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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:149 题号:21387338

Individuals tend to befriend others similar to them for a range of physical factors (e. g. age, gender).To test whether friendship is connected with increased similarity of real-time mental responding, researchers used fMRI (功能性磁共振成像) to scan subjects’ brains during free viewing of naturalistic movies.

Forty-two students participated in the study by Professor Carolyn Parkinson of the University of California, Los Angeles. During the fMRI study, each subject watched the same collection of video parts. The videos covered a variety of topics and genres (e.g. comedies, documentaries, and debates).

The current results suggest that nerve responses when viewing audiovisual (视听的) movies are exceptionally similar among friends, and they are quite alike to one another in terms of how they perceive, interpret, and react to the world around them. These data also demonstrate that it is possible to predict whether two individuals are friends based only on the similarity of temporary patterns in their nerve responses during free viewing of complex, real-world scenes.

A follow-up study analyzing the social relationships of 1,186 children in 49 classrooms showed that similarity of the social brain varied by friendship distance: shared friends showed greater similarity in social brain networks compared with friends-of-friends and even more remotely connected peers.

“Although the results of the current study suggest that friends have incredibly similar nerve responses to naturalistic stimulation, due to this study’s cross-sectional nature, we cannot figure out, based on these results alone, whether nerve response similarity is a cause or consequence of friendship,” Dr Anna Machin, an evolutionary anthropologist(人类学家)said. She described how two tightly bonded people mirror each other’s behavior. Best friends may have similar heart beats, body temperature and hormonal responses.“ It’s as if every part of your body is engaged in having a relationship with that person,” said Machin. “That for me sums up how important best friends are. We wouldn’t have developed this way if those relationships weren’t critical for survival.”

1. Why did the researchers carry out the fMRI study?
A.To find out the effects of fMRI.
B.To help the students analyze videos.
C.To test whether the students are true friends.
D.To check if friendship goes with nerve responses.
2. What does the underlined word “genres” in paragraph 2 mean?
3. What can be learned about the findings of the studies?
A.Friends have the same mental responses.
B.It is impossible to tell whether two are friends.
C.Friendship distance affects similarity of the social brain.
D.Stronger relationships bring about more similar appearance.
4. What can we infer from Machin’s words?
A.Friendship is of great significance in our life.
B.Nerve response similarity is a cause of friendship.
C.Naturalistic stimulation leads to friends’ similar responses.
D.We develop because relationships are unimportant for survival.
2024·云南红河·一模 查看更多[3]


阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】America is a mobile society. Friendships between Americans can be close and real, yet disappear soon if situations change. Neither side feels hurt by this. Both may exchange Christmas greetings for a year or two, perhaps a few letters for a while — then no more. If the same two people meet again by chance, even years later, they pick up the friendship. This can be quite difficult for us Chinese to understand, because friendships between us flower more slowly but then may become lifelong feelings, extending (延伸) sometimes deeply into both families.

Americans are ready to receive us foreigners at their homes, share their holidays, and their home life. They will enjoy welcoming us and be pleased if we accept their hospitality (好客) easily.

Another difficult point for us Chinese to understand Americans is that although they include us warmly in their personal everyday lives, they don’t show their politeness to us if it requires a great deal of time. This is usually the opposite of the practice in our country where we may be generous with our time. Sometimes, we, as hosts, will appear at airports even in the middle of the night to meet a friend. We may take days off to act as guides to our foreign friends. The Americans, however, express their welcome usually at homes, but truly can not manage the time to do a great deal with a visitor outside their daily routine. They will probably expect us to get ourselves from the airport to our own hotel by bus. And they expect that we will phone them from there. Once we arrive at their homes, the welcome will be full, warm and real. We will find ourselves treated hospitably.

For the Americans, it is often considered more friendly to invite a friend to their homes than to go to restaurants, except for purely business matters. So accept their hospitality at home!

1. The writer of this passage must be ______________.
A.an AmericanB.a Chinese
C.a professorD.a student
2. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Friendships between Americans usually extend deeply into their families.
B.Friendships between Americans usually last for all their lives.
C.Americans always show their warmth even if they are very busy.
D.Americans will continue their friendships again even after a long break.
3. From the last two paragraphs we can learn that when we arrive in America to visit an American friend, we will probably be ______________.
A.warmly welcomed at the airportB.offered a ride to his home
C.treated hospitably at his homeD.treated to dinner in a restaurant
4. The underlined words “generous with our time” in Paragraph 3 probably mean __.
A.strict with timeB.serious with time
C.careful with timeD.willing to spend time
5. This passage is mainly talking about “______________”.
A.Americans’ and Chinese’s views of friendships
B.Americans’ hospitality
C.Friendships between Americans
D.Friendships between Chinese
2016-11-26更新 | 367次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Develop Better Relationships with Neighbors

Good neighbors are a lot like electricity or running water: We don't know how much we depend on them until we don't have them. They make our lives more pleasant and give us a sense of who we are, both as an individual and as a member of the community.     1    .

Strike up a conversation. Often neighbors don't even know each other’ s names. But it's okay to be the one to break the ice, even if you’ve lived next door for years.     2    . So as you see them at work in their yards, smile, wave, and say hello. Ask how their kids are, whether they could use an extra cucumber from your garden, or what they think of the price at the local supermarket.

Reach out to the newcomers. These days, the old Welcome Wagon is a thing of the past. But your new neighbors may be feeling lonely and unsure, especially if they' re far from home, and might appreciate a friendly face bearing fresh-baked chocolate cakes.     3    . Recommend the best places to eat and sleep. Invite them over for coffee or tea when they get settled, give them your number, and point to your house as you say goodbye. Avoid causing inconveniences.     4    . Replace anything that belongs to your neighbor. Make sure that your car is not blocking their doorway. Such random acts of consideration will have your neighbors talking and the talk will be good.

    5    . In a good relationship, it's really the little things that count. Help to bring in the mail for the elderly neighbor when there is a heavy rain. When your neighbor forgets to take in his rubbish cans, roll them back into his yard. If you' re truly concerned, you' ll know when your neighbor needs some cheering up-a bunch of flowers or a helping hand when it' s needed. All it takes to develop your relationship with neighbors is the respect for their feelings.

A.Care about the details
B.Make time for friendships
C.Return anything that you borrow from a neighbor
D.If they have kids, tell them where the children in the neighborhood live
E.Most neighbors enjoy making small talk with the folks on the other side of the fence
F.Here's how to develop your relationships with these very important people in your life
G.This way, you will know what your neighbors are like so that you can plan for proper food and music
2019-03-27更新 | 113次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】The other day, my friend Sara was telling me about a relationship with her colleague that was broken beyond repair. The two of them had been close. And then one day, Sara had, with the best intentions, done something that her colleague had completely misunderstood and had taken offense at.

Things became worse. Sara didn’t know what to say or do. She didn’t know how to repair the relationship. She began to get angry at her colleague for misunderstanding her and judging her. She felt justified in her anger. The two of them still were not really speaking and certainly weren’t working together. The team, and their output, were suffering.

It was time to do something to rectify the situation. I asked Sara what she needed. After much thought, she told me that she needed her colleague to be willing to listen to her with an open mind, to at least consider that she hadn’t meant any harm by what she’d done and to apologize for taking things so seriously and making things so bad.

“Ah…” I said to her. “You want an apology.” I then asked her, “What do you think your colleague might want?” I asked.

She didn’t answer.

“Did you ever apologize?” I asked her. She shook her head no. “Do you think you might want to apologize?” I asked her. She shrugged her shoulders… then shook her head yes.

Sometimes we take so long to apologize. We justify our unwillingness, saying it won’t really make a difference. Or they should apologize first. Or we didn’t mean any harm and they misunderstood us. But I’ve found that an apology—a true, heartfelt apology—can work wonders. It can repair the unrepairable. It can fix just about anything.

1. What happened between Sara and her colleague?
A.They decided to quit the job together.
B.They spoke ill of each other.
C.They were badly annoyed with each other.
D.They criticized each other’s poor work performance.
2. What does the underlined word “rectify” in paragraph 3 probably mean?
3. What did the author advise Sara to do?
A.Accept her colleague’s apology.B.Wait for her colleague to apologize.
C.Apologize to her colleague first.D.Justify herself to her colleague.
4. What is the author’s purpose in writing the passage?
A.To stress the importance of an apology.
B.To explain how to apologize effectively.
C.To show how to respond to others’ apology.
D.To offer advice on getting along with colleagues.
2021-08-26更新 | 230次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般