long while maintaining visual quality.

Shen Yang, a professor at the School of Journalism and Communication, Tsinghua University, said, “Sora represents a revolutionary leap in the field of AI-generated content (AIGC).”

As one of the leading scholars in AI research in China, Shen leads a team that studies the philosophy of AI. Until he learned about Sora, Shen was quite satisfied with his team’s AI-generated videos. A two-minute video on the Spring Festival produced by Shen’s team have recently won many likes on social media platforms. “Compared with the new model Sora, what we used are tools of the previous generation. There’s a huge gap in between,” said Shen.

As a frequent user of AI, Shen said the technology not only helps improve his productivity, but also benefits his daily life. His wife was suffering from cancer, and he used AI to assist in finding treatment, which has remarkably prolonged her life. He even wrote an award-winning science fiction novel using A.

However, new technologies do not mean good news to everyone. Many also concern about AI models’ safety issues since related regulations are lagging behind.

Sora is going to bring changes in many fields, including short video, film and television, news, games, advertising, education, and even industrial manufacturing, according to Shen. There is still much room to improve AI models. For instance, current AI models are not capable of drawing characters accurately and quickly. Shop signs lack meaning in Sora’s demo video showing a woman walking down a street in Tokyo. But these problems are believed to be solved as models update.

1. Which of the following might replace the underlined word in Paragraph 2?
2. What can we know from the passage?
A.All people cannot benefit from the new AI technologies.
B.AI model’s safety isn’t concerning despite lagging legal restrictions.
C.The AI-generated videos by Shen Yang’s team were better than those created by Sora.
D.The text-to-video model was developed by a group of young talent from Tsinghua University.
3. What kind of attitude does Shen have towards Sora?
4. Which of the following is the best title?
A.Sora: An AI video.B.Video Making: AI Models.
C.Sora: A Powerful AI Tool.D.Video Making: Future of AI.
2024-05-20更新 | 26次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Researchers at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras have been working on a fascinating new way to identify people: using the ways of their breath. This idea could change how we unlock our phones and access secure places.

The key to this technology lies in the way we breathe out. Every person has a unique way of breathing air, which creates specific turbulence (涡流) patterns. The IIT Madras team, led by Prof. Mahesh Panchagnula, has developed a method of catching these unique patterns and using them as a biometric (生物特征识别的) signature, similar to how fingerprints are used today.

They conducted tests with breath samples from 94 people and found that their system could correctly confirm the person’s identity with an impressive accuracy of 97%. However, when it came to identifying someone without knowing who they were beforehand, the accuracy was around 50%. This means the technology is great at confirming if someone is who they claim to be, but it still needs improvement in recognizing people without any prior information. What makes this research exciting is its potential beyond just unlocking phones. It could play a significant role in personalized medicine. Since the way we breathe can give insights into our health, this technology could help doctors tailor treatments to individual patients more effectively.

In a similar study at Kyushu University in Japan, researchers developed an artificial system that identifies people based on how their breath smells. This system showed a high accuracy rate of 97.8% in identifying individuals. However, this method currently requires people to fast (禁食) for six hours before testing, indicating that it still needs to be improved to be more practical for everyday use.

These advancements in using human breath for identification are not just about adding another cool feature to our smartphones. They represent a significant step forward in biometric technology, which could have far-reaching implications in security, medicine, and personal technology. This research at IIT Madras and Kyushu University is pioneering a new way of using the unique patterns of our breath for identification purposes, potentially revolutionizing (变革) how we interact with technology and receive medical care.

1. What makes the new technology possible according to paragraph 2?
A.The distinctive breath smells.B.The unique patterns of breath.
C.The different patterns of fingerprints.D.The speed of taking in air.
2. What does the experiment by Kyushu University imply?
A.To eat no food for 6 hours is practical in everyday life.
B.To eat fast is a basic requirement for a higher accuracy rate.
C.The system is workable and will soon appear on the market.
D.Breath smells affected by food can decrease the accuracy rate.
3. How can the system by the IIT Madras team affect people?
A.It helps raise people’s awareness of health.B.It will let people better understand their breath.
C.It makes unlocking our phones more easily.D.It will introduce new ways to develop medicine.
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.Should We Still Use Fingerprints to Unlock Our Phone?
B.Fingerprint Patterns Can Identify Breath Types Easily
C.A Breath “Fingerprint” Could Be Used to Unlock Your Phone
D.Which Unlocking Method Is More Secure, Breath or Fingerprint?
2024-05-07更新 | 97次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Innovations are not always welcome. In 1589 William Lee made his way to the English court, hoping to be granted a patent for his invention, a knitting machine. Queen Elizabeth I turned him down: "Consider what the invention could do to my poor subjects," she commanded. "It would assuredly bring ruin to them by robbing them of employment."

The fears of Good Queen Bess have echoed down the centuries—from the Luddites, who destroyed textile machinery in the early 19th century, to John F. Kennedy, who warned of the dangers of automation during his presidential campaign of 1960. In the 21st century the concerns have switched to robots and artificial intelligence (AI); 30% of American workers believe their jobs are likely to be replaced by robots and computers in their lifetime

In the past the relationship between machine and human labor has been driven by two factors: the substituting effect, which caused people to lose jobs, and the complementing effect, which allowed employees to do their work more productively. Mr. Susskind worries that, in the future, the substituting effect will take over. Advances in Al have been so rapid that machines will eventually be better than people at most activities, he says, and so will be the "default(默认)choice" for performing them. A few highly paid humans will still be employed, but the rest will either struggle to find work or fall into the "precariat", stuck in jobs that are not just poorly paid but also unstable and stressful.

This depressing view of the impact of technology is plausible(貌似有理的). But so is a more optimistic outlook, as the economist Roger Bootle showed in his book. Mr. Bootle argued that Al and robotics would improve productivity and economic growth, and release people from performing the most lengthy tasks. As for employment, there will always be demand for services with the human touch. Perhaps, the truth is that it is impossible to be sure whether the latest advances will in the end have mainly good or bad economic effects.

1. What's the purpose of the examples in Paragraphs 1 and 2?
A.To tell people how many inventions are made.
B.To remind people how important the machines are.
C.To demonstrate the possible dangers to human beings.
D.To show some people's attitude towards new inventions.
2. What is the meaning of the underlined word "precariat"?
A.People who have stable jobs.B.People who like their jobs.
C.People who are stuck in bad jobs.D.People whose jobs are well-paid.
3. What is the author's attitude towards AI?
4. Which statement is TRUE according to Roger Bootle?
A.The impact of technology is depressing.
B.He showed a pessimistic attitude to technogy in his book.
C.AI and robotics would harm productivity and economic growth.
D.AI and robotics release people from performing long and tiring tasks.
2021-02-09更新 | 82次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般