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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:24 题号:21410273

We all know that water is tasteless. But it happens from time to time: you pick up the bottle of water you didn’t finish yesterday, and it tastes strange. Most often, you tend to drop the bottle in the trash bin, believing that the water has gone bad. But is it true?

According to Time, of course not, taste has little to do with quality of water.

According to Time, when water is exposed to the air for 12 hours, CO2 interacts with the H2O in the water, and the pH value lowers slightly. As a result, the water has a different taste.

“But it’s most likely safe to drink,” Norwegian expert Truls Krogh told Science Nordic. “If the water is covered and of good quality to start with, in principle it can last a thousand years. That’s because when water is fresh, it contains little organic matter. As long as water is held in clean glasses or bottles, no pollutants will enter it to harm our health.”

People in countries like the US, the UK and Australia usually drink tap water. According to Time, if tap water is drunk within six months, the chlorine(氯气)in the water will be enough to kill any bacteria and keep it safe to drink.

However, there are also some exceptions. If you accidentally put your fingers into water or store water in unclean containers day after day, microorganism (微生物) will enter the water.

With the help v of surrounding temperature, and sunlight streaming through windows, these microorganisms multiply quickly. Sooner or later, the water will be in the charge of the unfriendly bacteria. And if you drink the water too often, then you’re more likely to be ill.

And what about water in plastic bottles? Heat and plastic are a bad combination, US researcher Kellogg Schwab stresses. When plastic bottles are used at high temperatures, they produce a chemical called BPA.BPA is something that affects hormones (荷尔蒙) and research has tentatively linked it to “several health damage, including heart disease and cancer”, Time reported.

Schwab suggests replacing disposable (一次性的) plastic bottles with the refillable containers made of metal or glass to deal with BPA.

1. The purpose of the first paragraph is to ________.
A.show an exampleB.draw a conclusion
C.set a backgroundD.introduce a topic
2. What can we infer from the passage?
A.BPA does little harm to our health.
B.Tap water is always safe to drink.
C.Microorganisms are easy to produce in the heat.
D.Disposable plastic bottles have been forbidden already.
3. What can be the best title of the passage?
A.Why Is Water Tasteless?B.How to Get Clean Water
C.Does Water Really Go Bad?D.Learn to Protect Water
【知识点】 科普知识 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Education appears to protect older adults especially women,against memory loss,according to a study by investigators at Georgetown University Medical Center.

The study tested declarative memory in 704 older adults (58—98 years of age).Declarative memory refers to our ability to remember events,facts,and words,such as where you put your keys or the name of that new neighbor.The investigators found that their memory performance became progressively worse with aging.However,more years of early-life education countered these losses,especially in women.

For example,the declarative memory abilities of an 80-year-old woman with a bachelor’s degree would be as good as those of a 60-year-old woman with a high school education.So,four extra years of education make up for the memory losses from 20 years of aging.

“Simply said,learning brings about learning,” says the study’s senior investigator,Michael Ullman.“Since learning new information in declarative memory is easier if it is related to knowledge we already have,more knowledge from more education should result in better memory abilities,even years later,” adds the study’s lead author,Jana Reifegerste.

“Evidence suggests that girls often have better declarative memory than boys,so education may lead to greater knowledge gains in girls,” says Ullman.“Education may thus particularly benefit memory abilities in women,even years later in old age.”

The study tested individuals in a non-Western population.Participants varied in the number of years of education,from none at all to graduate studies.“Future research is needed to test whether the findings can be generalized to other populations,” Ullman says.

“These findings may be important,especially considering the rapidly aging population globally,” Reifegerste says.“The results argue for further efforts to increase access to education.”

“Education has also been found to delay the beginning of Alzheimer’s disease,” Ullman says.“We believe that our findings may shed light on why this occurs.”

1. What does the passage mainly talk about?
A.Declarative memory abilities fail with aging.
B.Women should try to obtain a bachelor’s degree.
C.Learning regularly helps improve old adults’ memory.
D.Early-life education helps prevent memory loss in old age.
2. What does the underlined word “countered” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?
3. What may the research findings help to do?
A.Slow down the process of aging.
B.Promote the development of education.
C.Advance the study of Alzheimer’s disease.
D.Ensure the equal rights of women’s education.
2023-08-07更新 | 19次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Finding perfect places for launching

The Shenzhou XIV crew members began their six-month mission on June 5. When the crews mission finishes around the end of 2022, the Tiangong space station will be fully operational, according to China Daily.

Developments have been made not only in space, but also on Earth. There are currently six satellite launch sites in China, including Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in Gansu, Xichang Satellite Launch Center in Sichuan, Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center in Shanxi and Wenchang. Spacecraft Launch Site in Hainan ;and two newly constructed ones:China Oriental Spaceport in Shandong and Xiangshan Satellite Launch Center in Zhejiang. How are the launch sites chosen? Several factors are taken into consideration.

Site location

Launching a spacecraft should consider the Earth’s rotation (自转). The lower the latitude (纬度), the faster the Earth’s rotation. If the satellite’s orbit is in the same direction as the Earth’s rotation, a lower latitude adds to the speed when the satellite is launched, leading to lower fuel costs. Experts claim that if a satellite is launched at the equator, where the Earth’s rotation is the fastest, the fuel usage can be reduced by 5 percent.

Weather conditions

Imagine launching a rocket on a stormy day doesn’t seem possible, does it? The sites require a stable climate with low temperature fluctuations (波动). If the local climate varies dramatically, it is more difficult for scientists to monitor the spacecraft and perform experiments. A stable climate could also reduce variations of experiments since the weather has little effect on the tests. For example, Jiuquan Satellite Launch-Center has perfect weather conditions. Being dry and warm, the site is suitable for launches nearly 300 days a year.

Transportation factors

An ideal launch site should be located in a large space with a small population. But the launch site cannot be located in the middle of nowhere. Launch activities require a big amount of material. Therefore, the site needs to be close enough to transportation infrastructure, such as ports, rails and roads. Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site was constructed near coastal ports, which allows access-to-transportation.

1. According to the text, where is the most fuel-efficient place for launching satellites?
A.Xiangshan Satellite Launch Center.
B.Wenchang Satellite Launch Site.
C.Xichang Satellite Launch Center.
D.Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center.
2. What makes the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center an ideal place for launching satellites?
A.It lies at a relatively low latitude.
B.It is wet and warm throughout the year.
C.There are clear temperature fluctuations day and night.
D.The local climate is nearly steady all year round.
3. Why was Wenchang chosen as a Spacecraft Launch Site?
A.It enjoys access to marine transportation.
B.It is near many research centers.
C.It can provide labor and natural resources.
D.It is located in the middle of nowhere.
2023-10-10更新 | 56次组卷
阅读理解-六选四(约400词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐3】Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

There’s no denying crows are smart. They can remember where food has been hidden, recognize faces and craft tools. And, according to a new paper in Scientific Reports, some crows can even make those tools from memory. This skill may point to these clever corvids having a sort of culture of their own.

Researchers, led by Sarah Jelbert at the University of Cambridge, worked specifically with New Caledonian crows.     1     But experts haven’t been able to make sure where the crows pick up their skills. A bird in one area can construct the same tool as another bird miles away — but there’s no evidence bird one watched bird two build the gadget in order to copy it. And New Caledonian crows don’t really have a language, either.

    2     Jelbert and her team had a hunch(预感) that it was because the birds were building based on the memory of tools they’d seen.

To test this, the group trained eight crows to place pieces of paper into a pseudo-vending machine (really just a wooden box) to get a treat.     3     Once they learned which sizes were rewarded, Jelbert and her team then gave the feathered participants large cards; the birds could fashion these into the coin sizes they’d picked up on earlier. Importantly, the crows didn’t get any sort of template(模板) when they were working with the big cards. And the birds snipped them into pieces that were similar in size to the coins they’d learned would get them treats.

Given the lack of a template to copy, it seems the crows were able to construct mental images of the coins and use it to replicate a tool.     4     These birds can see something and not just build it from memory, but potentially make improvements in their designs. “Most importantly,” the authors say in the study, “an improvement made by a crow during its lifetime could become part of the template learnt by subsequent generations, leading to an increase in tool complexity over time.” And this progression is a key component of cultural progression.

Jelbert and her team recognize there’s still work to be done to see if their hypothesis is solid, like testing how long the crows can remember their mental images of the tools.

A.So if they’re not building by imitation or carrying out instructions, how is this knowledge getting passed around?
B.Crafting tool is a kind of culture, which can be passed down from generation to generation by crows.
C.However, the crows only got treats when they popped in a paper “coin” of a certain size.
D.These birds, native to the islands of New Caledonia east of Australia, are known for their ability to craft tools.
E.Seeing this in action is important because it supports the idea that New Caledonian crows are capable of building — at least when it comes to crafting tools.
F.Jelbert and her team then gave the crows paper to let them cut into proper size.
2020-02-17更新 | 105次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般